Leaked information from Fallout: New Vegas game guide

Woah - agility affects run speed, and how fast you reload, and how fast you draw your weapon!

I'm thinking that Endurance will be my dump stat. And given that I'm playing in hardcore mode... I guess I'm going to be severely suffering from thirst and hunger and exhaustion. Heh.

Also cool to see that pistols won't affect your running speed. It seemed a bit silly that I needed to holster my laser pistol to move quickly. Now if you want to run around ready for action a pistol is your friend, and once the action starts you'll switch to a rifle.
Oh? The pipboy description etc never mentioned that. And I only ever played one character, with a high agility, so I never knew any other running speed. Heh.

I'm pretty sure that the reload speed / weapon draw speed thing is new though.

Ausir said:
The ones in FO3 were descendants of the survivors of Navarro, led across the country by Autumn's father.

I learn more new things every day! I assumed that the Enclave in FO3 had been a seperate group that occupied Raven Rock the entire time.

Just looked up Autumn on The Vault wiki to get the details... any of that backstory actually in the game? Or just the strategy guide?
WHAT?? No floaters?? I mean you guys concentrate on the stupid, like traits, stats or FO3 enclave being descended from whatever, and here I was thinking I would at last be able to see Nasty Floaters in all of their 3d immersive nastyness. Sigh.
The admins there banned azrael2514 and deleted the thread and all the other threads that started thanking azrael2514 that were started up after. Nothing like washing up after a crime, reeks of Bethesda censorship.

Below is what I could scavenge from my browser cache from the later part of the thread.

jahannan at 3:29:33 PM
@shadownick22: Skill books grant +3 to a skill (+4 with educated). IIRC, Cannibalism is in the game though presumably this will be confirmed when we get a run-down on perks.

Regarding Snow globes they are collectibles, they give no stat increase, they can be displayed in your house or sold to Mr. House for 2k caps each.

3:49:19 PM
Ok, so here are the answers to a few questions that I hadn't gotten too yet.
@ FM203: The only craftable explosives that are in the game are the Bottlecap Mine again and the new Timebomb (duct tape, dynamite, egg timer, scrap electronics). Also, it looks like there are only 3 mods for explosive weapons. One for the grenade machinegun that increases rate of fire,one for the grenade rifle that doubles it's range and one for the missle launcher that decreases the spread of the weapon. There are 22 total explosive weapons including grenades, mines, and unique weapons so you should have plenty of choices for your boom-boom character.
@WhollyNight: It doesn't show any lower level energy weapons other than the laser pistol you get from the Doc after you choose Energy Weapons as a tag skill at the beginning of the game. Other than that it'll be up to you to find them.
@ VincentGold: The only special VATS attacks for unarmed weapons is the "Cross and Uppercut" move. Sorry.
@HaywoodJBM: There is one automatic Laser Pistol in the game. It's called the Laser RCW.
@ DannyK92: From what I've seen on the map there appears to be 6 vaults in the game. There is vault 19, vault 22, vault 3, vault 34, vault 11, vault 21.
@Shinobishyguy: The armor on the cover apears to be the NCR Ranger Combat Armor and Combat Helmet. It is worn by NCR Veteran Rangers. I hope I can find it somewhere other than on the dead body of one of these guys because I WANT IT!!
@ chasingmaynard: The Roving Trader outfit is in the game. You can rest easy now.
@ Nevexst: I will explain the Miss Fortunate perk in my later topic covering the perks and traits.
@ MaccyMan: I don't know if you can play after the game is over because as I've posted before, I'm not looking at the quest part of the book as to avoid spoilers.
@ Lap123: It doesn't show anything about Deathclaw settlements. Now were you wanting sentient Deathclaws because it has not said anything about those yet if they are even in the game.
@ Mr_White2088: These are the different Ghould types in the game: Feral Ghoul, Feral Ghoul Roamer, Feral Ghoul Reaver, Feral Ghoul Trooper,Glowing One, Glowing Trooper Ghoul. And then there are these types which signify that apparently there is a Vault out there filled with Ghouls: Vault Dweller Ghoul, Vault Security Guard Ghoul, Vault Security Officer Ghoul and Overseer Ghoul.
@ insanefreddy: The only perk there is to raise your SPECIAL stats is still "Intense Training".
@ denershadow: The guide doesn't talk about any of the pre-order bonuses. It does appear that most of the items that come with them are found in game but by taking part in the pre-orders you get them early on in the game instead of having to find them out in the Wastes.
@ _Ninja_Nerd_: There is an easter egg section but the only easter egg's in the game are the ones that you will find after selecting Wild Wasteland as a trait. There are 15 of them. That's all I'm going to say about them though. I could do a whole nother topic just about how I feel about Wild Wasteland from what I've read in here though.
@ RedRingsODeath: As I've previously posted, according to what I've counted using the numbers next to the locations on the map and using a calculator there are 219 primary locations and 203 secondary locations.
@ II_Snake_II: Subspecies of Geckos are as follows: young fire gecko, fire gecko, fire gecko hunter, legendary fire gecko, young gecko, young gecko hunter, gecko, gecko hunter, golden gecko, and young golden gecko. As for the recipes I'll just give a number and what kind of recipe it's for: 11 aid recipes, 5 chem recipes, 15 food, 3 gecko hide, 3 unique foods, 21 gun ammo, 19 energy ammo, 3 nuka-cola ones and 2 explosive ones.
@ magiclmonkey: Doesn't say whether or not you can kill kids sorry. I don't even see kids in the beastiary so I'm gonna say no.
@ Bullshifty12: (DM's note- on if you can kill Wayne Newton) I'm not sure if you even get to meet Wayne Newton's character. He might just be a radio voice. In other words, don't know.
@ Warchilld999: I don't have a clue what you are talking about. When did VATS give you 90% damage resistance?
@ Fox1012: If there is too many pages to go through it's not my fault you are too lazy to just look for my posts with the answers.
I'm going to start work on the perk and trait topic now. Go ahead and keep asking questions and I'll get to them later. I close tomorrow so I can stay up late and also work on this tomorrow. I think all the fameI'm getting fromallthe Fallout forums is going to my head.

