JE talks about Bis/IPLY

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cerebrix said:
you crack me up. lol. john isnt my personal god. but yeah ive spent some time talking to him.

So you'll go for verbally fellating him anyways. I know quite a few people who were "nice people", but they had the professional sense of a cabbage.

i read the discussion, i just lose track of who you flame and who you dont.

Well, since you claim to know so much about Romero, I thought you might have been bright enough to note those two times.

My mistake.

its real easy to point the finger as to why IPLY has gone to hell isnt it? the fact of the matter is, half the complaints people had ever brought up about those titles back in the day were issues every developer i talked to there WANTED fixed before they were gold. but instead they were pushed out the door because "fargo wont give us bugget to do that. fix it in a patch."

It wasn't just because of bugs, but the bugs contributed to a fair portion. In fact, Sacrifice had a few problems, but it was playable out of the box for most. Maybe if they were required to wait for a patch the game would have had some more longevity.

No, I don't see that really working, either.

Hory said:
I just noticed your rank image, Roshambo (Parental Advisory - Asshole).

That's not surprising, since you also couldn't notice the discussion enough to participate halfway intelligently.

Is it that you just like to act like one or have many people called you an asshole through the years?

No, it's because I don't care about your feelings. Your feelings have nothing to do with the discussion.

If you have a problem with feelings, seek therapy, I'm not here to coddle you.

You must think that insulting everyone and saying "I don't care about your opinion" to them is cool, but if you don't care, why do you bother writing tons of replies and quoting every part of the post you don't care about?

Mainly to point out the complete ignorance of those who would try and equate opinion as fact, like you and the rest of the children who are getting kicked at have done. Just because it impressed you, or that it was unique to YOUR understanding, that doesn't mean it's really noteworthy to the market and others. If you can't understand that, then yes, you are too stupid to participate. Please find your nearest gun and solve the problem through your eye sockets. Try to see if you can get a shot off in each before you see God.

I don't care what you're going to say actually, because you're too lame for me to waste time on.

Nice cop-out, but it hardly works when you're the one who decided to butt in cluelessly.

Or you have some kind of a disease that keeps you from being human. I hope my kids don't end up like you.

You're right. It's not uncommon for the children to take after their parents. In which case, I wish them a pre-preemptive good luck on achieving their GED after the fifth try.

But, if my guess is correct, two complete retards can produce a genius, and therefore your child may end up smart enough to realize that you're an idiot who tries to equate opinion as fact.

Smaert like me. :)
Hory said:
Wow, what a wacko...

Brilliant way of not replying to the subject at all. No, not really.

Hey, if you can't be bothered to post about the subject, and especially after you even admitted to not bothering to read the discussion, I think it's safe to say you have no place in this discussion. That goes especially if you need to resort to one-line copouts when you're called for such fallacies as using your own opinion and experience and claim it as fact when the discussion is about technical merits. Yes, we do care about historical backgrounds than some kid who butts in and post garbage that is founded upon their own opinion and understanding (or the lack thereof). If you did have some understanding of the genre, then you might have noticed that by no means was Sacrifice ground-breaking, except in terms of graphics. The rest had been done previously, especially rock-paper-scissors.

I'm not here to educate people, either. You either have an understanding, or you're proven a moron for arguing whilst being ignorant about that which you are attempting to speak about.
Guys, seriously, there’s no point in arguing with a flamer. Obviously he has nothing better to do with his pathetic existence than sit on this forum and bitch about why some game sucked and why you suck and why I suck, and why our opinions suck and why his opinions are better and why shit sucks... There should be a block feature on here somewhere (maybe?), it's designed for people like him. If there’s not, then use a mental block I guess?
NCR_Ranger, if you like to wade in the same kind of drivel you're promoting, go back to the GameSpy forums.

Excuse me while I try to scrape the ignorant away and try to prevent this place from becoming the same. Hey, if you don't like to come to the discussion with background information or the simplest clue of what you're talking about, why bother? Of course that wouldn't stop some, as they presume that just because they have the option to post in a topic, that they can and should. Why do they whine when their garbage is debunked? Or is the ability to shovel bullshit the deciding factor in the education level of today's youth?

