The Vault Dweller said:
In fact the only thing I about LoL that I wish Dota2 would do is have funny/out-of-character skins. It's lame that the Dota2 devs think skins should all be lore appropriate.
Gee, you don't say?[spoiler:15163510db]
Yes, that's a savage, anthropomorphic bear wearing suspenders and lederhosen.[/spoiler:15163510db]That set is many stories and lessens all wrapped into one neat package. It just goes to show that you're wrong about the devs being against "lore inappropriate" cosmetics. While Steam Workshop allows users to create cosmetics for the game, it was VALVE who designed and created that set, and the PLAYERS who demanded that set be taken down from the store, which Valve complied with as a result of the overwhelming outcry from the players. So, it would appear that players like yourself are actually in the minority in your desire to see some optional cosmetics that are wild and silly. =/
Still, there's plenty of "silly" courier cosmetics (Bleto and Stick are just.... well, hilarious) to choose from, so not like the game's ENTIRELY "serious" in design as a result of player vocalization. And, oh God, the announcer packs! I love listening to Stranger while I play, but I get a huge kick out of the PFlax announcer as well, and they recently released a GLaDOS announcer pack (which we all knew was coming) to taunt players, too. The game's plenty colorful. =)
Snackpack said:
does steam have a seperate server for Asia?
Yes, it causes a huge divide between what has subsequently been dubbed "Eastern DotA" versus "Western DotA" because of the servers. Also, with Korea quickly adopting DotA2, they have their own servers hosted independently from Valve's, too, so that's another couple hundred thousand that Steam's numbers can't quite account for.
Like I said, you're perfectly free to LIKE your game, because nobody's attacking that. But you need to be educated about what you're talking about if you're to talk at all. LoL has a SUCCESSFUL Free 2 Play model, but that doesn't make it "the most fair", and it certainly doesn't make it any good. I wish I could say that I haven't spent a cent on DotA2 to illustrate a point, but I have mistakenly spent $10 on the game before I knew what I was doing. However pointlessly wasted $10 notwithstanding, I've made a good $50-200 worth of stuff for DotA2, perfectly free. Not only could I get these "cash shop" purchases for free, but I can sell them to other players, if I choose (and have, which I've EARNED roughly $30 from the game's cosmetic economy), and this is supported by the game and platform it's on; this isn't some kind of black market trade (although there is that, too). The game sells "tickets" for tournaments that funds them, and pendants among other "tools" for players to buy that both give them freebies while paying for the professional players they're associated with. So Valve's F2P model is both competitive, cheap, entirely optional, and raises funds for third parties. Furthermore, ABSOLUTELY ZERO of the items that can be purchased impact the game in any way; they're entirely cosmetic or tertiary. So, the game's not subject to the same criticism as LoL of being "Pay 2 Win" (which is an entirely appropriate criticism). Is it perfect? I wouldn't say that, but from every angle I've attempted to analyze it, and compare it to other F2P models (and I've played a good deal, and observed yet more, over the years), it strikes me as easily one of the best in existence, if not "Top X" F2P markets. It certainly puts Riot's efforts to shame, that's for sure.
And there's nothing "hipster" about mentioning "fanboyism", because it's a very real thing. Just another excuse for people to blindly establish allegiances with things without any rational purpose, and to fight tooth and nail in defense of without any legitimate reason (as if they needed more). I don't see any reason to feel confounded that you "had to type that". Whether you feel that you are one or not, you came off as a player ready to take a stand against something he admittedly knew little about simply because it was perceived as at odds with something he likes. And that's putting it lightly. Behavior which is kinda core to the definition of fanboyism (and other terms, as well, but they apply more to other subjects, chiefly non-game-related ones, so no real need to include them). Suffice it to say, the only encouragement I needed to levy the fanboy criticism was a divisive and willfully self-blinding statement like "can't beat and never will", "you can't convince me", or the like, which you provided in your opening statement.