That's right, with the official declaration of an SDK that will be available in the very near future, it's time for the F3C to move to the next step of development - and to gain help from willing modders and testers. The goal of the F3C is to bring Fallout 3 to an NMA-endorsed status of a *true* Fallout 2 sequel that would make Black Isle proud. Many innovative features are already operational in the current beta version, but now it's time to get to work on a gold version - and more importantly, it's time to get serious!
In no particular order, here is a list of the key design features that are planned for the F3C:
1) Conventional map-travel with random encounters, including special encounters
2) Robust dialogue limitations based on the player's intelligence score
3) Improving and expanding the main quest
4) The addition of many more weapons
5) Ability to upgrade weapons with schematics, parts & a workbench
6) Improving the quality of textures and graphics
7) Improving the musical repitoire of the GNR radio station
8) Enhancing the combat AI for better targeting & real time decision making
9) Follower UI allowing the player to modify the follower's combat behavior
10) Among other things - finishing traits & perks!
11) Overhauling combat damage & defense to take into account armor penetration among other things
12) Overhauling projectile ballistics to be realistic, and take into account effects like muzzle velocity, wind speed, ricochet, and more
13) Adding more targetable regions to VATs for all weapons, especially Melee & Unarmed
14) Strength requirements for all weapons, for the player & the AI
15) Weapons that can use different types of ammunition for different effects
16) Improving the range of statistics, such as Luck affecting random encounters & loot
17) Improving the range of various skills, such as Science
18) Implementing the Outdoorsman, Gambling, Throwing, Doctor, & Traps skills
19) Revamping addictions & withdrawal behaviors
20) Adding unique/original content
21) Revamping how the player needs to handle crippled injuries
22) Combat Reflexes for the player, alters the flow of time based on what's happening
Alot of work, eh? More than enough for one person, which is why the F3C also needs your help! Again in no particular order, here is a list of various positions that you can participate in:
1) Texture artists
2) Weapon modellers
3) Animation artists
4) Creative writers
5) Scripters
6) SDK monkies
7) Sound FX artists
8) Testers
9) Website designer
If you're interested, you may sound off here, PM me, or contact me via a messenger or email. My AIM is Khydadriamen, and my email is (The fastest way to contact me is through a messenger service.)
In no particular order, here is a list of the key design features that are planned for the F3C:
1) Conventional map-travel with random encounters, including special encounters
2) Robust dialogue limitations based on the player's intelligence score
3) Improving and expanding the main quest
4) The addition of many more weapons
5) Ability to upgrade weapons with schematics, parts & a workbench
6) Improving the quality of textures and graphics
7) Improving the musical repitoire of the GNR radio station
8) Enhancing the combat AI for better targeting & real time decision making
9) Follower UI allowing the player to modify the follower's combat behavior
10) Among other things - finishing traits & perks!
11) Overhauling combat damage & defense to take into account armor penetration among other things
12) Overhauling projectile ballistics to be realistic, and take into account effects like muzzle velocity, wind speed, ricochet, and more
13) Adding more targetable regions to VATs for all weapons, especially Melee & Unarmed
14) Strength requirements for all weapons, for the player & the AI
15) Weapons that can use different types of ammunition for different effects
16) Improving the range of statistics, such as Luck affecting random encounters & loot
17) Improving the range of various skills, such as Science
18) Implementing the Outdoorsman, Gambling, Throwing, Doctor, & Traps skills
19) Revamping addictions & withdrawal behaviors
20) Adding unique/original content
21) Revamping how the player needs to handle crippled injuries
22) Combat Reflexes for the player, alters the flow of time based on what's happening
Alot of work, eh? More than enough for one person, which is why the F3C also needs your help! Again in no particular order, here is a list of various positions that you can participate in:
1) Texture artists
2) Weapon modellers
3) Animation artists
4) Creative writers
5) Scripters
6) SDK monkies
7) Sound FX artists
8) Testers
9) Website designer
If you're interested, you may sound off here, PM me, or contact me via a messenger or email. My AIM is Khydadriamen, and my email is (The fastest way to contact me is through a messenger service.)