4:35:25 PM
I just typed up the traits and their descriptions and my hands ****ing hurt! The perks part is going to kill me! I think I'll only put descriptions on the new perks and just leave the returning ones blank. Sound good? Great, thanks for agreeing with me. My mind is made up.

I hope azrael2514 finds his way to NMA and posts whatever is left. So if your out there azrael2514 this is a safe harbor.

P.S. I've been here for years ever since I played Fallout 1&2 in high school, some 6 years ago, but this made me join the forums.
I was surprised it lasted as long as it did. What really burns is that he was very close to posting the perks.
I also remember that there are unique weapons that you con only get with or without Wild Westren.
For example you get the Holy hand Grenade for WW and a unique Gauss Rifle, the y183, without WW.
Drunken Master said:
The admins there banned azrael2514 and deleted the thread and all the other threads that started thanking azrael2514 that were started up after. Nothing like washing up after a crime, reeks of Bethesda censorship.

He can post as he likes here regarding leaked info, but please note that we have a rule against cross-site trolling, and specifically about questioning moderating actions on other sites. As in: you're not supposed to do that here, no matter how unreasonable the banning is, it's not our problem.
I always wonder why Zenimax feels the need to remove stuff that people might actually get excited over. OCD?

Anyway, I hope he comes to NMA or the Vault.
Intense training is still in? That's a bit of a bummer. Also I'm honestly quite confused about the numbers of the Vaults. I mean, shouldn't Vault 3 and Vault 11 be west of the Fallout 1 area?
WorstUsernameEver said:
Intense training is still in? That's a bit of a bummer. Also I'm honestly quite confused about the numbers of the Vaults. I mean, shouldn't Vault 3 and Vault 11 be west of the Fallout 1 area?

...beneath the sea?
WorstUsernameEver said:
Intense training is still in? That's a bit of a bummer. Also I'm honestly quite confused about the numbers of the Vaults. I mean, shouldn't Vault 3 and Vault 11 be west of the Fallout 1 area?
Well, it shouldn't be too powerful, because perks are now an every other level thing. You'd waste a lot of perks if you used Intense Training excessively.
Brother None said:
WorstUsernameEver said:
Intense training is still in? That's a bit of a bummer. Also I'm honestly quite confused about the numbers of the Vaults. I mean, shouldn't Vault 3 and Vault 11 be west of the Fallout 1 area?

...beneath the sea?

Ehrm. Wanted to write north. :P
WorstUsernameEver said:
Intense training is still in? That's a bit of a bummer. Also I'm honestly quite confused about the numbers of the Vaults. I mean, shouldn't Vault 3 and Vault 11 be west of the Fallout 1 area?

I stopped caring about it, makes no sense anymore anyway. Fallout 3-esque vaults are too small and too many in small areas, which is already a fail, in my opinion. I hate this a lot, but we can't change it I'll guess...
@ DannyK92: From what I've seen on the map there appears to be 6 vaults in the game. There is vault 19, vault 22, vault 3, vault 34, vault 11, vault 21.

At least he answered my question...

I bet the Ghoul Vault is Vault 19...
Vault 21 - A hotel on The Strip
Vault 22 - The Green Vault
Vault 34 - The Bombers' base