Just Realized Something About FO4 Vertibirds


Wept for Zion
Sorry if this has already been brought up before, and if it has, can you guys link to the forum post about it? Thanks.

Anyway, the Vertibirds in Fallout 4. They shouldn't exist. At all. First of all, Vertibirds run on gasoline, of which there is none. Zilch. Zip. The last preserve of gasoline was destroyed by The Chosen One after all. It's stated as much by the Enclave that that was the last bit of petroleum.

Now I can KINDA understand there being vertibirds in Fallout 3. Considering they're supposed to be the same Enclave from Fallout 2, just migrated to the East, I would certainly imagine they brought a few barrels of gasoline with them before fleeing the coop.

In New Vegas we only see 2 Vertibirds, one of which owned by the President of the NCR himself. Now I can't really explain this Vertibird's existence because, unlike the Enclave who probably brought oil with them in FO3, the NCR shouldn't really have any access to gasoline. I'll just make the assumption, since it's really the only one we see outside of the Enclave Remnant's, they have just enough gasoline to power it. Perhaps it runs on mostly ethanol gas (corn fumes)?

Meanwhile in Fallout 4, not only did the Brotherhood somehow manage to get ahold of Vertibird building schematics (I'll just assume they got it from that one Vertibird you fly out of at the end of Broken Steel), but they have tons of these things! They're everywhere. All the time I'll hear the sound of vertibirds puttering across the sky only to inevitably be blown up by a stray bullet because those ships have 1 health. Hell, you even get your own vertibird in the game, even though it's literally just slow fast travel, aka completely useless. There aren't any flying enemies to shoot or any sort of danger while you're in it.

So how the fuck do they have this many Vertibirds? They sure as hell don't have the gas for it. I can't say they got it from the Enclave bases because they blew up both of the Enclave bases (Raven Rock and that weird mobile base thing from BS) Is it ever explained in the game? I never went through the BOS storyline because after playing it through with the Railroad and trying to play it through with the Institute, I just gave up. I could understand maybe 1 or 2 Vertibirds but an infinite number of them without any gas?!
They´re just there because they were in previous games so they had to comeback one way or another no matter how uncessary it was. Just like the super mutants.
I guess they changed it to fusion power. Since they blow up like mini nukes and the fusion powered cars. I don't know if they converted them, I don't even know if that's possible. Once again Bethesda doesn't bother explaining it.
I guess they changed it to fusion power. Since they blow up like mini nukes and the fusion powered cars. I don't know if they converted them, I don't even know if that's possible. Once again Bethesda doesn't bother explaining it.
See, even if Bethesda had half-assed a reason such as "converting them to fusion power", it still would have been more acceptable than "Because it was in Fallout before"
For the most part I am willing to assume that nobody on the team who made and wrote Fallout 4 actually knew a thing about Fallout lore or played the originals and paid attention while they did so.

Maybe they have incredibly poor attention to detail, and this is why in a world supposedly dominated by a resource driven worldwide war, everyone we see pre-bombs is peacefully chugging around in cars that don't require gas (even though everything else is nonsensically stuck in the 50s) and using nuclear powered household robots as butlers.

The most likely excuse is that they didn't even notice that this was an inconsistency, and if they had they would have resorted to fusion-power-magic handwavium to iron it out, even when it was outright idiotic to do so.
"Because this is fallout stupid. We have to shove as many things that we find when we look up "Fallout 1 and 2" on google images into the game so we can justify calling this shit a sequel" - Godd Howard
The aliens brought them a lifetime supply of gasoline.
I forgot about the aliens
Not even the dead know peace from that stupidity
Maybe the ancient aliens were the ones who buried all the gas in the first place, just like how God puts all those dinosaur bones in the earth to screw with scientists.
Maybe the ancient aliens were the ones who buried all the gas in the first place, just like how God puts all those dinosaur bones in the earth to screw with scientists.

Hey come on mate, don't try and take a swipe at religion like that on my thread. Don't care what you believe in but keep real life shit out of here, k? Last thing I need is people completely derailing this thread with religious debates. It's so easy to derail a topic nowadays.
Are the ancient aliens the same ones from mothership zeta or other aliens? Maybe the great war happened because of a secret war between the two aliens!

kill me
Are the ancient aliens the same ones from mothership zeta or other aliens? Maybe the great war happened because of a secret war between the two aliens!

kill me

Well actually Fallout 3 already insinuates that aliens caused the Great War. Essentially they captured someone really high up in the military (a general I believe) and they got him to reveal the nuclear launch codes. You could infer the aliens have no idea what he's saying and are just torturing him to figure out how humans tick, but it could also point towards them using the launch codes to start the war.

And yes, those "ancient aliens under the Mojave" are the same as Zetans apparently.
Sorry if this has already been brought up before, and if it has, can you guys link to the forum post about it? Thanks.

Anyway, the Vertibirds in Fallout 4. They shouldn't exist. At all. First of all, Vertibirds run on gasoline, of which there is none. Zilch. Zip. The last preserve of gasoline was destroyed by The Chosen One after all. It's stated as much by the Enclave that that was the last bit of petroleum.

Now I can KINDA understand there being vertibirds in Fallout 3. Considering they're supposed to be the same Enclave from Fallout 2, just migrated to the East, I would certainly imagine they brought a few barrels of gasoline with them before fleeing the coop.

In New Vegas we only see 2 Vertibirds, one of which owned by the President of the NCR himself. Now I can't really explain this Vertibird's existence because, unlike the Enclave who probably brought oil with them in FO3, the NCR shouldn't really have any access to gasoline. I'll just make the assumption, since it's really the only one we see outside of the Enclave Remnant's, they have just enough gasoline to power it. Perhaps it runs on mostly ethanol gas (corn fumes)?

Meanwhile in Fallout 4, not only did the Brotherhood somehow manage to get ahold of Vertibird building schematics (I'll just assume they got it from that one Vertibird you fly out of at the end of Broken Steel), but they have tons of these things! They're everywhere. All the time I'll hear the sound of vertibirds puttering across the sky only to inevitably be blown up by a stray bullet because those ships have 1 health. Hell, you even get your own vertibird in the game, even though it's literally just slow fast travel, aka completely useless. There aren't any flying enemies to shoot or any sort of danger while you're in it.

So how the fuck do they have this many Vertibirds? They sure as hell don't have the gas for it. I can't say they got it from the Enclave bases because they blew up both of the Enclave bases (Raven Rock and that weird mobile base thing from BS) Is it ever explained in the game? I never went through the BOS storyline because after playing it through with the Railroad and trying to play it through with the Institute, I just gave up. I could understand maybe 1 or 2 Vertibirds but an infinite number of them without any gas?!
"Not interested in discussing realism in a post apoc world with talking zombies" is the likely answer to your inquiry.

Just pretend they found more gasoline somewhere. Or more likely, they just reskinned the Dragons from Skyrim as Vertibirds and called it a day.

I mean you're talking writers who came up with Kid in the Fridge. They're not exactly Shakespeare. Not that that matters to fanboys, I saw comments praising Kid in the Fridge as an example of Fallout 4's "depth."
A bio fuel made from crops ? But seriously those damn endless vertibirds crashing all the time, what kind of strategy is that. They would be more effective as kamikaze, hell they practically are.
A bio fuel made from crops ? But seriously those damn endless vertibirds crashing all the time, what kind of strategy is that. They would be more effective as kamikaze, hell they practically are.

Playing for the Railroad in my first (and only) run, I know I got blown the fuck up by them a lot of times when they tried to attack me. Their miniguns did nothing to me but them spinning out of control and crashing into me was an unexpected strategy.

I'm not trying to be a dick but overthinking the lore of these games is pointless now. They don't give a shit if it makes sense and most of their fans don't either.

Fair enough, but I was hoping there might be SOMETHING. It just blows my mind how much of this shit is literally just up in the air when it's compared to the past games. "Why does the Institute have FEV?" *thrown in the air* "Why is it you handwave the Ghoul in the Fridge quest but in the same game have ghouls on farms and make it clear they have to eat and drink?" *handwaved* and so forth and so on. It honestly just doesn't register to me how fucking incompetent Bethesda is with this.
I'm not trying to be a dick but overthinking the lore of these games is pointless now. They don't give a shit if it makes sense and most of their fans don't either.
Pretty much this.

If you want internal consistency and well-thought out lore in a great role-playing game, you will not be getting that out of Fallout ever again unless they let Obsidian or someone else like InXile write up a spin-off.

Personally, I think Wasteland can fill the niche of post-apocalyptic worlds if the Fallout New Vegas 2-type of spin-off does not happen. Hopefully there is a Wasteland 3.