Just "WoW" ... Firefighters let home burn

The reason there is a fee is because his town doesn't have a fire department, so the department from another town offers to help out if you're willing to pay $75. Like the chief said, if they just let people pay whenever there was a fire nobody would pay.

Pay the $75 dollars if you want protection. Don't pay it if you don't want protection. Essentially, this is a voluntary tax.

Now, if you aren't going to pay the voluntary tax, why should you expect the same service as the people that pay the tax?

I think the problem here is that there is a separate/optional fee at all... it shouldn't be voluntary, it should be mandatory. There was some mention about how they tried to roll this into property tax and charge city/rural residents a set fee but that didn't work out for some reason.

I agree, the fire department shouldn't have to do it for free, but they also shouldn't do nothing.

Whether it is or isn't his fault might not be the issue. This was destined to happen because it was optional to begin with.
Judging the entire USA based on what happens in East Buttfuck Tennessee would be no different than judging all of Europe based on what goes on in Moldovia.

Everybody knows that states below the Mason-Dixon are backassed.

Also consider the source here - MSNBC is no less slanted or petty than Foxnews, nor do they shy away from the same fear mongering and false outrage (Libertarians want your family to die in a fire!) :aiee:
The reason that I'm not angry is that this person knew the rules of this strange place before he moved there. He also knew what the potential consequences of not paying the fee( or voluntary tax) were...

Just like the old saying: Play with fire and you're gonna get burned.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Judging the entire USA based on what happens in East Buttfuck Tennessee would be no different than judging all of Europe based on what goes on in Moldovia.

I agree, judging an entire country for one isolated incident is not fair in any way.

However I am surprised on the mentality that many (not all but quite a few) americans have in that they even go as far as to agree that the guy deserves what happened to him because he didn't pay, and even deserves to be punished for not paying in time, having the fireman's refused to accept the payment as the house was burning or even offered to bill him for the entire cost of the operation (yeah, let's set the example for those who don't pay).

I am sorry, but where some people here see a totally sound situation in wich fire fighting is a paid service with a contract, I see racketeering (AKA pay in time or we'll watch as we let your home and pets burn in flames).
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
The fire station probably should have done it, but they were under absolutely no obligation to do so.

It's NO different than a private company being expected to help out a random citizen for anything.
What if there would have been still people in the house ? Or the fire would have started to spread and damage the houses of others ? We do have to draw a line at some point but sure not on the lifes or property of people particularly when its about such great danger. I dont even understand how one can not see this point ... let the person go to jail later if you want him to pay but this should NEVER EVER be a concern right at the moment when its burning. Their job is to save lifes not to decide which one is worth to be saved and which one not. How can that be even a question of money or bureaucracy.

People are so selective at some point. I mean did anyone ever asked of the victirms of 9/11 payed taxes or not ? Maybe turrists in the building ? No the firefighters simply vent out tryint to save EVERYONE inside the building. THere is not even room for the question who is paying and who not. Same counts for anyone else. If you can help you do help. If they dont pay fees ask for it later, not before it. It has nothing to do with socialism to say that, its comon sense.

Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
However I am surprised on the mentality that many (not all but quite a few) americans have in that they even go as far as to agree that the guy deserves what happened to him because he didn't pay, and even deserves to be punished for not paying in time, having the fireman's refused to accept the payment as the house was burning or even offered to bill him for the entire cost of the operation (yeah, let's set the example for those who don't pay).
you know what the real fun is about it ? They have been already out there to see if the other houses which payed are "ok" (if you can thrust the source of the information), so trying to put that fire out would have costed now how much ? I agree here even if the story is not true its pretty how many can so easily agree with the decision to not do anything. I can see the reasons for fees but people usualy pay taxes and they usualy are part of a society. Beeing part of a societiy and state means that you have to accept certain things as granted, not everything but some things, like police stations, regulations, judges and attorneys. Doesnt everyone has a right for a lawyer even if he has no money so that he has at least a chance to defend him self in front of the court ? For a somewhat working democratic societiy such structures are needed. It cant work without it. What ever if you accept that now or not. If you dont like the idea of it then you might have choosen the wrong nation as you could always move out to Afghanistan or Somalia where you are sure always on your own, you dont have to pay anyone ! No taxes anything. Tthis however doesnt mean that you have to make a nanystate that wants to control everything but as said certain basic things should be not even a question.
Crni Vuk said:
What if there would have been still people in the house ?

I can only think that it was asked if there were still people inside when he called, and that in that case they would have saved them and nothing more. I hope, at least.

Or the fire would have started to spread and damage the houses of others ?

The article actually says that they moved to save the house of a fee-paying neighbour.
Though I see this as a horrible situation, I do understand the fir fighter's predicament: Bureaucracy is a bitch , it's a myriad of paperwork and fines most of which for have no reason being there/enforced.

Am I right to believe that the man knew about this "voluntary tax" prior to his house burning down? If so, and he did have akids, why didnt he pay? yes it's stupid, but it's a necessary evil in this case, I would gladly pay the 75 a month just in case my house cathces on fire
hey USA soon we will be charged for the air we breathe guess what happens when you don't pay up fuckers.
DexterMorgan said:
^^Instead of getting into a discussion over why this system is right or wrong, one might point out that a contingency plan should have been implemented where the firefighters would actually put out the fire and then charge the homeowner a fine for failing to pay the tax instead of twiddling their thumbs while watching his home go up in flames.
I completely agree that their should be a contingency plan for cases like this.

