J.E. Sawyer breaks the game

Damn! Just reading ".esm" sent shivers down my spine... can we still hope for new features, modified mechanics, engine upgrades?? Or is it just a glorified FO3 expansion? Well, I know New Vegas isn't "just an expansion", but they better conjure up some good characters and (somewhat) well developed dialogs. I hath faith in ye Mr. Sawyer!
There will likely be tweaks to the mechanics here and there, but I wouldn't expect much in terms of new features or engine upgrades. Not in this timeframe.
Scatman Pope said:
I'd love to to get that error image.


Critical error 59692771 has occurred

The .esm is corrupted.

OK Cancel
Ausir said:
There will likely be tweaks to the mechanics here and there, but I wouldn't expect much in terms of new features or engine upgrades. Not in this timeframe.
exactly what I am thinking as well. Hands down certain dialogues and characters will have more personality. But if they seriously dont work with that stupid animations and change that at leats from Fallout 3 ... I mean after watching a few trailers and games ... it seems unreal to me how ANYONE could see Fallout 3s animation as "good".
Isn't Fallout 3 just an Oblivion .esm?


Reconite said:
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
Cant say I'm surprised, they are using Gamebryo after all.
Your avatar keeps influencing me to do this.

Funny, but there's nothing wrong with Gamebryo itself. It's a lightly outdated but solid engine. Do not blame Bethesda's incompetent programming on it.
Brother None said:
Isn't Fallout 3 just an Oblivion .esm?


In all seriousness, yes. .esm's are 'big mods', like total conversions, or stuff that changes core game mechanics (like switching from skill based leveling to XP based levelling). That is exactly what Fallout 3 is in relation to Oblivion.
if you compare Fallout 3 and Oblivion its not funny anymore how "close" many skills are and even similar in animations (not cause they are only crap, but they could have at least give the game new animations for "punching"!).

The way armor works is for example almost the same. And its for many other skills pretty much the same way.
Quantum Field sneak a peek?

Just a friendly reminder,

if you re-read one of my lengthy predictive rants of trouble on the horizon for Bethesda,


broken builds was one of the predictions, but I did not think that a subcontractor would be the culprit. That would be an added bonus.

Caveat: this was a low level break. The Higher level breaks are a' coming' and they are 1derFOOL.

:o vs 8-)

:( vs :lol:

:x vs :clap:

:cry: vs :lol:

:evil: vs :mrgreen:

This is only the beginning for Zenimax's Bethesda sized head scratching headaches.

The Matrix of reality can be easily inverted,channeled, and controlled.

Remember, no need for mountains to be moved by mustard seeded thinking.
sarfa said:
Brother None said:
Isn't Fallout 3 just an Oblivion .esm?


In all seriousness, yes. .esm's are 'big mods', like total conversions, or stuff that changes core game mechanics (like switching from skill based leveling to XP based levelling). That is exactly what Fallout 3 is in relation to Oblivion.
Not really. While it is possible to use the scripting language in the dev tools for Oblivion/Fallout 3 to make some amazing gameplay changes, the core mechanics are controlled by the executable. The esm/esp formats changed somewhat from Oblivion to Fallout 3, such as adding guns, needing parts for repairs, scripting functions disappearling not being implemented (but still compile).
I am really looking forward to it. Imagine a well done Fallout game made with crappy gamebryo engine. That would be something interesting. ^^
Nexuiz said:
I am really looking forward to it. Imagine a well done Fallout game made with crappy gamebryo engine. That would be something interesting. ^^
Brother None said:
Funny, but there's nothing wrong with Gamebryo itself. It's a lightly outdated but solid engine. Do not blame Bethesda's incompetent programming on it.
GameBryo is just the rendering engine, I think. Bethesda's proprietary engine is a whole different thing, even if it's built on it. Gambryo works fine, but I think it's not competitive in today's market if you're going to build an engine on it from scratch. You're much better of with anything else, as long as it's commercial. The only upside to it, in my view, is the documentation, which helps, but doesn't totally counterbalance how hard it is to program sometimes. From what I'm told.

All in all, Gamebryo is WAY too heavy. Any game is better of with Source or UE3. Even if their not as good in dealing with games like RPGs.
there isnt anything wrong with gambryo engine, its just that afaik the last time bethesda got a new version was for morrowind and gambryo has gone up like 2-3 versions since then.