Its the end of the world and you have to choose!

I guess i would be the one who would never choose zombies... hordes of enemies without anything to lose and no need to rest are the worst enemies to fight.

That is the reason i would go for alien invasion. Technology can be stolen and used. Surgical strikes made... etc
I think I "believe" in the Big Rip or whatever the fuck it's called. It's 'cause the universe is expanding faster and faster, at one point it'll tear the fabric of reality apart.


Before the planet gets desintegrated, human civilization will of course be troubled my a multitude of problems such as: overpopulation, wars, depleted energy sources, wars, natural occuring catastrophies, wars, food shortages, wars, ...

You get the point. :roll:
Number 10 sounds great. Too bad I can't be there to witness it.

11 isn't really "apocalypse". I wouldn't exactly mind if that's where our development went.

Haha, #14, hilarious. I'd probably vote for that one.

Technology can be stolen and used. Surgical strikes made... etc

"You can take our lives, but you cannot take our (virginity) FREEDOM!"
I would choose the zombie apocalypse because it would be like: ZOMG ZOMBIES! *Runs to a Wallmart take a shotgun sum food and go to the roof*.
When i had been overwhelmed i think "Maybe i should have taken a gatling lazer and a BAR".
Interesting topic, Dutch Ghost.

Because of my knowledge of zombies through movies (love George Romero's movies), I'd probably choose number 4. But due to the lack of guns in Britain, it would probably turn into some sort of comedy. :P
5. Alien Invasion. I guess we aren't alone in the universe after all, somewhere in some distant corner of the universe another civilization was also messing up their planet, waging wars with another for silly reasons or to prove that their theology stand point is the best, and rapidly consuming the resources of their homeworld until it was a big stinking mess.

Unfortunate for us the aliens were technologically quite more advanced than us, having developed faster than light travel some time before they killed off every living thing other than themselves.
Now the survivors have set out to find a new homeworld and their sensory organs have detected a small blue and green planet that is the third world from its host star.

From the loads of radio and visual transmissions that are being shouted from it its clear there is a technologically sophisticated species on the planet.
Close observation reveals that despite the creatures' strange and disgusting look they share similarities in behavior.

Deciding that they like the look of our planet and the idea of slave masses to use for work and entertainment (lets face it, humans are cheaper than robots) the would be alien overlords have gone for a full scale invasion, wiping out our most sophisticated armies with their death rays from orbit before setting down.

Survivors. Well I guess those who are willing to submit to the new alien masters and of course the underground resistance.

As a big fan of science-fiction, I "like" this one.

Underground resistance, huh? I can already see the hidden entrance behind the snack vending machine.

Anyway, aliens can come, I'll give them a good fight.
Reconite said:
Interesting topic, Dutch Ghost.

Because of my knowledge of zombies through movies (love George Romero's movies), I'd probably choose number 4. But due to the lack of guns in Britain, it would probably turn into some sort of comedy. :P

Zombies in the end turning into productive members of society, participants in game shows, and part of the nuclear family?
Exactly. :D

Nah, If we're being realistic, it would probably turn into something more like 28 Days Later, which is a fantastic movie by the way.
1. Nuclear War.
2. Super Plague.
3. Biblical Apocalypse.
4. Zombie uprising.
5. Alien Invasion.
6. Earth pushed out of orbit.
7. The return of the Old Ones (Cthulhu)
8. Computer uprising.
9. Black Hole.
10. Negative strangelet.
11. Grey goo.
12. The Sun undergoes rapid expansion.
13. Verneshot. Earth explosion.
14. Reality takes a holiday.

I can't pick just one!

Aliens invade Earth, and upon them not being too receptive born again Christian evangelism and subsequently being told that they will burn in hell, the aliens decide that humans aren't friendly after all and decide to release a Super Plague tailor-made to eradicate humans from the planet. Once this is discovered, religious persons high up in the chain of command view this as a Biblical apocalypse and the aliens as demons come from the underworld of outer space. Nuclear missiles are launched, but the aliens deflect most of them, so that the warheads detonate back on Earth. Since the flying saucers were hovering over only one side of the planet (not the Pacific ocean) the nuclear payload has ever so slightly nudged planet Earth out of orbit, but most people are too worried about the fallout and the plague to take notice.

This destruction accelerates the bunker mentality of mankind's military forces. They build and network massive supercomputers to find a weakness in the aliens' defenses. The result is a breakthrough in nanotechnology and the military launches grey goo onto the alien ships. Only a very small amount drips down onto the mainland. Also the supercomputers become sentient and start manufacturing killer robots. No one really notices because the military budget is classified.

Thoroughly perturbed that their interstellar luxury liner ships are slowly being molecularly disassembled, the aliens retaliate by firing their Solar Chrono-accelerator Ray at our sun. As they leave for the nearest spaceship mechanic shop in the quadrant, they mouth obscenities and find some smug satisfaction that Sol will rapidly (at least in the next few years) grow to 250 times its current size, engulfing Mercury, Venus, and Earth (if it is anywhere near its current orbit). Fortunately the sun will afterwards contract an form a black hole.

But this doesn't matter really because most of mankind is battling killer robots in a wasteland infested with fallout, plague, and grey goo. And because Haiti and New Orleans feel left out of these latest disasters (and Jamaica doesn't anticipate having another bobsled team), the Union of Orthodox Voodoo Priest decide to cast a powerful hex to raise to the dead.

With all of the commotion occurring, people seem to forget how much more zombie, robot, and grey goo trash is getting tossed into the rivers and flowing into the oceans. And this is really pissing off the Old Ones. Cthulhu returns and gathers a massive army of squids, octopi, and humans with aquatic hobbies. This confuses most fundamentalist Christians who were totally convinced that the aliens were the evil demons.

Fortunately the evil supercomputers decide that the world is royally screwed up and decide that they can remedy the situation by building a device that will sent a killer robot back in time to terminate Christian Bale's mother. They are probably right because supercomputers are really smart. Too bad their Temporal Displacement Device (TDD) is actually a Negative Strangelet Generator (NSG). What is left of the Earth is quickly changing through a wacky chain reaction of sub-atomic particles. Cthulhu beats a hasty retreat back to his own dimension, and decides that humanity should receive his parting gift of an exploding Earth.

Suddenly reality finds this current situation far to weird to endure and goes on holiday. And suddenly it's like we're all on LSD except it won't wear off. And since everything was already jacked up, it is a very bad trip.
Well the most likely thing would either be a nuclear war or the sun messing around.

But, as we all know the entire earth is hollow and the lizardmen are living there secretely ruling our planet, we're all fucked anyway! :D
Haha, that is a rather interesting combination of events iridium_ionizer.

Hmm, should I add that one to the list Surf Solar?

Perhaps it would be funnier if I made it an alliance between lizard men and Nazis who fled to the center of the Earth where they cloned Hitler over and over, even making female versions of him, and built their secret saucer fleet.
You really shouldn't have added Zombies as a choice or even Nuclear explosion (i mean this is people are just too prepared for such occasion haha (well not really).
Zombies especially. It just made me think FUCK ZOMBIES I am getting some guns and straight to first mega market. Finally I am going to play PS3 on that big ass HD screen. It's just that too many movies or games made this very survivable or more likely seemingly survivable. But nice list anyway. Some items never ever crossed my mind. Good tread.
Alphadrop said:
Nuclear Apocalypse would be okay... as long as we get some rad mutations for compensation.
Radation is more likely to kill then to damage DNA and cause mutation.

My favorite one has to be zombies, most realistic would be a nuclear apoc