Don't you kids ever wonder why I don't jump at Eragon2004 or Jebus, or many others? It's because they try to make sure they have some idea of what they are talking about before they decide to post. They can still keep to the conversation, yet you guys have to derail it with your worthless opinions (at least, worthless in context to this discussion) and pernicious whining. If you don't like some kind of standards being kept, then you can go to somewhere your mental temperature. We're quite a bit above room temp, so I can understand why you're not too comfortable here.

EDIT: Hell, Odin himself pointed out the crux of the problem, back near page one. Of course that wouldn't stop you people from trying to understand it that way, mainly because you didn't bother to read the thread.
Briosafreak said:
were issues every developer i talked to there WANTED fixed before they were gold. but instead they were pushed out the door because "fargo wont give us bugget to do that. fix it in a patch."

You have a point here, Messiah was indeed rushed off unfinished. Still wasn`t that a case of over ambition for the time constraints and the man power you had?

Messiah also took a long, long time to develop already, and even had delays to get the kinks out. That's the problem with Shiny. They were always given huge ass budgets, lots of time, and still managed to produce flops.

It still rather amazes me that Fargo actually morgaged a lot of Interplay's future on getting Shiny the Matrix license considering they hadn't had a successful title since Earthworm Jim, never shipped on time, and so on.

Odin said:
Wonder if IPLY is going to try and sell that engine or just license it out..right now they need all they can get to stay afloat..

Doubt it. It's an unproven engine that's only getting more and more dated with each day. Not to mention any company that buys it will also have to license Granny, which the engine uses some technology from.

They'd be better off licensing Aurora like The Witcher did. Just saying, This will use the same engine as Neverwinter Nights is enough to generate a big train of hype in addition to any benefits using the engine itself will have.

The only developer I can see that would license it would be Silver Style, and that's just to say they have one more shread of Fallout 3 to toss around in the cess pool of hype for The Fall.
Roshambo said:
I'm not here to educate people, either. You either have an understanding, or you're proven a moron for arguing whilst being ignorant about that which you are attempting to speak about.

I've read through the discussions and read most, if not all, reply's and have come to one conclusion.

Roshambo is just a hating internet loud mouth who just gets his kicks off of bashing other peoples opinions in a discussion. He then feels righteous enough to mix sexual and discourse terminology to inform people that they are wrong and that the said wrong people should thank him.

Also, that the people who are wrong and have been so told by YOU should thank YOU for pointing out their lessor intellect and discussion skills. And if said people feel bad/insulted/treated poorly well, shit, that ain't YOUR fault! YOUR just here to tell us the what now and the how it's going to be.

Roshambo, YOU alone highjacked this topic. Even though two others started the shift away from the original topic, it was YOU alone who carried the ball and ran with it bringing the discussion to this e-mud slinging.

You can say that some opinions are wrong and/or incorrect but you cannot say that all opinions are wrong and your opinions are the only correct ones. Because the only way to say that and have it be true is if YOU, the dedicated gamer/fanboy, have a Ph.D in game design lore/history. And the only way to get that is to be a pale, basement living, keyboard hogging, internet surfer of such monumental low self-esteem and lack of social skills, orge.

And I like to think of people better then that but...I could be wrong.
Thank you for your two cents on Rosh and also for derailing this topic/thread.. /end sarcasm..

Obviously alot of you guys didn't get the point, but yes Rosh does put it to you bluntly. That's his niche....

If you can't stand the heat....

But yes, he can go a little overboard at times.. Which is why there are other admins, well that and the fact that we have different roles obviously..

But I'll say this once.. ENOUGH ALREADY... back on topic or I'm locking this topic..
Or split the off topic posts or those that went overboard, and keep it open, it actually has a good discussion going on underneath the flames.
DrKay said:
I've read through the discussions and read most, if not all, reply's and have come to one conclusion.

I believe the term is "replies" college boy. Thank you for faking your way through school enough, now I will deal with your ignorance and total inability to read the discussion before you decided to jump in. You know, the little fact of netiquette the kids like you often forget.

There isn't any cheat term paper site to fake this subject, either, so it's no wonder you and the rest don't get it.

Roshambo is just a hating internet loud mouth who just gets his kicks off of bashing other peoples opinions in a discussion.

