
if you have *something more interesting and less gay* why don't you tell me?


Learn how to draw. Meet young women. Read insightful, entertaining books. Occasionally ingurgitate industrial amounts of alcoholic beverages. Listen to good music. Watch good movies. Get yourself a proper avatar.

Never ever go to a high school reunion on a Monday. You might end up at 3 AM at ul.Bracka, figuring out just how the hell you're supposed to work the next day, not to mention where the fuck you're going to sleep. After an EN and CH test, you have to have at least 70% in Speech to convince a girlfriend to let you crash at her place.

KQX said:
What else would I be doing all day?

KQX, in Eastern Europe, days do *you*.
Wooz said:
Learn how to draw. Meet young women. Read insightful, entertaining books. Occasionally ingurgitate industrial amounts of alcoholic beverages. Listen to good music. Watch good movies. Get yourself a proper avatar.


Start boxing, Judo or Wing Tsung...

If you want to get into shape just box! Really this is one of the hardest and most satisfying sports that I know of!
If I still lived in Eastern Europe I'd totally be into that. The commieblocks are just designed for it. What else would I be doing all day? It's not like there's jobs available.

That depends. The commieblocks over here are big and without any form of rails or tallsidewalks. Plus, there are lots of semi-wild dog packs wandering the neighborhoods with commieblocks.

Learn how to draw. Meet young women. Read insightful, entertaining books. Occasionally ingurgitate industrial amounts of alcoholic beverages. Listen to good music. Watch good movies. Get yourself a proper avatar.

That's nice and all, but that kind of lifestyle almost made me fat. You need some exercise from time to time...
Wooz said:
if you have *something more interesting and less gay* why don't you tell me?


Learn how to draw. Meet young women. Read insightful, entertaining books. Occasionally ingurgitate industrial amounts of alcoholic beverages. Listen to good music. Watch good movies. Get yourself a proper avatar.

Besides things obvious? You think I don't do such things? I was hoping for something more creative than "watch TV, hang out with friends and get drunk from time to time". Some original sport perhaps?
I *quoted* you - how can you say that I did not read carefully? These are your words.

Care to explain how did I misunderstood?

I said:
Learn how to draw. Meet young women. Read insightful, entertaining books. Occasionally ingurgitate industrial amounts of alcoholic beverages. Listen to good music. Watch good movies. Get yourself a proper avatar.


watch TV, hang out with friends and get drunk from time to time

See the difference?
Yeah, I get it, but I do these things from time to time. Besides I want to do something that keeps me moving, I hate to sit around, I already have too much of that. Getting drunk is not fun to me (not now anyway). Good movies are hard to get. My ears bleed from listening to good music. I can't spend hours outside doing crazy shit now, I gotta study. I was hoping for something you can do for an hour or two that can help fight boredom. And something that doesn't concern sitting on the computer or plain running. I changed my avatar to something better I hope.

As you see, I didn't understood you wrong, I just didn't rewrite *everything* you wrote (is there a point doing it?).
Ravager69 said:
I hate to sit around, I already have too much of that. [...] I was hoping for something you can do [...] that can help fight boredom.

Go for a walk, climb, swim, etc. in a wilderness area. Of course I'm a nature lover so it might just be me that enjoys it.

The Vault Dweller
iii said:
Start boxing, Judo or Wing Tsung...

If you want to get into shape just box! Really this is one of the hardest and most satisfying sports that I know of!
Krav Maga floats my boat.i love it.

watch out for McDojos though...

Ravager69 said:
Screw this - how do I remove a thread?
you don't.
Ravager69 said:
Don't. You'll get serious injuries in about 2 years. It stretches your muscles and tendons too much. Running is far better, providing you'll get proper shoes and don't run on concrete.
Maybe so, but as DDD said, it definitely is more interesting than straight running. I swear to God, ninja in the making they are.

And, you can't remove threads. Your spot in the hotseat stays unless a mod says otherwise. :P
Ninjas were prepared to be ninjas since childhood. Besides, they didn't run on concrete, but wood or soil and that is a BIG diffrence. Plus, not many of them ever lived more than 25-30 years. I know it may seem a lot more interesting, but I give you a friendly warning - don't do it.
Seriously dude, go out and play airsoft, it's about 20-30 bucks to rent the equipment (here at least) and you get 45 minutes per game (once again here at least), generally I don't find sports of any kind fun but I enjoy airsoft quite a bit.