Killap releases Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0

Lexx said:
Imo, the game isn't fun anyway, if you play in a resolution > 1024x768px. Text and interface becomes very small and at leats for me, the overal feeling gets lost.

Same goes to me for PS:T or Arcanum with very high resolution.

You're right here. While the graphics don't lose anything when scaled down and in hi-res, reading the text is kind of like watching TV through your neighbour's window from across the street.

Also, crash to desktop upon handing the Broken Hills note to the mutant in the bar. I think that set me back 10 minutes or so. Really helps to lenghten the game, in a way.

Edit: Well I recouped that loss and saved just before giving him the note:

If I let him go the game crashes with a lovely error message.
If he attacks me I have to kill every living being in town.

Is this intended?

Edit: The note quest line is bugged. I took the quest from Marcus, then took the quest from Dan, then descended down the mines and took the note. I examined and then opened every body there was and the game didn't register me finding the bodies. Going back to Marcus I can only report I found tunnels, Zaius refers me to that other mutant, who craches the game or makes the whole town attack me.

Edit: Marcus doesn't do a quest check before a recruitment check. In other words I can recruit him as soon as I enter Broken Hills, without having to do anything beforehand. Although this is a workaround for the broken last quest, it also means that a player recruiting him early may miss out on half of the quests. Previously the player couldn't recruit him unless all of his quests were finished. Probably a bug.

Where can I file all those reports? This project got a bugzilla or something?
this is awesome killap and co, good job! :clap:

i encountered a major crash at the rat god. when he attacks me the game exits to desktop.

[spoiler:8092769513]Do the damaged poles work this time? i keep selecting them with the hand icon and nothing happens.[/spoiler:8092769513]
Here's the Francis fix again.
Put in your data/scripts folder.

jero cvmi said:
[spoiler:faf4876dce]Do the damaged poles work this time? i keep selecting them with the hand icon and nothing happens.[/spoiler:faf4876dce]
[spoiler:faf4876dce]This time? They have worked before and they still do. You just need some explosives.[/spoiler:faf4876dce]
I've run into a LOT of CTDs... but I've only noticed two bugs so far:

The combat speed cannot be altered what-so-ever.

And the Vault 15 vault door is mysteriously blocking my path into V15... I've patched everything and installed everything correctly, but this goddamn door is still there preventing me entrance to V15 proper.
ronin84 said:
Vault 15 vault door is mysteriously blocking my path into V15... I've patched everything and installed everything correctly, but this goddamn door is still there preventing me entrance to V15 proper.
Unfortunately the script wasn’t applied to the door…if you attack the guards they will rush through the door, and thus open it. It’s not the preferable solution (especially if you trying avoid a conflict). It will be fixed in a future release. :oops:
Bill the trader in Abbey has goofy dialogue options. To buy the armor for Marcus you have to decline on the offer. Plus it seems that player character has options meant as Bill's replies.