DexterMorgan said:
I completely agree, the idea that firemen should HAVE to help out random citizens just because their homes are on fire is absolutely preposterous.
But then it is equally preposterous for them to demand to be constantly be praised in the public arena.
New Reporter: You guys truly are heroes!
Firefighter: Yeah, I totally do this because I want to help people. It has nothing to do with the fact that I get paid like double the amount that a comparable skilled blue-collar worker would get paid in private industry. Plus a pension which no one else but us government servants seem to get nowadays.
Regardless of the guy paying or not, there's a thing called humanity and empathy. Sorry, but you've got to be screwed up if you're gonna drive out there with all the equipment to stop this disaster, then instead just sit and watch, as this person's entire life, as well as any other people/pets, turns into smoldering ash. For what in this case, 75 fucking dollars???
Private police comes next:

We won't stop the rape/murder of your family. You didn't pay the bill...
Hoxie said:
Regardless of the guy paying or not, there's a thing called humanity and empathy. Sorry, but you've got to be screwed up if you're gonna drive out there with all the equipment to stop this disaster, then instead just sit and watch, as this person's entire life, as well as any other people/pets, turns into smoldering ash. For what in this case, 75 fucking dollars???

This is along the lines of what i wanted to say, just couldnt find the words. thankyou human.
You guys totally missed the point. This was the right and Christian thing to do<blockquote>The fire department did the right and Christian thing. The right thing, by the way, is also the Christian thing, because there can be no difference between the two. The right thing to do will always be the Christian thing to do, and the Christian thing to do will always be the right thing to do.

If I somehow think the right thing to do is not the Christian thing to do, then I am either confused about what is right or confused about Christianity, or both.

In this case, critics of the fire department are confused both about right and wrong and about Christianity. And it is because they have fallen prey to a weakened, feminized version of Christianity that is only about softer virtues such as compassion and not in any part about the muscular Christian virtues of individual responsibility and accountability.

The Judeo-Christian tradition is clear that we must accept individual responsibility for our own decisions and actions. He who sows to the flesh, we are told, will from the flesh reap corruption. The law of sowing and reaping is a non-repealable law of nature and nature’s God.

We cannot make foolish choices and then get angry at others who will not bail us out when we get ourselves in a jam through our own folly. The same folks who are angry with the South Fulton fire department for not bailing out Mr. Cranick are furious with the federal government for bailing out Wall Street firms, insurance companies, banks, mortgage lenders, and car companies for making terrible decisions. What’s the difference? </blockquote>
Cimmerian Nights said:
Judging the entire USA based on what happens in East Buttfuck Tennessee would be no different than judging all of Europe based on what goes on in Moldovia.

"Europe" isn't a federal state, smartypants.
though true is that (generaly speaking) as a "christian" nation the US in a political sense have a very ambivalent understanding of christian motivations and moral concepts always choosing the "right" as they see it fit. So if the situation needs it its good to be a folower of true christian ideals like the things you mention above but when it comes to for example homosexuals there suddenly is no more room for the things like tolerance or charity ~ and there are more then enough popular politicans which see them self as defenders of christian moral concepts and see no reason to accept gay people as usual citizens. Though of course in that respect the US is not different to any other nation or religious group like the catholic church which is always using the rules how they need them while ignoring other ones.
Brother None said:

But Jesus said... I mean, didn't he teach that...

This is just...

This is a lot better than the article awhile back "firefighters set fire to home, than charge family to extinguish the flames"
yes but that would be a crime thats a difference. The situation above in the article seems to be "correct" in the sense that they did the "right" thing with the support of the community to speak so ~ or had they to face a trial later ?. For example here a firefighter refusing to extinguish a fire because the house owner has not payed his tax or fees would be ilegal as well and the firefighter would find him self faster in the curt then he can imagine. As simple as that.

I mean thing is if we really want to argue about the "They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind" then you have to question as well the idea behind police actions or some emergency management so that someone could as well decide that only those who definetly payed their taxes and can proove that deserve help from said organisations and find refuge in safe places regardles how big the disaster was. But if I remember correctly there was a big fuss around the Hurricane Katrina as well since many rather poor people loost their homes and quite some have not seen any reason here to help. So if people cant help them self screw them all hmm?
if a human meatbag had died, the whole thing would be different

and it sounds christian to compare this downhome hic family to multibillion dollar banksters.
well thats actually not just a issue with the US. I remember a bishop complaining in TV that the gouvernement literaly over night has spend billions of euros to save bankrupt banks and their shady buisness but it seems there would be not enough money present to support our school system which needs some reform. It somehow shows where the REAL interest lies.
Brother None said:
Cimmerian Nights said:
Judging the entire USA based on what happens in East Buttfuck Tennessee would be no different than judging all of Europe based on what goes on in Moldovia.
"Europe" isn't a federal state, smartypants.
I'm not making a civic comparison, my point was about painting with broad brush strokes.

It's pretty dense to extrapolate that what happens in the backwoods of Tenn has any bearing at all or is in any way representative of municipal policy in San Francisco or Seattle or North Hampton Mass.