Killap releases Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0

archont said:
Another bug: Curtis, the boy/girl whose doll is missing, is missing himself. He's not south of cassidy's bar, he's not anywhere in the courtyard.

Did he get removed along with other cassidy's patrons when I picked cassidy up?
I believe he moves away with his parents after you help free his dad.
Unless he moved away from Vault City he should be there somewhere.

Also, after un-ghosting my game roughly 1/3 of the Vault City population immediately starts shooting/stabbing/kicking me as soon as I come closer than 15 hexes.

Is this intended?
This Kaga guy ambushed me, but I suppose that with that crazy amount of HP and a retreat trigger set at half health he was supposed to run away - but I kept him on the ground and eye-critted him until he died, unfortunately I only managed to get him on the exit grid. Did he have any good phatz there?

Is killing him on the first meeting even intended?
You should have been more merciful on the poor soul…you could have met him in a number of future encounters, each getting harder, but with greater potential rewards (items + money), the final one being the most rewarding.
I've had enough of this shit. It's bug-ridden, I had more crashes in a day than I had with any other game I've played in years, saves are notorious for being bugged and somehow turning my bullets into nerf balls that won't even display a damage message - with the reverse of enemies being very capable of damaging me very nasty. All that while having glitches like characters moving all at the same time and even more random crashes, freezes and infinite loops.

You've outdone yourself. This game as it stands is a worthy contender in terms of the amount and scale of bugs to the first release of Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. You have indeed outdone yourself here. :clap:
I'd agree that RP 2.0 is pretty buggy at the moment, but it's not that bad. Maybe just wait a bit longer until a more polished version is released.
What needs to be released is a version with engine bugs fixed. The content fixes are really great, the additional content is of remarkably high quality but ultimately it's all worth jack shit if the game verges on frustratingly unplayable by virtue of it's diverse palette of game-stopping bugs.

My memory might be fuzzy at this point, but I recall the original, however patched Fallout 2 being significantly more stable, if with more content bugs, than this.
archont said:
What needs to be released is a version with engine bugs fixed. The content fixes are really great, the additional content is of remarkably high quality but ultimately it's all worth jack shit if the game verges on frustratingly unplayable by virtue of it's diverse palette of game-stopping bugs.

My memory might be fuzzy at this point, but I recall the original, however patched Fallout 2 being significantly more stable, if with more content bugs, than this.

Could you clarify exactly what game engine bugs you're experiencing. Only serious one I'm aware of is problem with saves done during combat that can be avoided by never saving during combat and it's original engine bug, not something Killap's RP/UOP introduces, nor has anyone found a way to fix it yet. Pretty much all reported bugs so far have been identified as map/script/proto or other game file bugs.
archont said:
What needs to be released is a version with engine bugs fixed. The content fixes are really great, the additional content is of remarkably high quality but ultimately it's all worth jack shit if the game verges on frustratingly unplayable by virtue of it's diverse palette of game-stopping bugs.

My memory might be fuzzy at this point, but I recall the original, however patched Fallout 2 being significantly more stable, if with more content bugs, than this.

The problem is its incredibly difficult to catch all bugs before going live. Its why Beta's are used frequently in large industry and games, to expose the product to a larger testing staff. Killap had a limited testing staff and did capture a lot of bugs with it, but its the releases first exposure to a larger audience so inevitably there's going to be issues here and there which slipped through during development. Report the issues you have, provide a save game and let the team patch it up rather than foaming at the mouth like a rabid idiot.
archont said:
You've outdone yourself. This game as it stands is a worthy contender in terms of the amount and scale of bugs to the first release of Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. You have indeed outdone yourself here. :clap:
Comments like that are not helpful. We are talking about a small number of dedicated individuals who have spent collectively thousands of hours to make this happen. The best debuggers are the players…and if you carefully monitor the problems they will be sorted. I have run RP 2.0 and have found certain issues, one major crash, but overall I think it’s a great extension to the series. Hopefully RP 2.1 will sort out the vast majority of the problems…please don’t take your frustrations out on Killap or the other contributors.
Comments like that are not helpful. We are talking about a small number of dedicated individuals who have spent collectively thousands of hours to make this happen.

Don't you know that mods for games need to have the same care as a full scalled game which was in development for more than 5 years by a professional team, which even got paid by a publisher? No?

