Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

"Hey guys, I've got a great idea! Let's license a Fallout game to Obsidian to appease the old fan base! But wait, there's more! What if we pay reviewers to give it bad reviews so that we look better and the game sells worse!"mobucks said:the reviewers of this game can eat shit. i smell conspiracy. Todd fucknut Howard paid reviewers to give NV a low score and say things like "fallout 3's story was better" so he can say "they" do fallout better than Obsidian.
"Uhh, won't that hurt our bottom line?"
"Who cares, we'z be crizaz yo!"
Translation: Given Zenimax's love of money, they wouldn't pay money in order to make a product which they are licensing and producing look bad, hurting both its sales and the brand image, just to make Obsidian, who they had no obligation to license the brand to in the first place, look bad.