Just Realized Something About FO4 Vertibirds

Here's how it went. The Zetans kidnapped and killed The Lone Wanderer and Sarah Lyons, making Maxson the elder. The Zetans then kidnapped and probed Maxson into believing he's Hitler and built him a sexy coat and airship and shoved a probe up his ass for all eternity. The East Coast Brotherhood then found the airship with enough Vertibirds to crash a trillion times over(which they did) and the Zetans gave the BOS alien sperm to use as an infinite fuel source.

The BOS then, still brainwashed, flew over to the Massachusets Commonwealth to circle(of steel) jerk and put their "pilots" into Vertibirds only to crash into every building they possibly can.
Here's how it went. The Zetans kidnapped and killed The Lone Wanderer and Sarah Lyons, making Maxson the elder. The Zetans then kidnapped and probed Maxson into believing he's Hitler and built him a sexy coat and airship and shoved a probe up his ass for all eternity. The East Coast Brotherhood then found the airship with enough Vertibirds to crash a trillion times over(which they did) and the Zetans gave the BOS alien sperm to use as an infinite fuel source.

The BOS then, still brainwashed, flew over to the Massachusets Commonwealth to circle(of steel) jerk and put their "pilots" into Vertibirds only to crash into every building they possibly can.
Wait, why are you talking about Fallout 4?
I think Bear Force One running on ethanol is plausible. By the time of New Vegas the NCR is very invested in agriculture, and "wasting valuable crops on powering his vanity helicopter" is totally in character for Kimball.

It's not super-complicated to make ethanol, you just need a fair bit of corn. What I'd be more concerned about is how often you have to replace the valves and valve seals (and where exactly the materials for that are coming from) but Kimball is kind of an idiot so I don't think he cares.

Well, on a rough estimate, how many Vertibirds do you think the NCR could reasonably fuel with biofuel from their crops?
How many they have or realistically have?

Realistically they would have 0. I'd say they have around 20 however.

Nah, not realistically. By actual Bethesda logic, how much would they have? From what I've seen, they have at least 10 out doing patrols per day. I think there was up to 8 at least attacking the Castle if you decide to destroy the Prydwen.

They could have as many as 50. That's insane. By the standards you just stated, @Dr Fallout, they would need at least half as many crops as the NCR do, and the Capital Wasteland (their only other location) is barren as hell.

What did the Brotherhood find, fuel left by the Enclave conveniently lying around? Enough to fuel 50 or more? The sensible side of me tells me I'm overthinking it, but pointless speculation is fun.
Nah, not realistically. By actual Bethesda logic, how much would they have? From what I've seen, they have at least 10 out doing patrols per day. I think there was up to 8 at least attacking the Castle if you decide to destroy the Prydwen.

They could have as many as 50. That's insane. By the standards you just stated, @Dr Fallout, they would need at least half as many crops as the NCR do, and the Capital Wasteland (their only other location) is barren as hell.

What did the Brotherhood find, fuel left by the Enclave conveniently lying around? Enough to fuel 50 or more? The sensible side of me tells me I'm overthinking it, but pointless speculation is fun.
True... there are many flying around... but I usually ignore them because... well they become so common after a while.

Yeah, way too many. Exactly, they would need a massive amount of crops, ignoring the fact if they don't use other alternate fuels... I think the Germans made 'fake' petrol or something. Might want to research that.

It's impossible for them to have that many.
The pilots aren't much for efficiency, either. I know it's just a bug, but the constant Vertibird crashes have led me into this headcanon where the Brotherhood have no knowledge of piloting but doesn't let that lack of knowledge stop them.
The pilots aren't much for efficiency, either. I know it's just a bug, but the constant Vertibird crashes have led me into this headcanon where the Brotherhood have no knowledge of piloting but doesn't let that lack of knowledge stop them.
Kinda like orks huh?
Alright, so the Brotherhood, within the wastelands of the United States, conjured 50 Vertibirds up from absolutely fuck all, fully fueled and ready for flight. That's fresh bullshit right there. :irked:

What I mean is, this is one of those things Bethesda employees should've at least touched on during lunch together or something. Why are they so insistent on keeping from adding at least one text explaining the overabundance of aircraft? I get that the people in charge don't care, but if the developers working under them do, this is one of "too big to ignore" kind of plot hole. Not even Borderlands would have a plot hole this big.
Well, on a rough estimate, how many Vertibirds do you think the NCR could reasonably fuel with biofuel from their crops?

Well, a single acre of corn produced by modern agricultural techniques can produce roughly 400 gallons of ethanol. Since the farming techniques in post-apocalyptic California are much less efficient (they don't have great big combine harvesters, and water is scarce), but we can look at that as an upper bound but more realistic would be half or a quarter of that.

A large modern helicopter can go through something like 25 gallons of fuel in a single hour. So a year's production of one acre of corn would keep a vertibird in the air for roughly 4-16 hours. So I don't know if it's the sort of thing you'd want to do a lot of.
Oh they would, but they'd make fun of it in the sequel.

Yeah, Borderlands seems almost self-aware of it's own inconsistency and rolls with it, which is fine as a non-serious comedy game with constant breaches of the fourth wall. Destiny doesn't seem to have enough lore to be inconsistent, since everything is so vague and described with one word. But Fallout 4 does have an obligation to make the writing consistent and it doesn't fulfill this obligation, so it can't be excused like the other games it's attempting to imitate.
Yeah, Borderlands seems almost self-aware of it's own inconsistency and rolls with it, which is fine as a non-serious comedy game with constant breaches of the fourth wall. Destiny doesn't seem to have enough lore to be inconsistent, since everything is so vague and described with one word. But Fallout 4 does have an obligation to make the writing consistent and it doesn't fulfill this obligation, so it can't be excused like the other games it's attempting to imitate.

Destiny still exists?
Yeah, Borderlands seems almost self-aware of it's own inconsistency and rolls with it, which is fine as a non-serious comedy game with constant breaches of the fourth wall. Destiny doesn't seem to have enough lore to be inconsistent, since everything is so vague and described with one word. But Fallout 4 does have an obligation to make the writing consistent and it doesn't fulfill this obligation, so it can't be excused like the other games it's attempting to imitate.
That's why I love Borderlands writing, tales from the Borderlands constantly pokes fun at the main game with mentions to grinding and massive amounts of guns one can get.
Hey in response to the earlier question about the Vertibirds fuel, could the brotherhood have made synthetic fuel like the Shi? Do they have the resources to do that?
Hey in response to the earlier question about the Vertibirds fuel, could the brotherhood have made synthetic fuel like the Shi? Do they have the resources to do that?
It's entirely possible but they would need factories and infrastructure. Do you really think those fascist jingoists would have that?