I've lost my spirit!

Mr Krepe

Water Chip? Been There, Done That
I recently finished my NCR playthrough of New Vegas and i'll be honest it was great, definitely up there with the original fallout, but what i'm sad about is I have appeared to have lost my spirit.

Earlier today I attempted to play an independent vegas playthrough, and I just couldn't bring myself to it, my brain wanted to play New Vegas for some enlightenment, but my heart just can't do it anymore for some reason. Even when I tried to play Fallout 2 earlier my heart just wouldn't let me.

I know this sounds like emotional mumbo jumbo, but I want to know what caused this problem, was it bethesda's fall on FO3, or is it natural to suddenly playing Fallout games, and if anyone can help, is there any motives to help me want to play Fallout New Vegas and the original Fallouts?
Not sure if this is fitting in this forum but the best advice I can give you is take a break and do something else, play another game or focus on some other hobby.

Interests have moments of ups and lows and it is pretty common these days that if you play a somewhat linear game that you are tired of it for a while after finishing it.

Just wait until the DLCs come out, or do like me and start working on an idea of your own.
Thanks for the advice ghost yeah, i'll do that, it sounds like a good idea, for me though it'll be a long time till the DLCs come out, i'm on PS3.

yeah I wasn't sure if I was in the right forum for that post oh well then.
what dutch says. As nice as Vegas is ... Icant bring may self to play it again. I want those Fallout experience, yet Vegas just reminds me that it cant give me that. The gameplay and mechanics, the looks and animations (they dont feel that well to me ... ) and the small size of the world give me personaly that feeling that its not so great like it looks from the outside. If only the strip would be a much more believable place with Freeside having more population, then I could get easier in. But I just cant convince my self that Vegas is a "world" to speak so. Hence I dont really play it right now.

Though I found a bit of joy with Mass Effect 1 and 2 because I got them really cheap. Yay! Finally a game with "good" animations (somewehat), after F3 and Vegas anyway.

Playing something else helps sometimes.
you could play it from time to time just to hang on to the franchise until something really good happens to it. After all with F:NV things already improved.
Yeah Crni Vuk, I think thats what is pestering me, because in the corner of my mind there's a little voice convincing me that New Vegas isn't as great as it is all cracked up to be.
Mr Krepe said:
Yeah Crni Vuk, I think thats what is pestering me, because in the corner of my mind there's a little voice convincing me that New Vegas isn't as great as it is all cracked up to be.

Its a good game, just not a very fantastic game.
I love how it is way more in the spirit of Fallout 1 and 2, but what I missed for example is the big revelation a la Fallout 1, Fallout 2 or Van Buren, when you finally meet the Master/Lieutenant, the President, or Dr Presper.

At this point you had to fight for what you had done in the wasteland and what you believed in, or in the Master's or Presper's case submit to fate.
Yeah at the end when I met Legate Lanius, I just wasn't as shocked as I should've been when I saw him, it's probably because all of the way through the game you hear people saying things like "I heard the Beast of the East was across the river, i've got the Beast of the...." , "I hear the Legate has arrived.." I don't know actually, it's either that, or some unknown factor.
Crni Vuk said:
what dutch says. As nice as Vegas is ... Icant bring may self to play it again. I want those Fallout experience, yet Vegas just reminds me that it cant give me that. The gameplay and mechanics, the looks and animations (they dont feel that well to me ... ) and the small size of the world give me personaly that feeling that its not so great like it looks from the outside. If only the strip would be a much more believable place with Freeside having more population, then I could get easier in. But I just cant convince my self that Vegas is a "world" to speak so. Hence I dont really play it right now.

Though I found a bit of joy with Mass Effect 1 and 2 because I got them really cheap. Yay! Finally a game with "good" animations (somewehat), after F3 and Vegas anyway.

Playing something else helps sometimes.

I have to disagree on this, one of the things that New Vegas did it very right was picking all the games of the Fallout universe and "glue them" togheter.
Obsidian did a terrific job, picking the main events or participants of Fallout 1/2, Tatics, BoS, FO3 and Van buren, and creating a unified and coherent universe.

I agree that the gameplay could be better, there's too much guidance to what path the player can and can't do at certain moments in the game, but overall the spirit of Fallout was preserved.

