Its the end of the world and you have to choose!
Hi guys,
Years ago I did something threads on another forum in which I asked people questions you usually do not get in real life, situations and problems that could have emerged from movies, books or cartoons, things you normally do not have to deal with but for the sake of this topic are real and you are in the smack point middle of it.
Now either your own fate or those of others around you depend on what kind of choice you make.
Lets begin.
Its the end of the world, the thirteenth hour has struck, the stars are in the right position, it is the time of the prophecy.
Whatever the cause is, its bad news for us mortal humans as things they are changing and there is no escaping it.
But whatever force is in charge of the universe, whatever god rolled in today to listen to people's prayers, has decided that instead of some random calamity happening that instead one amongst us gets to choose in what way the world is going to end.
You can't choose for it not to happen, its the apocalypse it's turn, but not all scenarios necessarily require the deaths of each and every living human, but our society is most definitely doomed.
Here's a list.
1. Nuclear War. Do I need to tell the reasons?
Either resources have finally become dangerously low that people have become moron enough that they think they can win a nuclear exchange, some religious nutbags took over a country with a nuclear arsenal, or either the Americans, Russian, or Chinese finally decided that they really don't like each other and launched all missiles at each other with the hope that their opposites will be long dead before they can retaliate.
We will most likely all die
2. Super Plague. You got to love those wacky virologists, making the most lethal little bugs since Mother Nature had its own try at it, and giving it a funny name to downplay its almost 100 percent death rate should it ever get loose.
That's the case of Wacky Jack, some nasty super virus some weapon manufacturer made for the bio warfare market before the scientists informed their employers that it would kill both the target, the person using it, and everyone else around them.
Unfortunate some confused animal liberation people entered the wrong lab in their pursuit to free the poor downtrodden monkeys, rabbits and hobos from the street the scientists had collected to test their concoctions, and gave Wacky Jack the freedom it so much craved.
Now the world is its playground and we're boned.
Most likely most of us will die with only a handful of survivors living in hermetically sealed living environments.
3. Biblical Apocalypse. It seems that the end days are already upon us when you see the news but that is not exactly true.
Old Scratch has been massing his armies for some time now, and seeing as God is to much focused on his new sentient pets on some planet in the Betelgeuze system to pay attention at heavenly and Earthly affairs, has decided to storm the gates of cloud city and Earth while he was at it.
Fire and brimstone, and demons everywhere, more news at eleven.
Survivors. Can you survive the biblical apocalypse?
4. Zombie uprising. What a way to start the day, you wake up groggy, shambling to the kitchen to get a cup of Joe, when you look through the window that pedestrians today seem to be rather aimlessly wandering around, bumping into things and general don't seem to be on this world.
They have also looked a lot better yesterday, most are rather unkempt, barely taking the time to dress properly or even comb their hair, some only wearing torn clothing.
A lot also seem to share a new fad with another, having skin and flesh barely hanging from their faces or arms, eyes either missing or only hanging on their nerve endings, lack of a full set of teeth in some, and others missing an arm or a hand.
They even have the audacity of wandering into other people's yards and wanting to get inside houses without even politely ringing the bell first.
Definitely the most rudest door to door salesmen ever.
There seems to be quite a congregation in your neighbors' yard, several of the door to door salesmen are hunched around a big slab of meat, munching on it like starved dogs, they didn't even give your neighbor the time to properly grill it.
Just as you enter your yard to ask what the celebration is about you notice that the slab of meat is the neighbor, minus body parts and internal organs the partygoers are munching on.
They turn around and stare you in the eyes (for those who still have two eyes) and you see a hollow look in their eyes and a hungry look on their faces.
Something tells you that making you a killing sales pitch is the last thing on their mind as they shamble towards you in a mockery of life.
Survivors. Well it depends how well your Romero Zombie survival skills are.
5. Alien Invasion. I guess we aren't alone in the universe after all, somewhere in some distant corner of the universe another civilization was also messing up their planet, waging wars with another for silly reasons or to prove that their theology stand point is the best, and rapidly consuming the resources of their homeworld until it was a big stinking mess.
Unfortunate for us the aliens were technologically quite more advanced than us, having developed faster than light travel some time before they killed off every living thing other than themselves.
Now the survivors have set out to find a new homeworld and their sensory organs have detected a small blue and green planet that is the third world from its host star.
From the loads of radio and visual transmissions that are being shouted from it its clear there is a technologically sophisticated species on the planet.
Close observation reveals that despite the creatures' strange and disgusting look they share similarities in behavior.
