J.E. Sawyer doesn't talk about New Vegas

cronicler said:
Excuse me but what are you smoking Lexx? Beth places a huge emphasis on it's game's communities!

Bullshit. Yes, they give out a tool for building mods and yes, they have a community manager with a blog, but thats it. Like BN wrote, they are totally harsh on their PR and therefore they only give out infos to whom they totally trust. I can't see much more in there anyway.

They place a huge emphasis on their game communities? Yeah, in fixing their bugs, huh.
Ausir said:
Gobble Gobble aside, you do realize that unless you got paid handsomely by Bethesda for doing translation work and promoting their drivel, you basically were treated like a sweatshop employee.

I was not even paid by Bethesda. I was paid by Cenega, the Polish publisher of the game.

Of course! Your work was subcontracted out. What was I thinking!

Bethesda imperialists dealing directly in a foreign non English speaking market? That would be beneath the Pharaoh wannabes.

"As it was written by their Propaganda Journalist shilled arm, as it shall be done."

I once worked as a sub sub-contractor for this PR Firm where I could not tell them that they were paying 4 times my salary out via this scheme but they wanted me to fax my time sheets from there, knowing full well the sub sub scheme could be easily intercepted at some point if someone at the firm did any sneaky detective work.

Other than working with a lowly paid mild mannered accountant masquerading at night as a Pro team mascot, I was the only guy working in the otherwise all female East coast office of the PR firm and the sub sub was run by a bunch of women working for a male owner while I never met the main firm whose got an outer space SciFi dork like name similar to Zenimax's.

Needless to say, you'd be surprised about the double meant innuendo commentary by the women:

"Ooh, that Fruit salad looks very healthy."

A few years later there was this happening club that I was asked to visit. When I noticed where the address was I reminded my friends that if they had worked in the PR firm at the top of the building before, they wouldn't think that the daytime cafe turned night time club would be so happening but I would oblige their curiosity.

It was a nice social environment to work in but alas, the fool them once gals couldn't afford my rate for more than a part time limited hours per week back in the Wild West days of Y2K IT.

They probably had their suspicion but never figured out that I was a sub sub keeping a few fat cat IT firm owners that these women wouldn't dare get near at a club quiet wealthy.

In an illusion based reality where we think there is matter when in fact it is all energy vibrating at different frequencies within one all knowing mind field, what goes around comes around.
who ever thinks Bethesda is doing much for its "communities" never played the German version of Oblivion which is still waiting for any patch to correct the errors they made with the translations. It was all left as usualy by moders.
Crni Vuk said:
who ever thinks Bethesda is doing much for its "communities" never played the German version of Oblivion which is still waiting for any patch to correct the errors they made with the translations. It was all left as usualy by moders.

Whats the deal with germans and insisting their movies and games should come out in their own awfull language?
Whats the deal with every other country who wants to have a translated version for their own awfull language?
let's just put it this way then: what's the deal with insisting everything getting translated?

I know not everyone knows english all too well, but I'd definitely prefer to keep the translations to text only. here in sweden we put subtitles in movies for example, which while it's still horrible and I avoid them whenever I can, is a much better option than using voiceovers and pretty much ruining half the acting.

but even in text a lot can get lost in translation - take comedy for example, half the jokes get screwed up because of bad and lazy translation or simply because they don't work in other languages.

I'm sure there's a growing demand for less translations though, especially in a country like Germany. I've worked in Germany and have relatives there and I know that most people over 30 don't know much english at all. but now that english is taught in school instead of russian as it used to be, younger people will be a lot more familiar with english.
The problem with the german translation is not the voice acting in the first place. It's the translation itself, which is very bad. And I don't mean "the translated sentence isn't like the original"-bad, I mean "the translated sentence doesn't make any sense at all"-bad. Fallout 3 is much better in this than Oblivion, still it's not very great (nor very bad). But I just pointed on the official german website anyway.
Viliny said:
Crni Vuk said:
who ever thinks Bethesda is doing much for its "communities" never played the German version of Oblivion which is still waiting for any patch to correct the errors they made with the translations. It was all left as usualy by moders.

