
  1. TheKingofVault14

    A Collection of Kronos Production's Fan Art.

    Hey everybody, right now I just wanted to share a compilation of some really cool Fallout Fan Art made by Kronos Productions over on Twitter. Here's what I've got so far... Ave True to Caesar!: Enclave Poster: Fallout TV Show: NCR Political Cartoons/Profligate FIlled Nonsense...
  2. SpyBox

    Something I thought would of been cool in Fallout New Vegas

    In Fallout New Vegas, I think that something super cool would of been if in the Ultra Luxe, Heck Gunderson was being guarded by a NCR solider wearing a "unique" set of T-51b power armor called NCR T-51b Power Armor and named "Gunderson Bodyguard". This bodyguard would be equipped with a riot...
  3. LostLegion101

    Why does the NCR go after Enclave remnants, but not remnants of the Master's Army?

    This is something I just had a thought about that I was wondering if anyone here knew about? I know that the NCR actively seems to hunt down anyone who seemed to have any kind of of association with the Enclave. Even people like Arcade in New Vegas who was only an infant when Navarro went up in...
  4. ProjectWatchTower

    Fallout: Project Watchtower

    I've been a causal watcher of NMA since (Bethesda) 3 was new-ish and decided to make an account recently and spitball a pitch for a mod that's been on my brain for a long while now. I put it on reddit before, so if it sounds familiar that's why. Project Watchtower aka Fallout in Canada Basic...
  5. KingArthur

    So I’m Making a Pen and Paper Game and Need Input

    So, yeah. Like it says in the title, I’m making a PnP Fallout game, specifically one set around the time of the first Battle of Hoover Dam. So far the idea is that the party is a caravan, made up of diverse player characters and builds of course, which travels the Mojave, making deliveries and...
  6. KingArthur

    The Enclave: Evil or Machiavellian?

    So I saw a lot of threads with similar reasons for being but 1) I don't wanna gravedig and 2) I was hoping for more of an argument discussion like in @Apollyon's Lanius thread. So without further ado... I believe that the Enclave, as a group, are not strictly "evil", in the conventional sense...
  7. KingArthur

    The Ticking of the Clock

    So basically the purpose of this thread is to speculate how long the New California Republic has left. In my opinion? Not long. The Republic is a shadow of the Old World, yet unlike the Legion, it’s beginning to rot from the inside. Corruption, inefficiency, ineffective military tactics, the...
  8. Z

    NCR Salary or Pay?

    I'm going to a Fallout-themed LARP soon and would like to play as an NCR member. The game currency is Caps but I'd like to make some NCR money and try to get it accepted by traders as part of my storyline. Anyone have a guess or information about how much an NCR trooper might get paid? If you...
  9. VIXRE

    A book containing the whole Fallout Lore

    It's been various years since i first started writing a sort of book containing every major and non-major events in the fallout universe sorted by date (DD/MM/YYYY) spanning from the XVII century to the very last years . I am from Italy so the only copy existing online is in italian and has been...
  10. Ranger N


    Who do you like?
  11. Ranger N

    What will happen to the NCR

    I'm gonna be honest. The NCR is my favorite faction in Fallout. I will give an honest thought to what I think and not because they're the best. The NCR suffer from political corruption,traitorism and much more. But they are probably the best thing that could happen to the Wasteland. They are...
  12. Sn1p3r187

    Cars in the Fallout universe

    Okay since we all know there was a mass shortage of petroleum in the Fallout universe by the later half of the 21st century; that's to say that cars after the Great War would've been useless since there's no gas or oil. But, with the Brotherhood of Steel becoming a major research and development...
  13. NMLevesque

    Riot Gear as Ranger Armor Origins

    The wikia and gamepedia pages seem to say that the Desert Rangers had the Riot Gear (duster included) first, and the NCR followed suit after the Unification Treaty. Which is confusing because it suggests that not only was it LAPD riot gear, but that it was also used in the war with China (the...
  14. V

    fallout 2 vault 15 darion is missing

    I've started replaying fallout 2 and i am at the part where you have to go to vault 15 for the ncr and kill darion to free the homeless there. only problem is that after i killed my way to the third floor and killed his gaurds darion vanished without talking to me. I've tried searching for him...
  15. C

    New Vegas art.

  16. Ben Soto

    NCR vs. Caesar's Legion : Who Will Win?

    The question is two-fold. Firstly, without the Courier's intervention, who wins The Second Battle of Hoover Dam? Secondly, who wins the war? The first one is obvious. The Legion has countless operations in the West that will utterly cripple the NCR's operation in the Mojave, while the NCR is...
  17. NMLevesque

    NCR population or % of population in the military

    I did find a couple posts on Reddit trying to estimate the sizes of the NCR and Legion militaries, but I am curious as to what the overall populations might be for each. In Fo2 they say the NCR is 700k (kilo = thousand), with most of the people presumably living outside of the major towns as...
  18. NMLevesque

    Purpose of targeting Dry Wells? Better target?

    Hitting the I-15 makes sense as a way to cripple the NCR. Though looking at maps some routes are never explained as being broken*, it's definitely their best route into the Vegas valley. Whereas I don't see the strategic value of Dry Wells. I assume it was just for the sake of referencing...
  19. NVMPCaesar

    New Vegas Multiplayer: Groups System (UPDATED)

    You may have heard about the New Vegas Multiplayer mod being developed, right? Well since then the multiplayer has continuously developed, factions have sprung up, including Caesar’s Legion; the faction I currently lead at the moment. The largest and most popular faction on so...
  20. C

    Trump vs Clinton for the NCR?

    If Trump & Hillary had faced off in an election for the presidency of the New California Republic, who do you think would've won? For the sake of specificity, the election is taking place at roughly the onset of F:NV (October 2281). Would things be different? Would they be the same? Why?