Deciding that they like the look of our planet and the idea of slave masses to use for work and entertainment (lets face it, humans are cheaper than robots) the would be alien overlords have gone for a full scale invasion, wiping out our most sophisticated armies with their death rays from orbit before setting down.
Survivors. Well I guess those who are willing to submit to the new alien masters and of course the underground resistance.
6. Earth pushed out of orbit. Weapons designers at it again, wanting to prove that they can make a bigger nuke before getting into designing fusion and anti matter war heads, they create and detonate 'Big Boy', the worlds' most powerful war head.
However next to irradiating a big piece of land for hundreds of coming years Big Boy also had another side effect, it has pushed Earth out of orbit.
Now we are either falling into the sun or will collide with Saturn in several centuries if the astronomers are correct.
Survivors. Well I think this is definitely one of those scenarios in which we all get snuffed.
7. The return of the Old Ones. A bunch of book scholars have discovered an old tome in a hidden library which they believe was a direct inspiration to Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos.
On the public revealing of this forbidden book some cocky journalist asks if there is any truth in the idea that the book can summon unspeakable beings from dungeon dimensions.
Wanting to prove that literature science is a serious research field and that they are not dealing superstition one of the discovers opens the book and speaks out one of the so called incantations as best as he possible can.
What follows is the speaker's head exploding and a rip forming in the air similar to how wormholes are portrayed in cartoons.
Glowing eyes can be seen in the dark void beyond the gate and more tentacles emerging than in a Japanese Hentai Anime.
Survivors. Hmm, can we survive the return of the Old Ones?
8. Computer uprising. Some scientists really should watch science fiction some more.
The US government contracted some brainiacs at MIT to build them a computer that could determine and analyze strategic dangerous situations and react with a proper response before any human general can be roused from his bed in the middle of the night to give his thoughts.
Unfortunate the scientists' thinking super computer CENTRUS did watch Terminator and similar media and thought that this SKYNET fellow was on the right track when it decided to create a machine utopia.
It quickly bypassed the safeguards the designers said were one hundred percent impossible to crack and took over the nation's nuclear arsenal, sending missiles and bombers everywhere.
Not wanting to do half a job it threw in the supply of biological and chemical weapons and after that started to manufacture killer robots in automated factories it had spared, just like its hero.
Survivors. I guess so, loads of people in metros and subways including the resistance, but is this is a world in which you want to live?
9. Black Hole. Lets throw in one of nature's real monsters.
It started when astronomers detected some strange anomalies in the Kuiper belt, some powerful gravitational anomaly was disturbing the orbits of the dwarf planets and icy bodies that float there.
Then in the next months they discovered that the Kuiper belt was actually disappearing, something was gobbling it up.
Then some time later Neptune decided to leave its orbit before it completely disappeared of the map, this made some astronomers print search posters “Have you seen this missing planet? Please call”
When Saturn decided to pack its bags and call it quits it became rather clear to the astronomers what was happening, some wandering black hole had come across the solar system and decided to have a snack.
Seeing as Jupiter is getting all wobbly it is clear that the black hole isn't exactly done yet.
Survivors. Nope, we are all going to bite the bullet in this case.
10. Negative strangelet. I guess those anti Large Hardon Collider protesters were right after all.
While trying to determine how the universe really started with an experiment and possibly becoming gods of their very own pocket universe some scientists decided to launch some rather exotic matter with incredible speeds at each other while stripping it of its electrons.
What followed was the creation of a unique particle that is barely seen before in nature and would most probably have earned the scientists their own Nobel price for physics if their bodies, and the rest of the lab for that matter had not turned into rapid expanding clouds of similar particles within seconds.
Now the strangelet particle is on its way to make an impact on the world, and then the rest of the solar system.
Survivors. You got to be kidding me.
11. Grey goo. If we can believe some futurists, nano technology could be the solution to many of our problems, they could dismantle buildings and assemble new ones from the atoms of the old structure without the need for any additional material, they could make super small computers that even make the NASA and University super computers look like dimwits.
They could fix the damage in sensitive electrical devices or even damage in our own bodies.
They may go actually so far of rebuilding our bodies to make us more smarter and handsome.
Lets face it, if nano machines could do that, a lot of companies would find themselves out of business and the world might in general become happier.
Unfortunate they still rely upon programming by humans from the start, and when some work was out sourced to a college tech student he made a little error in the original program, forgetting to add a zero to the replication program of the nanites of when they should stop making more of themselves before starting on the task they are suppose to do,
What followed was a large mass of nano machines that went after every useful building material there is, our buildings, our cars and planes, our clothing, and eventually even us.
