It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!


Yeah, I'm wearing the white shirt (#2053) and the erect posture on the right. The only pictures I have of myself are of races that I've ran, because I don't have a digital camera of my own because I'm poor and so forth.

That was a half-marathon, eight miles up and five bone-jarring, organ-rearranging miles down. It was worth it, though.
I was at a place called Robie Creek, about twelve miles or so from my house in the mountains of southwestern Idaho. That was the front side of the mountain we ran over- the back side was wooded and far more interesting.

me enjoying some cheap jeltzin vodka/Faxe Kondi at the Roskilde festival.

An NCR computer from the early 80's, since i remember someone from the Fallout crew saying it had worked on one once i took this pic with a cellphone, around a year ago.
Wow, you even got the brown shirt, black tie and all.

As Fas Ist as it gets.
Ah, Harvard Square Massachusettes... I mean would you drink water from a nuclear power plant.

And of course, can you spot the odd person out?

**Answer is the white kid with the glasses. The others are my cousins**