Why are you so hung up on "Muslims"
Your one way war against the "Islam" is pretty racistic and offensive just to say that as you for what ever reason ignore the fact that other relgions are just as capable like the Islam to fanatic and terroristic acts. Maybe you forgot the 4000 Shimpū Tokkōtai or better known as Japanese Kamikaze that died during the second World War (and that are just the aircrafts, there have been a lot more suicide attacks by ground units on tanks and infantry). This kind of behaviour is always caused by "usual" people, the Kamikaze Pilots have been many times academics, studens, people reading Kant, Marx, Engels, and many times even questioning the War in General and almost forced in to the duty as one can read by countless diaries and hear from surviving Pilots. Most of the Kamikaze Pilots just like those "martyrs" in the Islam are "usual" people. Not agressive Psychopaths.
NBC’s Martin Fletcher provides a rare glimpse inside the mind of one of the most potent and feared weapons in the Mideast: the suicide bomber. Samir Toubasi, 19, now held in an Israeli prison, was arrested earlier this month when he was stopped in a car en route to a popular disco in Haifa, Israel. Police found Toubasi with a 25-pound bomb.
Sadly those Interview is not available anymore But there are Informations about Samir Toubasi and others.
(...)Experts say there are two types of motivation for the bomber. The first involves anger and a sense of hopelessness. Typical is Samir Toubasi, a 19-year-old Palestinian, caught while driving to a disco with a 22lb bomb. He was ready to kill himself and as many Israelis as possible. "I lost my job, my future, my hope," said Toubasi. "Then Israeli soldiers killed my friend. I wanted to die."
Dr. Eyad Sarraj, a Muslim, heads up Gaza's only psychiatric clinic. The families of suicide bombers often come to him for help after the deed is done. That's how he has built up his profile. But are the people who want to become suicide bombers especially violent?
“No. On the contrary. If you look at their personal histories, they usually were very timid people, introvert, their problem was always communication in public or communicating their feelings, so they were not violent at all,” says Sarraj.
Explanations by Israely Psychologist Ariel Merari
Women as Victims and Victimizers
Woman are both victims and perpetrators of terrorist violence
(...)Psychologist Ariel Merari states: "Culture in general and religion in particular seem to be relatively unimportant in the phenomenon of terrorist suicide. Terrorist suicide, like any other suicide, is basically an individual rather than a group phenomenon: People who wish to die for personal reasons do it. The terrorist framework simply offers the excuse (rather than the real drive) for doing it and the legitimation for carrying it out in a violent way."
There is at the moment a huge and big Band-wagon of "All in the Islam are ineherently crazy and agressive". And a lot of people just seem to jump on this and exactly repeat a lot of the things that the media is presenting them on a tablet without even trying to eventualy get on the root of the things. It is always the same thing. It repeates it self. Today Islam. A few years back either the communistic Russians, South Vietnamese or Koreans.
What you do is apply a "double standart" cause it seems to fitt your idea of the raidcal Islam. Since when has it ever worked to lump all communities togehter? Did you ever heard about that there is more to the Islam then just "killing in the Name of Alah". The martyr is already known for christians and jews a long time before the Islam ever existed. Actualy quite a few "holy" people are described as Martyrs. It has a reason why a lot of medival art are called "Martyrdom of the Holy Sebastian/Ursual etc".
Before the 1970s "suicide" was not usual for a Muslim in no way as it is according to their Quaran a Sin just like it is for Christians. The martyrdom was only reserved to those that died with the hands of the enemy (which counts somewhat as well for christians and loosely for jews) In the Afghan war during the 80s suicide was not reported by Soviet soldiers as attack by the Mujahedin and came only later with the Taliban (which actualy are a relatively new and rather small sect even among the Islam). It only started to become popular cause some Imam explained it that even the suicide is part of martyr when you do it in a holy war. Its a very spongy definition of the situation and myrtyrdom. And quite a lot of Muslim communities disagree with this. Quite some Islamic communities are very moderate and life peacefully together with either Christians or Jews. But obvously the "standart" Muslim has to be a agressive religioous fanatic while the "standart" christian is a moderate intelligent sane person. Obvously. Dont apply your "moral" on people only cause they did not grown up with fluently warm water.