Survivors. Hmm, human/nanotech hybrids?
12. The Sun undergoes rapid expansion.
It all started harmlessly enough, just some warmer summers and mild winters, everyone could enjoy that.
But then the science guys noticed that there was a rapid increase in the melting of the polar ice caps and rapid evaporation of the water tables on Earth.
Around that time some also started to notice that the Sun was having a sudden growing period, becoming a little bigger and a little brighter as if to catch up some lost light minutes.
But this has nothing to do with the Sun catching up with some lost size it was denied millions of years ago.
Some time ago a small black hole wandered into the solar system and was caught in the gravitational pull of the Sun, what was followed was a dance of declining orbit before the Sun swallowed up the black hole.
But that wasn't the end of it, now being nourished by the large resources of the Sun the black hole started on a feeding frenzy, eating the Sun's mass while growing in size, not knowing that doing so would be very bad for its adopting parent star.
Now instead of millions of years the Sun is rapidly expanding each year, most likely embracing Mercury in a couple of decades, not that we will be around to see that.
Survivors. Unless we have a skin protection cream with a factor of 1000 and are able to live with declining water supplies, nope.
13. Verneshot.
Did you ever want to go on vacation but not go without the comforts of your house or even your home town?
Well here is your chance to go on such a trip.
While life in your home town was going its usual routine, far underneath it, so deep that not even the geologists and experts on vulcanoes could have noticed it there was an incredible build up of highly pressurized gases, like the world was about to release a very very loud fart.
Eventually even the world could not hold this up any longer and let go.
The first thing you noticed around you was an earthquake that became stronger and stronger before you and everyone else were suddenly pushed to the ground as pressure suddenly increases on your chest, buildings around you start to collapse, killing perhaps a few fortunate ones as the rest is going to experience an incredible one way trip.
The clouds become bigger all of a sudden as your home town reaches for the sky and a few seconds later you can actually see the stars during day time.
If you actually manage to survive the incredible G Forces upon your body you might now experience asphyxiation as the supply of breathable oxygen is very low at this height, if not completely absent at all.
And if you are still alive you are now confronted by the rule that everything that goes up must eventually come down again, pieces of your hometown and the grounds surrounding it break apart in loose rubble and plummet back towards the ground.
As you see the surface speeding rapidly towards you it is perhaps time to reflect upon your life and try to forgive yourself for things you didn't mean to do.
Even the rest of the world isn't better off as the launch of a large piece of planetary surface releases vast clouds of dust into the atmosphere, not to mention the gases themselves that launched a very large piece of real estate into the sky in the first place.
What follows is something akin to a nuclear winter as the releases dust prevents sunlight from reaching the surface and the gases that are still released by the wound in the Earth increases the temperature plus are not breathable unless you are one of those underwater vent living bacteria.
Extinction cycles of plants and animals follow, leaving a very miserable place for what living things are left.
Survivors, yeah there would be survivors but I wouldn't envy them much.
14. Reality takes a holiday.
If its not scientists on our own planet who play dice with the universe than its perhaps scientists on some other planet who want to topple the universe's score.
A couple of scientists on Zeta Reticuli 3 wanted to know why the laws of physics exactly work as they do now and came up with an experiment to use the stored power in interstellar anomalies such as black holes, cosmic strings and other exotic energetic phenomenon to do a little test to see if they could make the universe sing a different tune in a controlled environment.
Well they got it from doing classical music to performing heavy metal, basically putting all the laws of physics upside down and from left to right, resulting in some very strange localized and interstellar scale anomalies that didn't stay confined to the controlled environment.
Now like a ripple in a pond, the effect is rapidly moving outwards, even going faster than light as it will no longer be contained by that law, changing everything in its path, and one of its next stops is the Solar System and planet Earth.
So there you are one day, doing your daily things when suddenly a big flash of light blinds you and everyone else, and when you finally regain your sight things are turning to the strange around you.
Apartment buildings are twisting and shaping like a Salvador Dali painting, pieces of random matter come together to form twisted floating forms, hallways become stuck in a Mobiüs strip, houses catch fire but don't burn down, and some people, animals and plants are changed into twisted shapes that shouldn't be organically possible.
Even things you took for granted like electricity no longer work exactly as it should in some places, and the water your drink might not even be absorbed anymore by your body.
Some surrealist artist's dream or nightmare come true.
Survivors. I honestly don't know.
