Join the F3C team; read the official design plans


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
That's right, with the official declaration of an SDK that will be available in the very near future, it's time for the F3C to move to the next step of development - and to gain help from willing modders and testers. The goal of the F3C is to bring Fallout 3 to an NMA-endorsed status of a *true* Fallout 2 sequel that would make Black Isle proud. Many innovative features are already operational in the current beta version, but now it's time to get to work on a gold version - and more importantly, it's time to get serious!

In no particular order, here is a list of the key design features that are planned for the F3C:

1) Conventional map-travel with random encounters, including special encounters
2) Robust dialogue limitations based on the player's intelligence score
3) Improving and expanding the main quest
4) The addition of many more weapons
5) Ability to upgrade weapons with schematics, parts & a workbench
6) Improving the quality of textures and graphics
7) Improving the musical repitoire of the GNR radio station
8) Enhancing the combat AI for better targeting & real time decision making
9) Follower UI allowing the player to modify the follower's combat behavior
10) Among other things - finishing traits & perks!
11) Overhauling combat damage & defense to take into account armor penetration among other things
12) Overhauling projectile ballistics to be realistic, and take into account effects like muzzle velocity, wind speed, ricochet, and more
13) Adding more targetable regions to VATs for all weapons, especially Melee & Unarmed
14) Strength requirements for all weapons, for the player & the AI
15) Weapons that can use different types of ammunition for different effects
16) Improving the range of statistics, such as Luck affecting random encounters & loot
17) Improving the range of various skills, such as Science
18) Implementing the Outdoorsman, Gambling, Throwing, Doctor, & Traps skills
19) Revamping addictions & withdrawal behaviors
20) Adding unique/original content
21) Revamping how the player needs to handle crippled injuries
22) Combat Reflexes for the player, alters the flow of time based on what's happening

Alot of work, eh? More than enough for one person, which is why the F3C also needs your help! Again in no particular order, here is a list of various positions that you can participate in:

1) Texture artists
2) Weapon modellers
3) Animation artists
4) Creative writers
5) Scripters
6) SDK monkies
7) Sound FX artists
8) Testers
9) Website designer

If you're interested, you may sound off here, PM me, or contact me via a messenger or email. My AIM is Khydadriamen, and my email is (The fastest way to contact me is through a messenger service.)
I'll do some location/dialogue work if you guys get to that point. I can create some pretty deep trees if I don't have to do the voice acting. :) (unless you like fake dracula voice or squeaky geek voice acting)
I'd almost like to be a writer, but I think I'd rather play through the fixed up version than work on it.

I'm always at hand to casually bitch about the changes you have made (see: this thread) :)
I don't know if you'd like my voice but if you need voice acting, I can do a bit of it.

Also, I'm good with number crunching so if you guys need me for that, I'm in.
I could do writing/testing.. I wouldn't mind doing VO's if I had to. So feel free to ask if such is the case.
I was thinking of rewriting all the retarded skill check dialogues once the editor came out.
I actually really enjoyed the dialogue and writing in the first game.. It had a much less 'somber' and serious tone. I mean, characters always 'acted' serious in FO1/2, but it was always done in a way that felt over-the-top or humorous in some way..

I wouldn't say I dislike FO3's dialogue and writing.. Just maybe that it isn't what I would of preferred for the theme.
I am in

I'd like to try my hand at this. In particular, the Sound FX bit as I have an 'amateur' recording studio and am pretty good at sound/music production. (I think, he he). If needed I could also do some writing/testing.
Just thought I'd pop in and explain an easy way to do strength requirements (although it will require FOSE to tell what weapon the player has equipped).

Basically you set up a quest script to run about 1-2 times per second.

You'll also need to compile lists of what weapons require what STR requirements, and make these into FLSTs, but do it in a top-down method, and by that I mean, you want 'FLST of weapons req STR > 6', 'FLST of weapons req STR > 5', and so on. If i remember from the originals the ST requirements were generally either 4 5 or 6, and not above 7, so probably you would only need lists for 5 and 6, and maybe 7 if you wanted to make a Super Duper Sledgehammer (not that you would want to).
Then, in your quest script, you just do:

set weapon to player.getequippedweapon (or whatever the FOSE functions ends up being)

if player.getav stength < 6
    if player.isweaponinlist str6list
       player.unequipitem weapon

and so on, for each list.

As an alternative to unequipping the weapon, you could simply create a 'Too Heavy' SPEL, and add that to the player, which would apply whatever penalties you decide on. Might want multiple versions depending on how much weaker the player is than the requirement.
What would you like to see in a design doc?

Working on my own mod, having a hard time deciding what I want to publish now that I'm forming a plan.

I agree that it would be useful, especially if you want to do a team project like F3C.
Yo, I want in. you got a modeler right here with tons of works ready to go.

I do 3D modeling for my career, mostly scientific work that isn't too flashy. I'm a Geographer, and I can get you terrain models of realworld locations.

I also had computer animation classes in my college years. I have done film festival animations and also voice acting for numerous college projects, mostly pirate and scotsmen dialects. As Sulik would say, "We be good with fists, spear, big hammer, submachinegun. We be a handfull.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Design docs.

I agree, if you can manage a competent design document I would love to work on your project, it has great potential if you find the right people.
I would be able to provide dialog and writing utilized for exposition quite effectively.
I could provide you some sample work in a Word document if you'd find that satisfactory, I can work on a tight schedule since I'm quite proficient at writing fleshed out pieces in limited time from my experience with advanced writing classes and literary analysis.
To be succinct, I'm naturally adept at putting as much effort into my writing as I can possibly manage, I think some people here on the forums would agree with that.

