It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

I nearly missed my annual photo op! Thankfully, my pals dragged me out to vandalize the zoo in Dvůr Králové nad Labem.

We tamed a hippopotamus!


As you can see, there was no room left at the top, and I possess the stupidest face that has ever walked the Earth. So I had to selflessly sacrifice myself.


The consequences were dire.
Bollocks. I'm visible in the picture, right?

Though, I made the latter grimace on purpose, but I'd hate to meet someone grinning like me in the first picture. Some men are doomed to never smile...
DJ Slamák said:
What is it with you Lithulatvians tacking an 'S' at the end of everything?

I don't know, i've been living here for 2 years myself, but i find the language very attractive.
Slamák; is that a female to the left in the first picture? And are you like, the most popular guy in your group of friends or how come you got to be in the hippos mouth? (Or are you in a communist group of friends in which everyone got to get one picture with them in the mouth?)

You should do yourself a favor and get a tight ponytail. Due to my decision to cut my hair, I won't be able to have one for years :(.

Carib: Great picture. Too bad you're wasting your life sweating on purposein the military when there's alcoholism, slacking and prostitutes.
Luke said:
You should do yourself a favor and get a tight ponytail. Due to my decision to cut my hair, I won't be able to have one for years :(.

Or he should follow your wiser example and cut it off! Enough is enough.

Luke said:
Too bad you're wasting your life sweating on purposein the military when there's alcoholism, slacking and prostitutes.

Too bad you're wasting your life slacking when there's money to be made and perverted Asian countries to visit.

We all started with fallout and moved on too doing such different things in life :(
Chill I think the guy was joking... But you mentioned "perverted Asian countries" and... well that interested me!

Me in Poland in '05 - The Polish Connection... "Have you ever seen a chocolate man?"

But here is the old Rama... back in the day when I lived on the island.
Luke said:
Slamák; is that a female to the left in the first picture?
It is, but hands off, she's taken, apparently. (Not by me.)

And are you like, the most popular guy in your group of friends or how come you got to be in the hippos mouth?
I don't think we evaluate each other in terms of "popularity". We don't even meet all that often.

I volunteered. It's not actually all fun and games; I may be attempting to laugh on the outside, but I was deathly afraid they'd all come crashing down on my legs. (It's not like this thing was made for a bunch of physically adult people to sit on.) That said, the others tried it, too, and the poor animal held out. We didn't even get chased out by guards or anything.

You should do yourself a favor and get a tight ponytail. Due to my decision to cut my hair, I won't be able to have one for years :(.

What do you mean by "tight"? And sorry to hear about your hair, man; get well soon.
That was a typo on my Part Wooz, No, I wasn't in Poland, it was World Youth Day -weltjugentag!- 2005, it was hosted in Koln, Germany. Both chicas were respresenting the Polish folken. And I made some friends...

No rape was involved, but lil children did ask me why my skin was painted brown. It was too funny, I couldn't be insulted.
Carib FMJ said:
No rape was involved, but lil children did ask me why my skin was painted brown. It was too funny, I couldn't be insulted.
euhm, what country were those retards from?
Some lil children from some part of the Eastern Bloc. They were cute. "The Painted Man," sounds like Morgan freeman from Robinhood Prince of Theives.

Either some lost part of Poland or I am thinking some deep part in the Eastern Europe.
If they were from Poland, chances are they were rednecks. We have quite a number of people from all over the world in the capital.


It's "Weltjugendtag"

And most children in Europe will very likely never see a black man unless they live in a big city. The first time I met black people was when I was about 18.
Buxbaum666 said:
And most children in Europe will very likely never see a black man unless they live in a big city.
dont generalise...

most european kids will have seen black people even in the most backwater of towns.

remember our african colonies? yeah, black people came here too afterwards (+ now more & more refugees and economic immigration).