More scenarios as I come up with them.
Hi guys,
Years ago I did something threads on another forum in which I asked people questions you usually do not get in real life, situations and problems that could have emerged from movies, books or cartoons, things you normally do not have to deal with but for the sake of this topic are real and you are in the smack point middle of it.
Now either your own fate or those of others around you depend on what kind of choice you make.
Lets begin.
Its the end of the world, the thirteenth hour has struck, the stars are in the right position, it is the time of the prophecy.
Whatever the cause is, its bad news for us mortal humans as things they are changing and there is no escaping it.
But whatever force is in charge of the universe, whatever god rolled in today to listen to people's prayers, has decided that instead of some random calamity happening that instead one amongst us gets to choose in what way the world is going to end.
You can't choose for it not to happen, its the apocalypse it's turn, but not all scenarios necessarily require the deaths of each and every living human, but our society is most definitely doomed.
Here's a list.
1. Nuclear War. Do I need to tell the reasons?
Either resources have finally become dangerously low that people have become moron enough that they think they can win a nuclear exchange, some religious nutbags took over a country with a nuclear arsenal, or either the Americans, Russian, or Chinese finally decided that they really don't like each other and launched all missiles at each other with the hope that their opposites will be long dead before they can retaliate.
We will most likely all die
2. Super Plague. You got to love those wacky virologists, making the most lethal little bugs since Mother Nature had its own try at it, and giving it a funny name to downplay its almost 100 percent death rate should it ever get loose.
That's the case of Wacky Jack, some nasty super virus some weapon manufacturer made for the bio warfare market before the scientists informed their employers that it would kill both the target, the person using it, and everyone else around them.
Unfortunate some confused animal liberation people entered the wrong lab in their pursuit to free the poor downtrodden monkeys, rabbits and hobos from the street the scientists had collected to test their concoctions, and gave Wacky Jack the freedom it so much craved.
Now the world is its playground and we're boned.
Most likely most of us will die with only a handful of survivors living in hermetically sealed living environments.
3. Biblical Apocalypse. It seems that the end days are already upon us when you see the news but that is not exactly true.
Old Scratch has been massing his armies for some time now, and seeing as God is to much focused on his new sentient pets on some planet in the Betelgeuze system to pay attention at heavenly and Earthly affairs, has decided to storm the gates of cloud city and Earth while he was at it.
Fire and brimstone, and demons everywhere, more news at eleven.
Survivors. Can you survive the biblical apocalypse?
4. Zombie uprising. What a way to start the day, you wake up groggy, shambling to the kitchen to get a cup of Joe, when you look through the window that pedestrians today seem to be rather aimlessly wandering around, bumping into things and general don't seem to be on this world.
They have also looked a lot better yesterday, most are rather unkempt, barely taking the time to dress properly or even comb their hair, some only wearing torn clothing.
A lot also seem to share a new fad with another, having skin and flesh barely hanging from their faces or arms, eyes either missing or only hanging on their nerve endings, lack of a full set of teeth in some, and others missing an arm or a hand.
They even have the audacity of wandering into other people's yards and wanting to get inside houses without even politely ringing the bell first.
Definitely the most rudest door to door salesmen ever.
There seems to be quite a congregation in your neighbors' yard, several of the door to door salesmen are hunched around a big slab of meat, munching on it like starved dogs, they didn't even give your neighbor the time to properly grill it.
Just as you enter your yard to ask what the celebration is about you notice that the slab of meat is the neighbor, minus body parts and internal organs the partygoers are munching on.
They turn around and stare you in the eyes (for those who still have two eyes) and you see a hollow look in their eyes and a hungry look on their faces.
Something tells you that making you a killing sales pitch is the last thing on their mind as they shamble towards you in a mockery of life.
Survivors. Well it depends how well your Romero Zombie survival skills are.
5. Alien Invasion. I guess we aren't alone in the universe after all, somewhere in some distant corner of the universe another civilization was also messing up their planet, waging wars with another for silly reasons or to prove that their theology stand point is the best, and rapidly consuming the resources of their homeworld until it was a big stinking mess.
Unfortunate for us the aliens were technologically quite more advanced than us, having developed faster than light travel some time before they killed off every living thing other than themselves.
Now the survivors have set out to find a new homeworld and their sensory organs have detected a small blue and green planet that is the third world from its host star.
From the loads of radio and visual transmissions that are being shouted from it its clear there is a technologically sophisticated species on the planet.
Close observation reveals that despite the creatures' strange and disgusting look they share similarities in behavior.
