Kikizo Fallout 3 preview

[Dogmeat] is a loyal attendant who will do chores for you
... wtf ? its a frigging dog ... no ?

I just hope that when he dies there wont be any popup saying "Dogmeat is dead. His side quests wont be available for you."
Forhekset said:
does that mean you can have a mutie dead-center in your crosshair, but your shots will stray wildly and miss due to the aforementioned lack of Big Gun™ skill?

Combat in real-time and VATS seem to be an endless source of confusion to reviewers and fans alike, probably because they share very little similarities to none at all.

As far as I know, it boils down to this: when fighting in real-time, you have a recticle (its size may or may not depend on skill, not sure here) which marks the general direction where all your shots will go without exception, your skill determining only how dead-on your aim is - more skill, closer to the crosshair; in VATS, you have skill-based to-hit percentages to each shot.
If you're close enough in real-time so that your recticle is right on the mutant, every shot will hit him.

So yeah, I too think it's a big imbalance to big guns, which were always meant for mid to close range, since you'll probably be able to forget all about skill points and agility and go only for full-on FPS. This coupled with the whole "Power Armor ruins VATS" thing sounds real bad to me. As for displeasing FPS and RPG fans alike, we can only hope.
Bethesda presents a new ground breaking, jaw dropping feature:
"because when you're gone, you're gone"
Logan said:
Bethesda presents a new ground breaking, jaw dropping feature:
"because when you're gone, you're gone"
I think it's more for bioshock fans so they won't be unpleasantly surprised.
Reverend-Mauser said:
It sucks dogs cant wear any type of armor.....They should make armor for everthing...or at least you should be able too make some type of homemade armor .. Ohh well i hope this all doesnt suck.

I will bet you good money that they will have some payable DL content called 'Dogmeat armor'.

@ Beelzebud. From when i heard that they were going with the FP and RTwP route, i was concerned about the melee aspect of the game. I voiced my concerns many times on the Beth forums that melee would become unviable in the end of the game. Did they listen ? As it stands now, from the info we have, it seems they didn't.
Heh, I get the feeling gaming is completely rediscovered by the new generation of gamers, things like mortality, the fact that guns don't solve every problem.

Who knows, perhaps in a few years most of the 15 year olds have grown up and want games to be more complex and intellectual.
But then a whole new crop of retarded 15 year olds will roll in and the way things are going this next generation will want the game to play itself..
Maybe once Dogmeat finds a woman for you, you can make her do chores? That'd be actually pretty sweet, unless your wife is made of FAIL like in F2.
Davy Crockett said:
Maybe once Dogmeat finds a woman for you, you can make her do chores? That'd be actually pretty sweet, unless your wife is made of FAIL like in F2.
And when she displeases you, you can kill her and eat her corpse.
Why not take death to a BRAND new level!

Once you're dead, that's it, game over. It will automatically delete the game from your hard drive and never allow it to be installed again. Now THAT'S realistic!
Grimhound said:
Davy Crockett said:
Maybe once Dogmeat finds a woman for you, you can make her do chores? That'd be actually pretty sweet, unless your wife is made of FAIL like in F2.
And when she displeases you, you can kill her and eat her corpse.

Is it wrong to think that would be kind of awesome?
Dravean said:
Grimhound said:
Davy Crockett said:
Maybe once Dogmeat finds a woman for you, you can make her do chores? That'd be actually pretty sweet, unless your wife is made of FAIL like in F2.
And when she displeases you, you can kill her and eat her corpse.

Is it wrong to think that would be kind of awesome?

I....agree - that would mean that the game would allow you to DO that kind of thing - and that would be awesome. Because choosing what kind of character you want to be is huge.

But Bethsoft aren't cool enough to let us eat our women...
Dravean said:
Grimhound said:
Davy Crockett said:
Maybe once Dogmeat finds a woman for you, you can make her do chores? That'd be actually pretty sweet, unless your wife is made of FAIL like in F2.
And when she displeases you, you can kill her and eat her corpse.

Is it wrong to think that would be kind of awesome?

No. I mean Bethesda wants to give the player the WHOLE OMFG POST APOC ENEMA shit so they should confront the player with things like cannibalism and other edgy moral crap. I mean, F2 had cannibals and they wanted to eat you so you killed them with you bozar and looted their mutated fruit so myron can make stimpacks.


Children, especially babies, taste better than adults. Human flesh has this distinct taste to it which is just... not tasty. Babies don't have it. Fallout 3 needs babies.
The more I read about F3, the less I'm liking what I'm seeing.

Maybe I've missed it in previous Q&A's and the endless amounts of previews we've had recently, but this one states that being female / male doesn't really matter, that it's more of a "flavour" thing. I realise that F2 had slightly altered dialog branches for which sex you were but from what I remembered it didn't really branch too far off that, I was hoping that F3 developed on this, maybe I'm wrong but the impression I've had so far is that dialog as a whole is stale. Another thing that got me was the lack of proper companions, that you have dogmeat potentially and you can hire mercanaries. I really liked the companions you had in the previous Fallouts, when the whole world went to shit you'd have the most unlikely companions in your team, a super mutant, a ghoul and a crazy ass nomad. But, we'll see.

I'll still buy the game and play the hell out of it, as I think the atmosphere looks amazing, I just hope it has depth, kinda stinks a bit of Bioshock at the moment. Damn pretty game, loved the style, but the shooting elements were crap, and it just went to shit half way through the game.

End of the day, I'm sure Fallout's amazing modding community will right any wrongs it may have. Here's hoping they release the development kit :wink:
Not to say that SPECIAL was the most balanced system ever (but I think that has more to do with a world that gives opportunities for different builds)
But I don't like the trend I'm seeing in the nuetering of SPECIAL - the aforementioned choice to play the game without VATS would obviate Agility to a large degree, INT no longer effecting dialogue, having a hard, set number of followers, instead of having it be the domain of Charisma.