Naturally many people would be interested in a creative writing position, but as I mentioned, I could send you some sample work so you could be as picky as you'd like to be.
There was a thread in the Nexus forums I replied to that I think are some good ideas. If you can implement them, go for it...

A lot of great ideas in the original post. Here are some personal inputs I'd have:

- Hunger and Thirst
Just like obtaining a "Well Rested" status when you sleep on a bed in Fallout 3, if you don't eat 3 square meals a day and drink 3 bottles of water a day, you should get a "Starving" and "Dehydrated" status. Starving should reduce Stregnth and Endurance. Dehydration should reduce Agility and Perception.

- Stimpaks and Healing
Stimpaks should be RARE. Like, only available in very limited quantities for sale from clinics, or in Medical Kits in abandoned vaults. Crippled limbs should only be able to be healed by a doctor in a clinic. That way, if you get into a heavy fire fight, you need to limp back to the nearest settlement to get properly patched up. No more hiding behind a barrel and shooting up a Stimpak to heal that "crippled" leg!

Another very RARE item should be something called a "Self-Aid" kit that will heal crippled limbs ONLY and not regenerate health. These could be found for sale in doctor's clinics only, but are extremely expensive.

Stimpak healing effects should not be instantaneous, either. They should be treaded like other Chems in the game... you can only use them one at a time, and they have a time-limited duration. So say you're in need of healing. Now you can only shoot up one Stimpak, and it will heal X amount of hit points over X amount of real-time minutes. This will make you think twice before "Run n' Gun" tactics.

- Food and Drink
Food and drink should be uncommon, but not as rare as Stimpaks. Food/water will be the primary means of regenerating health. The healing properties should be instant, but in much smaller amount, the opposite of the Stimpak. They should still have a time-limited duration (so you don't eat 100 Iguana Bits to regen full health) to simulate being "full".

Rads should be increased in Food/Water considerably across the board. Standing in radiated water is one thing, ingesting it is a completly different thing! Also the Food Sanitizer should reduce the amount of Rads present in food, but not eliminate it completely.

Different foods should have a different "max healing amount". So less nutritious foods like Snack Cakes and Potato Crisps are more common in the game world, but heal less HP overall. Foods like Brahmin Steak and Iguana in a Stick may not be "less" common, but have a much higher rad count, yet heal more HP.

- Sleeping
Sleeping should heal X amount of HP per hour of sleep.

Just a few ideas I'd throw out there...
One more idea...

Would it be possible to allow Melee weapons to give you double the XP when killing something?

This was originally done in Wasteland, where killing something with a Melee weapon netted you twice the XP as opposed to using a ranged weapon.
Go for pro, I'll look forward to your creation and if I get a little better at mods, maybe even help.

Grave461 said:
One more idea...

Would it be possible to allow Melee weapons to give you double the XP when killing something?

This was originally done in Wasteland, where killing something with a Melee weapon netted you twice the XP as opposed to using a ranged weapon.

The XP still needs to be turned down a lot with the 20 level cap, unless they plan to remove it.
Hobo In A Box said:
Go for pro, I'll look forward to your creation and if I get a little better at mods, maybe even help.

Grave461 said:
One more idea...

Would it be possible to allow Melee weapons to give you double the XP when killing something?

This was originally done in Wasteland, where killing something with a Melee weapon netted you twice the XP as opposed to using a ranged weapon.

The XP still needs to be turned down a lot with the 20 level cap, unless they plan to remove it.

Yeah, it does. What I meant was, if they raised the level cap (or lower the overall XP when killing things), raised the amount of XP needed to level, but gave a double XP bonus when using Melee weapons.

Sounds kinda counter-productive when explained that way, but the bottom line is to reward taking higher risks at damage/death when fighting in Melee combat, instead of the safety of ranged combat.
Grave461 said:
One more idea...

Would it be possible to allow Melee weapons to give you double the XP when killing something?

Oh, no way. I'm a martial arts master in fallout 3. I leveled up so quickly just by sneaking up to powerful enemies and punching their heads off. I am a Cyborg Ninja with an adamantium skeleton, 3 levels of Iron fist, Strength 6+4, and Powerfist. The only things that can withstand my sneak attack are Master Mutants and larger creatures. Melee characters can handle themselves just fine. It's all in how you build your character.

I would like the doctor skill to become more essential again. I loved how Fallout: Tactics gave you so many ailments to cure, not just broken limbs. First aid kits and doctor bags were cool too instead of having to use stimpacks all the time. I would like to see more ailments this time. like wound infections, sicknesses, STD's. I don't think poison even works any more. Then the doctor skill would be awesome. If we make random encounters with ill people, you can get caps and karma for healing them. Hell, if we expanded the mod to where you could manage your own settlement, the doctor occupation would be of utmost importance.

Instead of using AP's for Dr. bags and 1st aid kits. They use time and can only be used if enemies are not present. How much time and supplies used to patch yourself up will depend on your skills.

1st aid kit- Heals HP, Cheap, takes time to heal, Limit to how much can be used until character is fully rested like in Fallout: Tactics.
Dr bag- Heals HP, Expensive, takes time to heal, heals ailments and broken limbs, Limit to how much can be used until character is fully rested, like in Fallout: Tactics.
Stimpack- Heals HP, instantly during battle but very expensive and can get addictive

Addictive properties of stimpacks will make the player think twice about running the gauntlet as opposed to thinking his way through it and avoid getting hurt.