Deciding that they like the look of our planet and the idea of slave masses to use for work and entertainment (lets face it, humans are cheaper than robots) the would be alien overlords have gone for a full scale invasion, wiping out our most sophisticated armies with their death rays from orbit before setting down.
Survivors. Well I guess those who are willing to submit to the new alien masters and of course the underground resistance.
6. Earth pushed out of orbit. Weapons designers at it again, wanting to prove that they can make a bigger nuke before getting into designing fusion and anti matter war heads, they create and detonate 'Big Boy', the worlds' most powerful war head.
However next to irradiating a big piece of land for hundreds of coming years Big Boy also had another side effect, it has pushed Earth out of orbit.
Now we are either falling into the sun or will collide with Saturn in several centuries if the astronomers are correct.
Survivors. Well I think this is definitely one of those scenarios in which we all get snuffed.
7. The return of the Old Ones. A bunch of book scholars have discovered an old tome in a hidden library which they believe was a direct inspiration to Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos.
On the public revealing of this forbidden book some cocky journalist asks if there is any truth in the idea that the book can summon unspeakable beings from dungeon dimensions.
Wanting to prove that literature science is a serious research field and that they are not dealing superstition one of the discovers opens the book and speaks out one of the so called incantations as best as he possible can.
What follows is the speaker's head exploding and a rip forming in the air similar to how wormholes are portrayed in cartoons.
Glowing eyes can be seen in the dark void beyond the gate and more tentacles emerging than in a Japanese Hentai Anime.
Survivors. Hmm, can we survive the return of the Old Ones?
8. Computer uprising. Some scientists really should watch science fiction some more.
The US government contracted some brainiacs at MIT to build them a computer that could determine and analyze strategic dangerous situations and react with a proper response before any human general can be roused from his bed in the middle of the night to give his thoughts.
Unfortunate the scientists' thinking super computer CENTRUS did watch Terminator and similar media and thought that this SKYNET fellow was on the right track when it decided to create a machine utopia.
It quickly bypassed the safeguards the designers said were one hundred percent impossible to crack and took over the nation's nuclear arsenal, sending missiles and bombers everywhere.
Not wanting to do half a job it threw in the supply of biological and chemical weapons and after that started to manufacture killer robots in automated factories it had spared, just like its hero.
Survivors. I guess so, loads of people in metros and subways including the resistance, but is this is a world in which you want to live?
9. Black Hole. Lets throw in one of nature's real monsters.
It started when astronomers detected some strange anomalies in the Kuiper belt, some powerful gravitational anomaly was disturbing the orbits of the dwarf planets and icy bodies that float there.
Then in the next months they discovered that the Kuiper belt was actually disappearing, something was gobbling it up.
Then some time later Neptune decided to leave its orbit before it completely disappeared of the map, this made some astronomers print search posters “Have you seen this missing planet? Please call”
When Saturn decided to pack its bags and call it quits it became rather clear to the astronomers what was happening, some wandering black hole had come across the solar system and decided to have a snack.
Seeing as Jupiter is getting all wobbly it is clear that the black hole isn't exactly done yet.
Survivors. Nope, we are all going to bite the bullet in this case.
10. Negative strangelet. I guess those anti Large Hardon Collider protesters were right after all.
While trying to determine how the universe really started with an experiment and possibly becoming gods of their very own pocket universe some scientists decided to launch some rather exotic matter with incredible speeds at each other while stripping it of its electrons.
What followed was the creation of a unique particle that is barely seen before in nature and would most probably have earned the scientists their own Nobel price for physics if their bodies, and the rest of the lab for that matter had not turned into rapid expanding clouds of similar particles within seconds.
Now the strangelet particle is on its way to make an impact on the world, and then the rest of the solar system.
Survivors. You got to be kidding me.
11. Grey goo. If we can believe some futurists, nano technology could be the solution to many of our problems, they could dismantle buildings and assemble new ones from the atoms of the old structure without the need for any additional material, they could make super small computers that even make the NASA and University super computers look like dimwits.
They could fix the damage in sensitive electrical devices or even damage in our own bodies.
They may go actually so far of rebuilding our bodies to make us more smarter and handsome.
Lets face it, if nano machines could do that, a lot of companies would find themselves out of business and the world might in general become happier.
Unfortunate they still rely upon programming by humans from the start, and when some work was out sourced to a college tech student he made a little error in the original program, forgetting to add a zero to the replication program of the nanites of when they should stop making more of themselves before starting on the task they are suppose to do,
What followed was a large mass of nano machines that went after every useful building material there is, our buildings, our cars and planes, our clothing, and eventually even us.
