Just Realized Something About FO4 Vertibirds

Well, the Nazi's could have done it, are you saying Nazi's are better then the Brotherhood? You Fascist dog!
The Nazis had a pretty big empire with a large army and relatively stable industrial capacity. The Brotherhood does not.
Realistically they would have 0. I'd say they have around 20 however.
20? I remember seeing about half a dozen of these stupid fucking things getting shot down every time I walked from Sanctuary to the Castle.

I don't mind them on some threads, but every Fallout 4 thread are filled with these "because magic" or "they don't care" posts. I don't care if they care or not. The game's writing is shit, we all got that already, I'm asking for actual speculation.
It's difficult to give much of a shit about game logic that the creators evidently put little to no thought into themselves.
It's difficult to give much of a shit about game logic that the creators evidently put little to no thought into themselves.

Where else could I go for pointless speculation? I enjoy it. Besides, it's no better to repeat the exact same insults again and again over something that has been confirmed to be bad a long time ago. One could argue that pointless speculation is more useful, because at least people get some useful interesting facts out of it, as opposed to repeating what everyone already knows.

If someone is convinced Fallout 4 is good, you aren't going to change their minds. If someone is convinced Fallout 4 is bad, there's little to gain from telling them it's bad twice more. I get that it's fun for some people, but I thought this was the place for thoughtful bitterness? As opposed to the circlejerks you can find on Reddit. :lol:
Have you ever spent hours trying to deconstruct something nonsensical bit by bit, only to reach a point where your mind suddenly snaps and thinks, "why the fuck am I putting so much thought and effort into explaining something that was never meant to make sense in the first place"? It's a weird feeling, almost like a dream in which you're doing something for no obvious reason and then abruptly become cognizant of the fact.
Have you ever spent hours trying to deconstruct something nonsensical bit by bit, only to reach a point where your mind suddenly snaps and thinks, "why the fuck am I putting so much thought and effort into explaining something that was never meant to make sense in the first place"? It's a weird feeling, almost like a dream in which you're doing something for no obvious reason and then abruptly become cognizant of the fact.

I would explain my similar experiences with this, but I'm not in the mood to start a debate with the theists here. >_>

But I get your point, you can't analyse a void. So for the sake of this little speculation party, pretend Bethesda's stuff doesn't exist, and just assume that I personally made up the idea of having 50 or more Vertibirds and that I'm asking if that's plausible in any way.

The Nazis had a pretty big empire with a large army and relatively stable industrial capacity. The Brotherhood does not.

The Nazis didn't have to deal with one US-sized nuclear wasteland either, plus all the assorted mutants that came with it. They had an economic crisis but come on it wasn't a nuke.
The Nazis didn't have to deal with one US-sized nuclear wasteland either, plus all the assorted mutants that came with it. They had an economic crisis but come on it wasn't a nuke.
Exactly! The Brotherhood should not have those vertibirds working.
Why can they not fuel vertibirds using the setting's crazy miniaturised room-temperature fission technology? I keep bringing this up, but I don't actually know why anyone needs oil at all in Fallout.
Why can they not fuel vertibirds using the setting's crazy miniaturised room-temperature fission technology? I keep bringing this up, but I don't actually know why anyone needs oil at all in Fallout.
Oil was made for a joke, the world ended due to aliens invading.
Is the concept of exposing plants to FEV to make them even better biofuel fairly insane, just insane, or very insane? Can someone inform me if that's how bioenergy and biomass even works?
Is the concept of exposing plants to FEV to make them even better biofuel fairly insane, just insane, or very insane? Can someone inform me if that's how bioenergy and biomass even works?
Well... I don't really understand how FEV works as it changes depending on the species. Some cannot reproduce while others seem to have do it faster and more commonly!

Biomass is basically any organic material which hosts the sunlight's energy (passed on from plants, to herbivores, to carnivores, etc) in a chemical form.
Is the concept of exposing plants to FEV to make them even better biofuel fairly insane, just insane, or very insane? Can someone inform me if that's how bioenergy and biomass even works?
FEV is just a technobabblish writing device, realistically anything and everything could happen to those plants if exposed to FEV but it seems likely that the Vault 22/EPA stuff will recur, either that or sentient plants.
It would probably be safer to use the naturally mutated plants in any case.
FEV is just a technobabblish writing device, realistically anything and everything could happen to those plants if exposed to FEV but it seems likely that the Vault 22/EPA stuff will recur, either that or sentient plants.
It would probably be safer to use the naturally mutated plants in any case.

Theoretically, do mutations have any effect on plants as a source for bioenergy?
Theoretically, do mutations have any effect on plants as a source for bioenergy?
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/02/120228152158.htm Apparently there are engineered mutations in plants that affect their ability to convert cellulous into biomatter, so it certainly could help (if expressely engineered to do so). However in the Fallout universe shit tends to go wrong so it'd probably be better for people to err on the side of caution there.
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/02/120228152158.htm Apparently there are engineered mutations in plants that affect their ability to convert cellulous into biomatter, so it certainly could help (if expressely engineered to do so). However in the Fallout universe shit tends to go wrong so it'd probably be better for people to err on the side of caution there.
Look how FEV turned out, in an attempt to create better Humans. It failed miserably, basically any attempt on biological mutation will end up with a pulp fiction failure.
There's a lot of cars and surely EVERY last gallon of gasoline wasn't destroyed like seriously. According to fallout lore I believe many people still had gasoline cars.
There's a lot of cars and surely EVERY last gallon of gasoline wasn't destroyed like seriously. According to fallout lore I believe many people still had gasoline cars.
Gasoline ages like milk, any gasoline from cars can't be salvaged also, the oil rig is canonically one of the last known oil deposits in the world and it was blown to smithereens.