Jeff Gardiner on aliens

your evil twin said:
(I do still believe Skynet's story about being built with alien technology, though. It's been said that Skynet is unreliable, but as far as I'm aware that's because of giving bad dates, which seems more a case of developer error than Skynet error. I can't imagine the developers wanted us to think the computer was making up stuff about aliens.)

It's a bit of a cop-out to assume Skynet was lying or confused about that one word, but since it is one word rather than a whole story it's not hard to explain anyway. It could just have meant "alien" in the sense "foreign" - Russian or Chinese, for instance. When Sting sings "I'm an alien" he's not telling us he came from another planet. Similarly, the words "alien technology" with no qualifiers are more likely to mean "non-US" than to casually inform us there are extraterrestrials.
Indeed, that's why the whole canonicity of easter eggs in the Fallout games is a tricky subject.

Skynet is obviously a Terminator reference, yet Skynet is in a proper level rather than a special encounter, and you can even transfer Skynet into a robobrain and get him (it) as a companion. Is Skynet canon? I think it's safe to say he (it) is.

If Skynet from the Terminator movies can make a guest appearence in the Fallout universe, then why not Doctor Who or Godzilla? I guess the difference is that Fallout's Skynet is INSPIRED by Skynet from the Terminator films, but the game doesn't imply that the events of the Terminator movies actually happened.

On the other hand, there's daft stuff like the Bridgkeeper and Arthur's Knights and the Monument. Those are obviously just silly easter eggs and no-one would ever think they were canon.

I've conceeded that the alien encounter is just an easter egg, as there isn't that much difference between it and stuff like the bridgkeeper encounter or the monument encounter. The one difference is that to me the alien one seems less silly and more in keeping with the 50s sci-fi theme. So much so that until today I was deluded into believing it should be canon. ;)
cause only the name is a ester egg of some sort. Not the entintiy SKYNET itself which you meet in Fallout 2. So it bears only the name from it. And nothing else. So no neither of Terminator is in any way releated to Fallout or its canon. As said its just a considendence of some sort to make the player giggle.

As said one should not think so much about it. Its just that from the Fallout world Aliens have usualy not much room as the game never made a really big encounter around it what ever if in Mariposa or Sierra army depot you have now there some alien or not is irrelevant as the game it self never gave you a plott with them and never intended such in the future till Bethesda decided to make a DLC out of it. And I have my doubts they did it to add something to Fallout. I guess its more for the "pew pew" in Space.

And to say this here again as I did in a different topic. People would here never bitch about it so much if Bethesda would actualy care to think about what they do and give it some meaningfull plot with actualy intelligent dialogues that are not written for a 12 year old mind. I think most here would feel somewhat even with aliens fine what ever if it fitts the setting or not if it would be at least ENTERTAINING from a role playing point in other words with content and a story for adults. I would not be surprised if any conversation you have with the leader of the aliens ends in

Alien : We came to destroy the world with our big canon mounted on our ship!

[Inteligence] so YOu came to destroy our world with a gun huh?

[Perception]I see you want to destroy our world with a energy weapon
Crni has a good point. If I knew there was the option to have some sort of meaningful exchange with the aliens, I'd certainly be less upset about it.
Leon said:
Crni has a good point. If I knew there was the option to have some sort of meaningful exchange with the aliens, I'd certainly be less upset about it.

could you please tell me of 1 exchange you find meaningful in FO3

seriously, i am curious. i am willing to admit i may have missed it.
Oh I did enjoy some of the conversations in Fallout 3. I liked that random "intelligent" mutant you find wandering in the wasteland - the poor guy struggling to express himself, and grateful to have a minute or two of conversation.

I seem to recall being entertained by some other conversations too. Alas off the top of my head I can't actual recall them. But yeah, there were some meaningful exchanges. They just weren't very common! :)

Furthermore, there was some pretty dreadful dialogue sometimes in Fallout 1 and 2, as well. But thanks to the fact that most of the dialogue was text rather than spoken, it was far less jarring. To be honest, most computer games have bad dialogue. And it was more than made up for by the fact that Fallout 1 and 2 had some truly brilliant exchanges, something that never happened in Fallout 3.
I wouldnt pay much attention to what the GamePro guy says because GamePros magazine and site are total crap. Im from there and its a real shit hole of a place. Im currently on BOS again there to. But GamePros site is dying so I came back here.

Now I dont own a ps3 or 360 or even a pc capable of running the game well. But I spent several hours playing Fallout 3 on a friends 360 and left me feeiling like I wanted to actual Fallout goodness. After playing for 5 hours straight I went and spent 4 hours playing Fallout 1 and 2, wondering of Fallout 3 is even a Fallout game.

Not a bad game but just not Fallout good or much like it. Its more like a FPS then Fallout or even an RPG. Its a watered down ame made for console kiddies. Kids who have only started playing games since the ps2 and xbox or worse the ps3 and 360. All they care about is bloom effects and graphics. Which game has the best graphics. Thats it.

Also Im a big fan of UFOs, aliens and any conspiracies surrounding them. I frequent sites like,, openmindforums, and fantastic forums (havent been there and maybe my account has been terminated). I do enjoy the UFO and Alien Lore. Im also slightly intrigued by the idea of aliens and an alien mothership in Fallout 3. But it seems highly out of place. I would mostly want to see it and run around in it. The fact that they plan to use "real" aliens and not some HollyWood version makes me even more interested.

