Jericho (post-apoc TV show)

Man, the only thing the two have in common is the fact that they're post-nuclear. And Jericho itself wasn't even hit in any way!

Hehe ok agree. The show doesn't have so much brutality as it would need to get close to fallouts world. But it still has some items and turnouts by now, which gotta make you consider F having influenced to it. I'm just hoping they will make multiple seasons of the show. And if they run out of ideas, then just copy maybe mad max, the stand... and fallout :!:
The show is airing again. Latest episodes brought some view and sense to the whole world of jericho. There are apparently 4 different leaders in the USA, and propably with their own armies aswell. I'm hoping so bad there will be some serious fighting later 8 )
- SPOILERS BELOW - (-Sander)

Big surprise, I was right: The black guy was part of the people that detonated the bombs.
- SPOILERS BELOW - (-Sander)

The last few episodes were surprisingly good. I thought it was clever for the marines to show up with a tank, and it turns out they were just a bunch of assholes who beat up real marines, stole their shit , and used their costumes to loot towns. The main people figure it out, though, and now Jericho has a fucking Abraham's hiding in a barn. I liked how the former mayor dude's last words were "you never know when you're gonna need a tank" and walks off into the dark. Interesting note: every episode has mores code and that particular episode ended with "they will need it."
In case anyone was wondering, next week's episode will explain how cities overseas such as London and Paris were also nuked. So it's definitely a worldwide catastrophe, possibly excluding China because they were the first to send aid.
I have been watching the show with great attention... Its available for comcast on demand (for free), and on the jericho website for streaming.

The show is getting bit more into bad things going on in the world, why just a couple of episodes ago SPOILER

down from here.....

There was a little mystery as to the back of this store where a merchant worked, looked like there were a bunch of bunk beds with bloody hand cuffs hooked to them. i am not sure if slavery, or merely prostitution/sex slaves are at work.....

And I do agree on that if people don't want to read spoilers then they shouldn't be here, or at least any farther into the thread than the first bit so they know what the show is about.[/b]

Alright, so we don't exactly have confirmation here, but is anyone surprised that Iran and north Korea are behind this? Yay American media.
Specialist said:
Alright, so we don't exactly have confirmation here, but is anyone surprised that Iran and north Korea are behind this? Yay American media.

If you haven't noticed, at the end, the fake marine said they made it up, or at least made up most of it.
wow man, you obviously have not seen all the episodes

we figured out who did it several episodes ago....
but we haven't necessarily figured out why....
Goweigus said:
wow man, you obviously have not seen all the episodes

we figured out who did it several episodes ago....
but we haven't necessarily figured out why....

The guy said that funding and logistics and the type were provided by Iran and North Korea, so I don't know what you're talking about.
Sovz said:
Specialist said:
Alright, so we don't exactly have confirmation here, but is anyone surprised that Iran and north Korea are behind this? Yay American media.

If you haven't noticed, at the end, the fake marine said they made it up, or at least made up most of it.

Well, that's true. However, the Marine also said that they got some of their news and some of it they made up -- he (probably deliberately) never said what was made up. We still don't know who gave them the materials, funding, or anything else. We have the suspects, but there's no motive.
well its been two episiodes since this was updated, anyways the most recent one tells us all about Robert Hawkins and what hes all about, he lets jake in to what is going on.

i really like the show, alot
Ya this most recent episode is great. And once again our thoughts are confirmed that North Korea and Iran had nothing to do with it.

Not to mention we now have motive. Looks like religion, political and one other reasons (I forget what the third cell's motivation was).
Just finished last episode, it was nice, not that much drama, even though I don't mind the drama parts, finishes the whole in my opinion...
This is picking up speed with the whole Hawkins thing. Very awesome. Can't wait till they have to use the tank.
Magus Zeal said:
Not to mention we now have motive. Looks like religion, political and one other reasons (I forget what the third cell's motivation was).

Not really, those groups were just being used by someone else. Pawns in the grand scheme. Can you really imagine anarchist working with religious zealots or militias who'd want to implant their own order?

Although I do see improvement in the drama aspect of the sow, it's alot less soap-opera-ish.
The Overseer said:
This is picking up speed with the whole Hawkins thing. Very awesome. Can't wait till they have to use the tank.
Heh, use it for what? Intimidation? All it had was fuel. Didn't have any loaded weapons on it.

Lith said:
Not really, those groups were just being used by someone else. Pawns in the grand scheme. Can you really imagine anarchist working with religious zealots or militias who'd want to implant their own order?
Ah, anarchists. That's the third group. I don't think that was it at all. They just wanted to topple the government. Of course, given the current state of the government (in Jericho), they may have their own rule.