Well, that's how it runs now. Especially when it comes to Fallout mods or F(O)allout-like games.


Beside this, I only experienced a hand full of bugs in the RP 2.0 and none of these broke the game for me. I finished the game in approx 3 days and I am happy with it.
Petrell said:
Could you clarify exactly what game engine bugs you're experiencing. Only serious one I'm aware of is problem with saves done during combat that can be avoided by never saving during combat and it's original engine bug, not something Killap's RP/UOP introduces, nor has anyone found a way to fix it yet. Pretty much all reported bugs so far have been identified as map/script/proto or other game file bugs.

1) Combat animation speed doesn't work most of the time. Setting it initially lasts for the duration of the current fight and then reverts to default.
Edit: The slider stays at the position the user has set it in. However the actual effect of speeding the animations up does not happen, playing at default. It appears that checking the player anim checkbox makes this feature generate more bugs than without it. Updating the speed value via slider to any other value refreshes the effect, and it again works as intended, at least until a save-game is loaded or CTD encountered.

2) Loading games in combat leads to animations playing at normal speed but in timeframe dictated by the combat speed setting, making characters overlap animations and move/shoot at the same time, also loading an in-combat save is indeed impossible, results in CTD after a few turns

3) Loads of crashes when in combat in highly populated areas - New Reno liked to crash every dozen turns or so, without loading any previous in-combat state.

4) By jetting and psycho'ing myself and then running in turn-based, I was able to get Made Man from both the Wrights and the Salvatores. With a bit of effort I think I could try and get all four.

A few other things I've noticed that could be touched up:

1) When either of the Bishop ladies teleport me up to their rooms, exiting the building isn't possible without either a high sneak skill, possibly a very high speech skill or plainly killing everybody inside. Bishop starts an aggro dialogue as soon as I try to exit. Intended?

2) When using the doctor skill on teammates Lenny uses the skill if he has it higher than the PC, but when the PC uses it on himself, the PC's skill is used, regardless if it's higher or lower than Lenny's. I remember this is the default behavior back from F2 - is this intended?

We are talking about a small number of dedicated individuals who have spent collectively thousands of hours to make this happen.

I won't show false appreciation for something that I'm not fond of, regardless if it's a company or a mod team. The work on fixing scripts and missing content is great, I love it. The engine is a trainwreck and I hate it.

I think I'll even install a virgin F2 and patch it with the last official to see if it's not a hardware issue, because I don't recall the original giving me that kind of problems.
I've had similar problems as Archont has had but with RP1 and some other mods. They seem to be related with saving and loading your game while in combat. Gecko Jesuses (, or Jesi?,) and other resurrecting creatures were about. Weapons didn't do damage or use ammo at all.

However party member functioned properly in combat.

You need to load the game from savegame prior to combat problems. And outside of combat. If NPCs end the combat it might work also, but I wouldn't count on that.

Not being able to save and load during combat makes the game significantly harder but also lot more rewarding.
Pixote did a fantastic job, just so that's said. The game is really stunning after your visual overhaul.
archont said:
2) Loading games in combat leads to animations playing at normal speed but in timeframe dictated by the combat speed setting, making characters overlap animations and move/shoot at the same time, also loading an in-combat save is indeed impossible, results in CTD after a few turns

You do realize it is ridiculously well documented that saving games incombat is a really bloody stupid thing to do right? This forum has multiple threads which touch on the subject. Its not a RP bug.
I’ve been playing the game for the last few days, and noticed a few small issues, but no major crash. I am concentrating on many of the map problems, unfortunately many where introduced by me (most are trivial)…but I am sorting them as I find them. We all want this mod to be as enjoyable as possible, but bugs are inevitable. Some people haven’t been sensible with the way they have applied the mod to the game. I made a clean install of Fallout and ran the RP installer, that’s it…no extra’s…I didn’t want to potentially corrupt the install with unknown extra mods. People should (in my opinion) avoid playing the game at ultra high resolutions (1024x768 maximum) - just try to keep everything simple and clean. :roll:
Imo, the game isn't fun anyway, if you play in a resolution > 1024x768px. Text and interface becomes very small and at leats for me, the overal feeling gets lost.

Same goes to me for PS:T or Arcanum with very high resolution.