Justine Henin/no more cigarettes


Ancient Oldie said:
I'll give him two more days...


The rest of you guys: thanks for the support, but as we say in Belgium: "dat zijn vijgen na Pasen". Why? If you really have to beg for some support like I had to do, then it just doesn't work anymore. No. Sorry. :seriouslyno:

Anyway: this is day 4. My looks could kill now. Seriously. I feel like hurting people or at least destroying something like an ant-farm. I received this copy of Yang (a literary magazine) this morning, read some really crappy poems in it and started playing soccer with the magazine in my kitchen. It's all torn up now, so I suppose that copy will forever lack in my collection. :twisted: Bah, it was full of crap, anyway. Stupid amateur writers. Someone should start burning books again, real soon. :twisted:

Jebus said:
my girlfriend, my best friends, and even my father (yeah, I'm not shitting you, even my FATHER) begged me to pick up smoking again

Hm. Luckily for me, I don't have a girlfriend anymore (Jebus Christ! I never thought I would be saying that!!!). My parents, though, have said the same thing on the telephone: "Please, DON'T quit smoking." Stupid grown-ups. :twisted:

And Azael: same here, buddy: Justine Henin-Hardenne kicks ass indeed. And yes: the Williams sisters will have a tough nut to crack when they want to recapture their first place. :wink:
Azael said:
Justine Henin-Hardenne kicks ass BTW, nice to see skill and talent beat power, I think that even if the Williams sisters comes back in force she'll win more than she'll lose against them. Same reason why I like that it was Federer rather than someone like Roddick who won the men's tournament.

Oh thanks for the reminder.

Yes, if I weren't married, I would nail that action. Absolutely.

But then again, anything beats a Saturday night in the graveyard with a shovel in my hands and dirt on my fingernails. (Just Kidding).

Oh and I would do the Williams sisters too. Those big black amazons give me a woody.

I have to sympathize for you Blade. There are lots of guys who try to quit, don't and brag about it. Then they get hitched and the wife tells them to quit smoking because of the baby. That's tough.

You could try hypnosis. I hear that works.

And don't go to a bar until you are really off smokes and you can't be enticed back in because the guy next to you has lit up.
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
Dude, he lives in Gent...
Please elaborate on that, some of us might NOT be from Gent so we wouldn't know what you are talking about. :P

Gent is a university-city. There are more bars here than you could possibly imagine.
:lol: Ok! Go BR! So what is the poor man supposed to do? Lock himself in his home for the next couple of weeks or so? I admit if he pulls this off he'll be my non-smoking hero! Blade, I wish you luck, you'll probably need it! :lol:
The absoluty easiest way to quit:


Though not the best yet i prefer that my brother and friends use that instead of smoking, though it contains much more nicotine, it is not as dangerous for and your suroundings. This is also a good alternative if you crash, and start smoking again.

But good luck.
dude, that shit is more dangerous than smoking... and without the simple enjoyment of knowing that your helping to "thin the herd".
Whenever my chewing friends and I go camping we have two dishes to eat. The first for us non-chewers. The second for the chewers who have lost all taste and must season the living shit out of their food to taste it. But of course all they taste is the seasonings. Talk about removing a joy from life!
Here's what keeps me from quitting completely.

James Dean. Coolest man to ever grace this little blue ball in space.

BTW down to four a day, shooting for one a day next week.
Good for you! I'm down to almost 30 a day :P . I am going to quit someday, just not right now. And besides I can quit anytime I want (puts out cigarette), see? It's not like I am hopelessly addicted to them (as he speaks he lights up another one), I just don't need the hassle right now. :lol:
That is not chewing tobacco, it is snus, and it is far less dangerous than smoking. You know snus, you pack one and press it under your lip for a few minnutes. Most of my friends do it, and it is much better than smoking. And blah blah blah they put glass in it to make you have a much larger nicotine intake. NO they don`t do that anymore. At least not in Sweden and Norway.
And blah blah blah they put glass in it to make you have a much larger nicotine intake.
Put glass in it as little shards of glass that would cut the skin? If that is the case it's a good thing they don't do it anymore. If that is not the case then I didn't really understand what you said and I will bug you until you explain that to me. :roll:
Haha, Before the companies used to put glass shards in the snus, so that people wpuld get small cuts in the lipp and so get larger quantities of nicotine. They don´t do it anymore, but there is a large amount of wrong rumors going about.
I think they use somekind of salt now. The salt do the same thing as the glass but it doesn't destroy your face (as bad as the glass shards at least)
:shock: Sick puppies! (reaches for bozar) You are going to take a long nap now!
Good thing they don't do it any more! I mean smoking is a vice, it involves killing yourself slowly but surely, but cutting your skin with little shards of glass just so you can get a greater quantity of nicotine is way too much! Want some real nicotine? Try inhaling the cigar smoke, instead of just puffing it... :twisted: that should do the trick! And I thought I've seen it all... :lol: