Jericho (post-apoc TV show)

I still don't get what's so freaky about the stock boy. Is it the curly hair? Is it because he has a job?
He is coming to grips with his mother being blown up and being alone. He also seems to have hidden rage issues and is secretly in love with the old woman who runs the grocery store. He also came across a freight train with non perishable food and actually shared it with the Humans (food should have all been irradiated, in fact all of them should be).

Ghoullove will continue to watch this show for it's petty soap opera activity in hopes it will get better.

P.S. I am waiting for all of there hair to fall out.
food doesnt get 'irradiated', Ghoullove. it doesnt get harmed. canned stuff just needs to be wiped down to remove possible radioactive dust & such. it'd take a lot more to make the food itself radioactive. hell, we use radioactivity on some food to kill the bacteria in them and make them last longer.

at least that's what all the nuclear survival handbooks say. of course, milk & meat from animals and grown crops that are grown or harvested post-nuke, are a whole different issue.
I still think the food could become quite irradiated as it was in plastic bags and cardboard boxes. That frieght train could have driven right through the great Denver radio cloud before the engineer jumped off.

Anyways, the story needs to pick up is the point I am trying to make. I can't wait for the episode where Humongous and his motorcycle raiders come into town and start plilaging the fine townsfolk of Jericho Kansas.

P.S. I hear the next episode has got some form of shaving in it.
I'm still eagerly waiting for season 23...when all the mutants start showing up in Jericho.
Ghoullove said:
I still think the food could become quite irradiated as it was in plastic bags and cardboard boxes. That frieght train could have driven right through the great Denver radio cloud before the engineer jumped off.
can, plastic, cardboard, paper...
doesn't matter. food doesn't contaminate easily that way. you just need to scrub it clean from all dust (possible fallout).

radioactivity passes through lifeless food without much damage at all. the main problems would be poluted water supply, live crops and live animals. live crops and animals would inhale and eat radioactive matter. due to that they can become sick and/or die. but if they live, the radioactive matter becomes part of their milk and flesh, which makes it dangerous to eat. water supplies could be contaminated by fallout.

packed food doesn't have this danger (unless it was incredibly close to the blast, but that would mean you'd die anyway if you got so close). fallout yields little danger for pre-packaged foods as long as you clean it off.

Well, it seems to be getting more post-apocalyptic. 'Raiders', more bombs, contaminated foods, town starting to get somewhat more chaotic. Shifting power balances (store becomes more important) and associated power abuse. So maybe there is hope yet for this series.

I find the reasoning that the corn was matured and hence didn't soak up any fallout and is safe to eat extremely questionable, though.
You mean you didn't find it questionable that a bunch of people would work on a farm as day laborers with "no strings attached?" Or that after reasonably trying to trade her pesticides for half the crop, the store owner ends up giving them away?

No, right, let's not tail the scenester faggot until he leads us to the horse thieves, let's just put him to forced labor. That'll set him straight.
Bradylama said:
You mean you didn't find it questionable that a bunch of people would work on a farm as day laborers with "no strings attached?" Or that after reasonably trying to trade her pesticides for half the crop, the store owner ends up giving them away?
Ehm, yeah, I hadn't gotten to that part of the episode yet. I was still in the middle of the episode when everything got pretty pessimistic.

I think the makers of this series aren't ready to present a pessimistic view and, in good Hollywood style, feel the need to tack a feel-good ending to everything.

Bradylama said:
No, right, let's not tail the scenester faggot until he leads us to the horse thieves, let's just put him to forced labor. That'll set him straight.
Yep, pretty silly.
I particularly enjoyed the corn picking (it was corny) part of the show.

I was told there was a shaving contest between the sexy IRS lady who eats Human flesh and who was traped in town after the drop and the double anal barmaid who runs the only bar in town with refrigerated drinks. Damn , I will have to keep watching.
The writers should at least be tortured or writing this inconsitant crap. i mean hell, why were they driving around town wasting gas, when they've had these horses sitting around in some dumbass barn.

Watch in ep 6 when the mayor remembers he's had this military grade bunker built but the flu made him forget, not to mention what kind of idiot farmer, with a doctor daughter-in-law, get the friggin flu in the middle of summer.

Although I did like the scene with the kids batting cell phones, I just wish we could do it now with people who use them on public transit.
This week's episode was actually pretty good. Also, to everyone who hates that bitch who runs the only store in town, she is murdered in the season finale.
Mad Max RW said:
This week's episode was actually pretty good. Also, to everyone who hates that bitch who runs the only store in town, she is murdered in the season finale.
Thanks for ruining it, dickweed. Use spoiler tags next time.
I did not watch it this week. I was quite busy. Could someone please summarize this episode since it most likely has been broadcast around the world already. I am now starting to like this show, minus the soap opera shit that is going on.

P.S. I hear that the Canadians show up speaking in l33 language.
It figures that once the show starts getting good, that they announce they're splitting the season, and this next episode will be the last one before February.
Yeah that sucks, and if you missed a show and can't get it from CBS's website I'm sure it's out there <NO>

The last two shows have been an improvement over the hugfest that the others were and things are getting a bit darker. But there are still some soap moments the show would be better without.
I'm totally hooked to jericho. It's so close to fallouts world. Jake Greens car brought instantly to my mind the car from fallout 2. Also the shortage of bullets, water and everything starts to become reality. 'Raiders' (ravenwood, jonah) starting to show up, ambushing and looting everything. I just hope that the soap-drama-shit won't become too dominant, because the characters and plot are great.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand strike 1 to Stock for warez talk.

Don't do it. Bad Stock.

Anyway, jericho's world close to Fallout's? No way. It's way too positive, everything's rosy and turns out fine in a very short amount of time, the atmosphere is entirely different, there is no 'dog eat dog' mentality anywhere, no dark ironies either.
Man, the only thing the two have in common is the fact that they're post-nuclear. And Jericho itself wasn't even hit in any way!