It's not enough.

EnclaveForever said:
I guess the "average gamer" would consider me lame for still playing the older Ghost Recon series, particularly Island of Thunder :D

I had a lil folder w some free games I got years ago, two of those are still favorites, one was Morrowind, another was Ghost Recon, afaik, the first nameholder of the series. That's the one where you go into rebellious Russia, no?
I was very impressed with the pragmatism of that game - stick your nose around the corner of a wall, and have it shot right off! :D
Don'tcha think these dumber games are developed to hold your hand because that's the way society itself is going? Like, kids are being awarded for *losing* these days.

"Oh? You lost? Aw, well, you get this MAGNIFICENT PARTICIPATION AWARD :D"

I think (in a sense) it's the same way with gaming. We've lowered the bar (JAMES CAMERON, WHERE ARE YOU?).

Younger gamers don't understand the concept of a "challenge" because they are far too complacent with where they're at, and will never advance outside of their comfort zone because they're afraid of being uncomfortable (...) all the while not realizing such challenges would help accelerate their growth and cause them to mature.
mobucks said:
I know man turn based is so fucking lame I'd rather have invisible walls and instant health stimpacks all day.

Because the stimpacks in F1 and 2 where not instants either? :P Besides opening up your inventory.. Obviously.
ANd consuming AP thus taking up the place of an attack in that turn?

The problem with them being instant in real time games is that they have no cons to using them so you can spam them as you shoot.
Walpknut said:
ANd consuming AP thus taking up the place of an attack in that turn?

The problem with them being instant in real time games is that they have no cons to using them so you can spam them as you shoot.

Yet you can spam them as much as you want AND reload AND change any weapon armor AND use any drugs you want for 1 ap 2 if my memory is correct. That is the same for a single reload.

Just because 1 thing is not as bad doesn't mean it doesn't suck.
Openning the inventory costs 4 Action Points, that's a little less than half of your maximum AP. Equipped they use up 2 AP for each shot but they take the slot of a potential secondary weapon, and spamming them and using all your AP on them leaves you open to a round of punishment. It's not perfect but is not nearly as bad as the Insta Healing with no drawbacks from Fallout 3. At least New Vegas makes them ehal over time in Hardcore mode and they introduced stuff like Poison Damage to the game.
Akratus said:

The one thing I disagree is the original reason for regenerating health, in that it was born IMO because the standard health-pack based mechanic didn't work very well with an FPS with only hitscan weapons.
Walpknut said:
spamming them and using all your AP on them leaves you open to a round of punishment.

Thats leaves the possibility of a lot of death causing criticals.