This game was needed, the Fallout universe was becoming a mess, so Obsidian almost made a reboot of the series, but the right way (unlike the "new" Star Trek)
If Bethesda don't screw up things, there's a fine future ahead for the games.

BTW, do you prefer the achievement "Maybe it's a Lie" or the "Day Tripper" perk? :cool:

[ ]'s
Generally, taking a brake from gaming alltogheter for a bit makes any game more fun when you get back to it.
Same thing happened to me.

I finished the main quest with Yes Man, and after that I started a new game right away, planning to go with NCR. But I simply don't feel like playing it anymore, the quests bored me, the walking bores me, the places I'm having to see again bores me.

Not to mention that I got a few nice games that won't allow me back into New vegas, like Battleforge, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines (love old games), Magic online, and even Fallout 2.

Hell, I didn't even finished FO3 since I felt like everything around me was built on stupidity.
The Dutch Ghost said:
At this point you had to fight for what you had done in the wasteland and what you believed in, or in the Master's or Presper's case submit to fate.
Exactly ... the end of the game is as anti-clymatic as it can get. All this constant try by Vegas to be "epic" talking about armies fighting each other, the stalemate. The numbers of the legion and all that just to encounter 5 people outside of the Dam (do they call THAT a proper defence or someting ?), or two camps with 10 people fighting each other and calling it a "front line".

Vegas is good where it is good. Dialogues, writting, NPCs all "good". BUt the visual presentation in my eyes was sorry "shit". The strip feelt lifeless, for one of the major locations it definetly drops fast. 3 casinos one has to ask himself how they manage to hold them. The second issue are the distances everything is so damn close and yet everyone is talking about "issues with supplies". Eh ? Mc Namara is like 2 min from the frontline.

I think they should have tried to go one scale down, not so much with "wars everywhere". Making some of the camps looking a bit better. Like the Dam or the Kahns camp. Better fortiefied to say it that way.

Argh now I am ranting again D:
I don't know if I played a different game then you, but I've encountered hundreds of Legion soldiers inside the dam, on the top of the dam and some more in the machine/turbine rooms. The help from the BoS and the NCR troopers eventually stopped when I was heading up to the top of the dam when they all died, Veronica died, EDE "died" (at this point I was in a FFFFUUU mood) and the enclave troopers on top of the dam died aswell. I had to try this part of the game many times because I died... So I really didnt feel like "hm thats not 'epic'". Only the legates camp was a bit too empty for me.

But @ the topic of this thread, yes, I have the same issue. I enjoyed every single minute of my first playthrough and did almost every quest I could find (or which wasn't bugged, some quests didnt show up in my log, rendering the quest process as stuck as I couldnt finish them) visited each location and so on. Then at the end I eventually visited the dam and triggered the end combat. But now? I'm really not eager to start a new game and see all this AGAIN, even if there are different outcomes for my actions. I don't know why, the game is nice and all..

Maybe I should try it again after some DLCs are out (if they are decent ofcourse).
yes you then probably have played a different game then I. Its just the way how the end battle is done which I disslike. Walking trough hundreds of long corridors with doors like a maze ... just so the engine had not to load 100 characters at once (and I doubt you have seen 100 on the dam directly). You never battle more then 4-5 legionairs at the same time. Remember you and your companions have been meant to be the spearhead of the attack. And the game gives only a very very poor impression of that. Its no CoD or something like that.

I see what the intention behind this event was, it was meant as a climatic "end battle". Which is overdone anyway but "ok" if done correctly. But the engine is simply to old for such things. It doesnt give me this feeling like in Mass Effect 2 for example which did that part (big epic end fight) a lot better for example. But Mass Effect 2 was a clear straight forward third person shooter more similar to Gears of War for that matter so its mechanics have been better.

Vegas just never game me the "this is fucking big what you do!" feeling. I personaly think it would have been a better game if they worked more with the time and engine limitation going for a game of the scope like Fallout 1 or 2 without big armies and wars in the background. They could still have keept the stalemate between the Legion and NCR. But they could have done it in a way that for example you either drop a bomb on the Legion base of operations if you side with the NCR, Blow up the dam(n) if you work with the Legion or do both if you side with House.