J.E. Sawyer breaks the game

Blackened said:
Well, after all, they'll add Damage Threshold. So it can't be that bad.

Sorry for going offtopic.

Someone deleted my post regarding this, but what is the source for this info?
It's not 100% official announced, but at least Josh wrote about damage threshold on his twitter page.
I am not sure why but I think to a game similar like Oblivion and Fallout 3 a engine like used in Arma 2 would fitt best eventualy. I would not mind to see a RPG made with it in mind anyway.

I am speaking about the "open world feeling" which can be interesting regardless how bad Oblivion and Fallout 3 showed that concept (yay for invisible walls!)

I mean even with more or less usual hardware you can see and render quite a lot of objects 5 000 or more meters away.