Hah! One more silly thing removed.
Makagulfazel said:Hah! One more silly thing removed.
your evil twin said:The Enclave suvivors would be anyone the Chosen One didn't kill at Navarro, and any vertibirds that happened to be flying around away from the oil rig, and patrols around the Navarro area. Like the supermutants, they will be survivors from the old games, rather than the same group as in Fallout 3.
Blackened said:Here's what traits do (I was on Eurogamer):
Built to Destroy: +3% critical chance, weapons decay 20% (or so) faster
Fast Shot: 20% faster shooting, 20% less accuracy
Four Eyes: +1 PE when wearing glasses, -1 PE when not wearing glasses
Good Natured: +5 to non-combat skills, -5 to combat skils
Heavy Handed: bonus melee damage, weaker criticals, can't recall the numbers
Kamikaze: +10 AP -2 DT
Loose Cannon: I forgot it, it was something about Big Guns, I think.
Small Frame: +1 AG, I forgot the drawback, I think it was limbs easier to cripple
Trigger Discipline: 20% more accuracy, 20% slower shooting (exact opposite of Fast Shot)
Wild Wasteland: You get weird/funny random encounters.
All the books + Comprehension + 10 INT at 30 lvl grant you about 780 bonus skill points out of 1300. However, this would mean collecting all the books in the game, having 10 INT, and picking Comprehension.
If they "forgot" to remove Almost Perfect, I'll cut myself.
Quiet you. I liked how a Super Mutant Behemoth was a worthy threat to a squadron of elite BoS soldiers armed with Power Armor and laser rifles, but how another was easily captured by mere raiders. It made so much logical sense and Obsidian is stupid for not reintroducing this.Blackened said:No more super mutant behemoths? YAY!!!
Though I won't mind a behemoth or two, if placed appropriately, and not in completely random locations.
Lots of concerns and questions here. I'll try to address them the best that I can.Vegas_Wanderer said:I'm just curious about something...:
If someone is going to play the combat part of the game as a shooter ( not using VATS at all), does he take any real benefit of any of those combat traits? And about atributes and skills... they really affect your shooting making harder to shoot if your skills related atributes are shit ( Deus ex) or you just fail if your skills aren't high enough even if you are making real headshots (Alpha Protocol)?.
Why would i like to invest points (raising more than average i mean) in perception, strenght or any of the hard related combat atributes if i can make my way through the game with my real shooter's abilities?
I don't know. If they don't implement this well, i think i'm just going to invest point in Charisma, Intelligence and Agility or even Luck (which never raised above 6 in any of my playthroughs in F1 and F2) just to be sure i can end every quest and sidequest in the way i choose.
(Sorry for the lenght of the post, i was just guessing)
Also, once I'm off later today (anytime between 3pm and 5pm eastern) I'm going to start working on a perks and traits post that will describe everything that can be chosen at the beginning and at the level up screen.
Source: azreal2514 from GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/959557-fallout-new-vegas/56741469?page=19)
Mapex said:Quiet you. I liked how a Super Mutant Behemoth was a worthy threat to a squadron of elite BoS soldiers armed with Power Armor and laser rifles, but how another was easily captured by mere raiders. It made so much logical sense and Obsidian is stupid for not reintroducing this.Blackened said:No more super mutant behemoths? YAY!!!
Though I won't mind a behemoth or two, if placed appropriately, and not in completely random locations.
Oh yeah, /s if it wasn't obvious. So god damn happy.
Lots of concerns and questions here. I'll try to address them the best that I can.Vegas_Wanderer said:I'm just curious about something...:
If someone is going to play the combat part of the game as a shooter ( not using VATS at all), does he take any real benefit of any of those combat traits? And about atributes and skills... they really affect your shooting making harder to shoot if your skills related atributes are shit ( Deus ex) or you just fail if your skills aren't high enough even if you are making real headshots (Alpha Protocol)?.
Why would i like to invest points (raising more than average i mean) in perception, strenght or any of the hard related combat atributes if i can make my way through the game with my real shooter's abilities?
I don't know. If they don't implement this well, i think i'm just going to invest point in Charisma, Intelligence and Agility or even Luck (which never raised above 6 in any of my playthroughs in F1 and F2) just to be sure i can end every quest and sidequest in the way i choose.
(Sorry for the lenght of the post, i was just guessing)
1) Every weapon has a Strength and skill requirement. If you don't meet the Strength requirement, your aim will sway. If you don't meet the skill requirement, IIRC they said that the weapon will not do as much damage AND will be more prone to jamming. These changes will make FO:NV more like Deus Ex than FO3 in terms of shooter combat.
2) I believe the combat-related traits will affect both VATS and non-VATS combat. Today's reveal of the Slayer perk, which grants 30% more attack speed with melee weapons, was also mentioned to make it so you could "speed up melee attacks in VATS" via lowered AP costs. If that is the case, then I assume Trigger Discipline will increase AP costs of VATS-enhanced gun shots and the opposite for Fast Shot, but without VATS that just translates to slower (or faster) firing speed.
3) They've emphasized the importance of stats other than Agility and Luck in FO:NV compared to what we saw in FO1/2/3. Strength is very important for Big Guns, Sniper Rifles, and other such weaponry. Intelligence grants lower skill points. Charisma buffs companion damage/armor. Luck provides a pseudo-Jinxed effect to enemies that make them completely miss or accidentally hurt themselves. Agility emphasizes finesse and speed, supporting one-handed projectile weapon users over energy and melee fighters.
Fewer skill points available means that your base stats become insanely important in terms of achieving skill requirements.
WorstUsernameEver said:As far as new featuresattributed to theSPECIAL stats go, I've found some stuff. With CHARISMA you get something called "Companion Nerve" witch gives your companions buffs to damage and armor. With INTELLIGENCE, if you have INT lower than 4 you will get the "dumb" conversation options. With AGILITY that will affect how fast you draw your weapon, how fast you reload, and how fast your run speed is (also you do not have a penalty for running with a one handed weapon, only two handed ones). LUCK will affect "Enemy Mishaps" i.e. enemy shooting wide, grenades blowing up early, etc.
Still have to see how much your build will impact the gameplay but it seems better than Fallout 3.
Glad I could help. By the way, I fucked up. I said "emphasized stats other than Agility and Luck" when I meant "Agility and Intelligence." In FO1, 2, and 3, every single one of my characters has maxed Agility and Intelligence because it is stupid (for power-gaming purposes) not to get those stats high. Fortunately, FO:NV seems to be breaking this artificial requirement down to its knees.Vegas_Wanderer said:Umm, interesting stuff, better than i thought it would be.
Thanks for bothering answering by the way!
Vegas_Wanderer said:But i don't like the Luck thing, i mean it's well thought, but it will feel like cheating is your luck is too high and all your enemies do critic failures, don't you think?
I hope they've taken into account all those things and your built really impacts gameplay
Alphadrop said:Vegas_Wanderer said:But i don't like the Luck thing, i mean it's well thought, but it will feel like cheating is your luck is too high and all your enemies do critic failures, don't you think?
I hope they've taken into account all those things and your built really impacts gameplay
The problem with Luck in F3 is that it's pretty much a dump stat. It allows you find more things and crit more often but as there is plenty of junk anyway and perks help you crit it's kinda pointless.
Debuffing enemies at least makes is useful.
cogar66 said:There are A LOT of fucking retards at gamefaqs.