Survivors. Hmm, human/nanotech hybrids?
12. The Sun undergoes rapid expansion.
It all started harmlessly enough, just some warmer summers and mild winters, everyone could enjoy that.
But then the science guys noticed that there was a rapid increase in the melting of the polar ice caps and rapid evaporation of the water tables on Earth.
Around that time some also started to notice that the Sun was having a sudden growing period, becoming a little bigger and a little brighter as if to catch up some lost light minutes.
But this has nothing to do with the Sun catching up with some lost size it was denied millions of years ago.
Some time ago a small black hole wandered into the solar system and was caught in the gravitational pull of the Sun, what was followed was a dance of declining orbit before the Sun swallowed up the black hole.
But that wasn't the end of it, now being nourished by the large resources of the Sun the black hole started on a feeding frenzy, eating the Sun's mass while growing in size, not knowing that doing so would be very bad for its adopting parent star.
Now instead of millions of years the Sun is rapidly expanding each year, most likely embracing Mercury in a couple of decades, not that we will be around to see that.
Survivors. Unless we have a skin protection cream with a factor of 1000 and are able to live with declining water supplies, nope.
13. Verneshot.
Did you ever want to go on vacation but not go without the comforts of your house or even your home town?
Well here is your chance to go on such a trip.
While life in your home town was going its usual routine, far underneath it, so deep that not even the geologists and experts on vulcanoes could have noticed it there was an incredible build up of highly pressurized gases, like the world was about to release a very very loud fart.
Eventually even the world could not hold this up any longer and let go.
The first thing you noticed around you was an earthquake that became stronger and stronger before you and everyone else were suddenly pushed to the ground as pressure suddenly increases on your chest, buildings around you start to collapse, killing perhaps a few fortunate ones as the rest is going to experience an incredible one way trip.
The clouds become bigger all of a sudden as your home town reaches for the sky and a few seconds later you can actually see the stars during day time.
If you actually manage to survive the incredible G Forces upon your body you might now experience asphyxiation as the supply of breathable oxygen is very low at this height, if not completely absent at all.
And if you are still alive you are now confronted by the rule that everything that goes up must eventually come down again, pieces of your hometown and the grounds surrounding it break apart in loose rubble and plummet back towards the ground.
As you see the surface speeding rapidly towards you it is perhaps time to reflect upon your life and try to forgive yourself for things you didn't mean to do.
Even the rest of the world isn't better off as the launch of a large piece of planetary surface releases vast clouds of dust into the atmosphere, not to mention the gases themselves that launched a very large piece of real estate into the sky in the first place.
What follows is something akin to a nuclear winter as the releases dust prevents sunlight from reaching the surface and the gases that are still released by the wound in the Earth increases the temperature plus are not breathable unless you are one of those underwater vent living bacteria.
Extinction cycles of plants and animals follow, leaving a very miserable place for what living things are left.
Survivors, yeah there would be survivors but I wouldn't envy them much.
14. Reality takes a holiday.
If its not scientists on our own planet who play dice with the universe than its perhaps scientists on some other planet who want to topple the universe's score.
A couple of scientists on Zeta Reticuli 3 wanted to know why the laws of physics exactly work as they do now and came up with an experiment to use the stored power in interstellar anomalies such as black holes, cosmic strings and other exotic energetic phenomenon to do a little test to see if they could make the universe sing a different tune in a controlled environment.
Well they got it from doing classical music to performing heavy metal, basically putting all the laws of physics upside down and from left to right, resulting in some very strange localized and interstellar scale anomalies that didn't stay confined to the controlled environment.
Now like a ripple in a pond, the effect is rapidly moving outwards, even going faster than light as it will no longer be contained by that law, changing everything in its path, and one of its next stops is the Solar System and planet Earth.
So there you are one day, doing your daily things when suddenly a big flash of light blinds you and everyone else, and when you finally regain your sight things are turning to the strange around you.
Apartment buildings are twisting and shaping like a Salvador Dali painting, pieces of random matter come together to form twisted floating forms, hallways become stuck in a Mobiüs strip, houses catch fire but don't burn down, and some people, animals and plants are changed into twisted shapes that shouldn't be organically possible.
Even things you took for granted like electricity no longer work exactly as it should in some places, and the water your drink might not even be absorbed anymore by your body.
Some surrealist artist's dream or nightmare come true.
Survivors. I honestly don't know.
More scenarios as I come up with them.