Jeff Gardiner on aliens

Gauss Pistol said:
I don't get the alien's in fallout being considered an easter egg. I mean you get a weapon that goes out of the encounter so it's not really a one off like the crashed shuttle, or the Dr. Who stuff. I remember getting the encounter and thinking, cool there are old fashioned aliens in my post-apoc and it taste delicious.

fucks sake. this again?

try reading the entire thread instead of just jumping in and saying something stupid next time, ok? nearly every single easter egg gives something that you can keep throughout the game. it is an easter egg. period. this is not really up for debate.

what is up for debate is whether or not you think an entire DLC based on an easter egg is fucking retarded or fucking awesome.
Gauss Pistol said:
I don't get the alien's in fallout being considered an easter egg. I mean you get a weapon that goes out of the encounter so it's not really a one off like the crashed shuttle, or the Dr. Who stuff. I remember getting the encounter and thinking, cool there are old fashioned aliens in my post-apoc and it taste delicious.


Even I knew it was not canon. It was just a "fun fest" put by the developers to make the game with more fun. that's why they were called "random encounters". they were "random".

For the Wanamingos, they've been explained many times...
Yeah, the developers had made pretty clear that it was non-canon. These guys could surely have given a better read at the Fallout Bible. They don't call it a Bible for nothing, after all. Heathens...
I think aliens or not aliens in Fallout now I would have been already more then happy if they would have played the old Fallout 1 and 2 and tried to "understand" that kind of game. Leave alone the "Fallout Bible".
Or maybe read a PA book or two. Or read some articles on nuclear weapons and the theorised effects of an all out nuclear war at Wikipedia. Or some books and leaflets instructing you on how to build a fallout shelter. Or...

Todd doesn't look like much of a reader though,