Whats the deal with germans and insisting their movies and games should come out in their own awfull language?
You cant be serious here right? Alright next time you want to play a european game from Germany (Gothic 4 ? Risen? Drakensang?) you will have to learn German. Or forget about it.

By the way. What Lexx said. Its not just a few errors in the translation or voice acting the translation is just god awful. As he mentioned it it makes quite often no sense which is pretty stupid when you try to use alchemy or other skills but have a completely different name or describtion with the real ingridients you find in the world. This was not corrected before some modders released patches :roll:

To say it that way, if Bethesda would be some kind of indie-developer which is strugling all the time with their finances I would not even care about it. But they want to make games with "quality" or at least they insist on it to be "high quality" RPGs. Thing is just that if you really want to be one of those top developers one has to raise the bar. That simple. If they want your 40 or 50 euros/dollar then I doubt its wrong to expect the bare minimum of what was advertised. If a translation proves to be to difficuilt. Dont do it. But I guess it made enough profit for them that way since it seems such things dont get really mentioned by gaming press today. Not from those that are popular anyway.
Reconite said:
Brother None said:
Could it mean that New Vegas trailer is coming soon?
I bloody hope so... Bethesda shut us out for the while with Fallout 3, and we all know how that turned out.

same here! I would love to hear something about the game. can't wait!
Lexx said:
The problem with the german translation is not the voice acting in the first place. It's the translation itself, which is very bad. And I don't mean "the translated sentence isn't like the original"-bad, I mean "the translated sentence doesn't make any sense at all"-bad.
That sounds like it is not a translation issue. That's how Bethesda has written the dialogues originally.
Jim Cojones said:
Lexx said:
The problem with the german translation is not the voice acting in the first place. It's the translation itself, which is very bad. And I don't mean "the translated sentence isn't like the original"-bad, I mean "the translated sentence doesn't make any sense at all"-bad.
That sounds like it is not a translation issue. That's how Bethesda has written the dialogues originally.

Nah, some sentences do not lend themselves well to translation, regardless of original content.

Its one of the main reasons you see experienced translators or other people fluent in multiple languages pause when translating for other people, because they have to word it differently for it to make sense.
Yep, In the italian version they translated the dialogues verbatim, anche here and there there are things that don't make sense (like "you are a peach"). On the whole it's not bad, though.
Ausir said:
Semi-official assmunchers like Ausir, Briosafreak and King of Creation should be fine, obviously.

Huh? I'm permbanned from Beth's forum. I'm not going to get anything from them. Hopefully, I might be on the translation team again, though. But as far as Bethesda's PR goes, I' as much out of loop as you are.
What'd ya do to get banned?

Anyway, there better be a damn trailer soon. I'm bored with the series right now, so I need a new game in the Fallout universe.
OakTable said:
Anyway, there better be a damn trailer soon. I'm bored with the series right now, so I need a new game in the Fallout universe.
do we really?

if its anything similar to Fallout 3. No thx.
Crni Vuk said:
do we really?

if its anything similar to Fallout 3. No thx.


It's what we got now. Obsidian getting to do a Fallout is better than the best-case scenario after Bethesda bought the license. We're not jumping for joy because we've grown a bit too suspicious over the years, but let's be honest, it's as good as it gets.

If this still doesn't excite you, it's time for you to give up on the Fallout franchise, focus on supporting and playing Fallout 1/2 mods (right here on NMA!) If it excites you/mildly piques your interest, keep on truckin'.

I'm not sure I'm going to put up with every New Vegas thread being a heap of bitching, tho'.
I am not bitching. I just dont see the "quality" everyone mentiones with Obsidian games. While I enjoyed Kotor 2 it still was just mediocre. Of course its better in comparision to either Oblivion or Fallout 3 but those games are sure no standart for me.

How big is the chance to see any "descent" Fallout game by Obsidian? Probably higher then from Bethesda. But means that much? It means for me just "wait and see". But since Bethesda is not the kind of game developer that gives people free hand in doing what they want and since they have to use the same engine like Fallout 3 and use the more or less same skill system I have my doubts.

Of course if they surprise me that would be awesome.