Maybe Bethesda will say f*ck it. Lets go full blown x files and have Mulder and Scully look alikes. :lol:
Also just to add some more info. They use the term Zeta mothership. I believe Zeta would be short for Zetariticulan. Which is another name for greys. Google it. It comes from the star system they supposedly came from as depicted by Betty Hill in the famous Barney and Betty Hill abduction case star chart drawing. Identified later by a Female astronomer as an actual star system.
fallout_fan said:
Also just to add some more info. They use the term Zeta mothership. I believe Zeta would be short for Zetariticulan. Which is another name for greys. Google it. It comes from the star system they supposedly came from as depicted by Betty Hill in the famous Barney and Betty Hill abduction case star chart drawing. Identified later by a Female astronomer as an actual star system.

Yep. That's the famous Zeta Reticuli Incident. Makes for interesting reading.

Also: I stopped caring about FO3.
fallout_fan said:
Also just to add some more info. They use the term Zeta mothership. I believe Zeta would be short for Zetariticulan. Which is another name for greys. Google it. It comes from the star system they supposedly came from as depicted by Betty Hill in the famous Barney and Betty Hill abduction case star chart drawing. Identified later by a Female astronomer as an actual star system.

I'm going to call BS on the star system. In 3D space, and the night sky, there are infinite ways you can match a pattern of dots. Carl Sagan wrote about the "star map" in Demon Haunted World, and does a pretty good job of showing how easy it is to match up stars in the night sky to random collections of dots.
Perhaps, we should view the DLC as just added extras meant for just the hell of it and to give fans of the game a couple of hours of fun nonsensical gameplay. Not really part of the canon, just there for fun (like the Dr. Who, Godzilla, aliens, easter eggs). If it was meant to be canon, it would have been there to begin with.

Thats how I view DLC anyway. Just there purely for your enjoyment, that is, if aliens are your type of thing. :lol:

We can only hope that the money earned from Fallout 3 and its DLC will go toward making a better game in the future. Look at it this way, how can it possibly get worse? :wink:
Rufus Luccarelli said:
Perhaps, we should view the DLC as just added extras meant for just the hell of it and to give fans of the game a couple of hours of fun nonsensical gameplay. Not really part of the canon, just there for fun (like the Dr. Who, Godzilla, aliens, easter eggs). If it was meant to be canon, it would have been there to begin with.
Many games have canonical expansions and I'm pretty sure that Knights of the Nine (the Oblivion DLC) is canon in TES lore so I see no reason to think that these are any different. That said, Bethesda very well may retcon or ignore events in the DLCs but we're not there yet.
I've got to agree with you there. Why split hairs about canon - this is just the tip of the iceberg with Bethesda. The current group there basically inherited TES and bought Fallout, quite frankly they can't create IPs like that and from a lore standpoint aren't even comptant stewards of those IPs.

See, if they're doing DLC with Redneck, UFO etc. type themes, you know they are already scraping the bottom of the barrel dry.
Come Fallout 4, 5 etc. what do you think canon will mean to them then? Not a goddamn thing. Just you watch.

fallout_fan said:
It comes from the star system they supposedly came from as depicted by Betty Hill in the famous Barney and Betty Hill abduction case star chart drawing. Identified later by a Female astronomer as an actual star system.
I read this quickly and thought it said Benny Hill. You can imagine where my mind went from there...
I could care less about Fallout 3 as well. If I want Fallout I will play 1 and 2. I really am only interested in the aliens and mothership. But then again if I want aliens I could just go cruise youtube, read Day After Roswell and even play Area 51 on my original xbox. The aliens and mothership arent woth the $300 for 360 or the $60 for the game.
Cimmerian Nights said:
I've got to agree with you there. Why split hairs about canon - this is just the tip of the iceberg with Bethesda. The current group there basically inherited TES and bought Fallout, quite frankly they can't create IPs like that and from a lore standpoint aren't even comptant stewards of those IPs.

See, if they're doing DLC with Redneck, UFO etc. type themes, you know they are already scraping the bottom of the barrel dry.
Come Fallout 4, 5 etc. what do you think canon will mean to them then? Not a goddamn thing. Just you watch.

And fact is as well that no one of the people who are working today at Bethesda created anything of the TES setting well Emil and Toddy anyway. Oblivion was when it comes to Canon rather a copy paste from many old things. And it to say that the story in Oblivion is somewhat contradicting to the TES lore as well since you had a few times the Empire without kings but strange enough it never caused a "Dadra Invasion".
I don't get the alien's in fallout being considered an easter egg. I mean you get a weapon that goes out of the encounter so it's not really a one off like the crashed shuttle, or the Dr. Who stuff. I remember getting the encounter and thinking, cool there are old fashioned aliens in my post-apoc and it taste delicious.
If you examine the ship, there's a bumper sticker that reads "Property of Area 51." That's an Easter Egg, right there. Is the footprint proof Godzilla is canon because you get a Stealth Boy to take with you?
with Bethesda?

Be Prepared for everything. Even Godzilla in the next game or some DLC, hey its caued by radiation right? Its a "mutation" right? Then it HAS to be in Fallout !

Bethesda is always going for the most common denominator and runing after everything that is seen as "cool".

They are the MC Donalds of the gaming buisness. And Fallout 3 is the "happy meal". sold as Filet Mignon