Of course, when opinions have no relevance to the discussion. Thank you for proving you're the third or fourth idiot in this same thread that has whined about such despite everyone with a bit of sense pointing out one fundamental aspect of conversation. You do not equate opinion as fact. When talking about factual points, you do not try to use shallow reasoning that opinion disproves it. Just because a few people like the game, when nearly every fan site is long since dead and has been since the hype died in favor of people getting tired of the simplistic gameplay and moving onto/back to better RTS games, that doesn't make it a good game.

Ask your English professor for more help with understanding context if you can't understand the above.

He then feels righteous enough to mix sexual and discourse terminology to inform people that they are wrong and that the said wrong people should thank him.

Of course. If they spouted such idiocy in front of a professional, they'd likely get fired. If they spouted such in front of their professor, they'd likely have their term papers checked for cheating or thrown from the classroom. If they spouted off such in front of someone who is intolerant of the stupid, they'll get their ass beat, in one way or another.

Welcome to the real world, child.

Also, that the people who are wrong and have been so told by YOU should thank YOU for pointing out their lessor intellect and discussion skills.

Why not? Read the above.

And if said people feel bad/insulted/treated poorly well, shit, that ain't YOUR fault! YOUR just here to tell us the what now and the how it's going to be.

I believe that would be "you are", or "you're" in that last sentence. Well, since I had a few straw man arguments put up, plus now two idiots that decide they are going to chastise me while obviously not bothering to read the thread, I think I have every right as an admin to deal with that kind of conversational bullshit, especially when someone toes the line and knows I dislike such bullshit constructs.

Welcome to a message board that is run by the old school. No, we don't feel thankful that you were here to spout uneducated opinions as fact. You can be easily replaced by anyone from the GameSpy forums - if we felt the need.

We don't.

Roshambo, YOU alone highjacked this topic. Even though two others started the shift away from the original topic, it was YOU alone who carried the ball and ran with it bringing the discussion to this e-mud slinging.

"E-mud slinging." Fantastic way of pointing out that you use some of the jargon of the "trendy elite techies", but otherwise have no clue about netiquette. I have a solution for that, read on.

You can say that some opinions are wrong and/or incorrect but you cannot say that all opinions are wrong and your opinions are the only correct ones.

Hey, I haven't seen this straw man argument used in a long time. For the last time, mcdumbshit:

Opinion != Fact

Because the only way to say that and have it be true is if YOU, the dedicated gamer/fanboy, have a Ph.D in game design lore/history. And the only way to get that is to be a pale, basement living, keyboard hogging, internet surfer of such monumental low self-esteem and lack of social skills, orge.

News flash for the clueless: Gaming degrees don't mean a damn thing. Experience does, and a firm understanding of what can make or break a game.

Ad hominem only has some reference if you actually can make it seem fitting. I have no problem proving you're nothing but a part of a sniveling pack that was brought here due to someone's fragile fanboy ego being knocked around, because I was unimpressed with them posting their own opinion as fact.

If you can't figure out what's wrong with that, then drop out of college now before you're obviously wasting McDonald's scholarship money that could easily be given to more deserving students. Ones that have a full understanding between opinion as fact, because you have failed it as well.

And I like to think of people better then that but...I could be wrong.

I like to think higher of people as well. Unfortunately, I'm almost always disappointed. You not only suck at reading, but in comprehension and basic thought. You also show lack of educational understanding in equating opinions as fact or as some argument against fact.

You fail to meet my expectations of sentience. As you registered solely to stumble cluelessly into this discussion, BANNED. I would have respected Odin's wishes if it weren't for the fact that someone decided to try that kind of bullshit. I don't ban without reason, and a newbie that decides to get in my face, so to speak, without having any clue about the discussion and also decides to use the same shit "logic" as the rest that "opinion = fact", is just asking for it.

Sorry, kids, but your "reinforcements" are banned.
Amusingly, you could probably construct a fairly solid argument that an opinion could be classified as a fact in that it's descriptive of the way an individual feels about a particular subject, and similarly, "I think that x" or "my opinion is that x" are both factual statements. The content of an opinion is (usually, and subject to various ways of interpreting what a "fact" is in any event) subjective but the opinion itself can be seen as an objective fact.
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