There are as well "educated" christians around as "educated" muslims that will tell you for example that you have to respect Homesexuals, but that you have as well to condemn them for their "sinnfull life". Quite a few here have as well mentioned the Mormons as rather "fanatic" christian community. And that is only one. A few definitions also count the Jehovah's Witnesses as christian as well.
What is interesting to see right now with this "financial crisis" that suddenly literaly over night the gouvernement can throw out MILLIONS! of dollars/Euros for poor companies that caused this crisis in the first place but when it comes to improve schools, support programms for drug addicted or against pauperism with children/parents ... then all you hear is that there is no money.
Sterotypes and the media. It sells. And it works. A few people holer something to the world and get a voice in one or another way and suddenly everything is bad and no one even tries to understand the roots. But just as how communism has proven later not to be the big demon in the 90s when it fell appart things are always more complicated then just with those simple "those are evil - we are good" thinking. Has anyone actualy even tried in the 50s or 60s to take his time and study russian history? To see eventualy why communism had a chance to grow in russia? Obviously not. Such things only started to become popular after the Sovietunion dissapeared and many of the academic former Soviets could immigrate without issues to the west and share their ideas. But for more then 40 years for a big part of the western world this nation was not more then a "big red siberian Bear" that like a real bear will attack anything in its range. And quite a lot of military personal thought that way for a long time. Thx god most of the time time it was not their responsibility to decide a war. But already the Cuba crisis shows to what kind of danger such stereotypical thinking can lead.
Your one way war against the "Islam" is pretty racistic and offensive just to say that as you for what ever reason ignore the fact that other relgions are just as capable like the Islam to fanatic and terroristic acts. Maybe you forgot the 4000 Shimpū Tokkōtai or better known as Japanese Kamikaze that died during the second World War (and that are just the aircrafts, there have been a lot more suicide attacks by ground units on tanks and infantry). This kind of behaviour is always caused by "usual" people, the Kamikaze Pilots have been many times academics, studens, people reading Kant, Marx, Engels, and many times even questioning the War in General and almost forced in to the duty as one can read by countless diaries and hear from surviving Pilots. Most of the Kamikaze Pilots just like those "martyrs" in the Islam are "usual" people. Not agressive Psychopaths.
NBC’s Martin Fletcher provides a rare glimpse inside the mind of one of the most potent and feared weapons in the Mideast: the suicide bomber. Samir Toubasi, 19, now held in an Israeli prison, was arrested earlier this month when he was stopped in a car en route to a popular disco in Haifa, Israel. Police found Toubasi with a 25-pound bomb.
Sadly those Interview is not available anymore But there are Informations about Samir Toubasi and others.
(...)Experts say there are two types of motivation for the bomber. The first involves anger and a sense of hopelessness. Typical is Samir Toubasi, a 19-year-old Palestinian, caught while driving to a disco with a 22lb bomb. He was ready to kill himself and as many Israelis as possible. "I lost my job, my future, my hope," said Toubasi. "Then Israeli soldiers killed my friend. I wanted to die."
Dr. Eyad Sarraj, a Muslim, heads up Gaza's only psychiatric clinic. The families of suicide bombers often come to him for help after the deed is done. That's how he has built up his profile. But are the people who want to become suicide bombers especially violent?
“No. On the contrary. If you look at their personal histories, they usually were very timid people, introvert, their problem was always communication in public or communicating their feelings, so they were not violent at all,” says Sarraj.
Explanations by Israely Psychologist Ariel Merari
Women as Victims and Victimizers
Woman are both victims and perpetrators of terrorist violence
(...)Psychologist Ariel Merari states: "Culture in general and religion in particular seem to be relatively unimportant in the phenomenon of terrorist suicide. Terrorist suicide, like any other suicide, is basically an individual rather than a group phenomenon: People who wish to die for personal reasons do it. The terrorist framework simply offers the excuse (rather than the real drive) for doing it and the legitimation for carrying it out in a violent way."
There is at the moment a huge and big Band-wagon of "All in the Islam are ineherently crazy and agressive". And a lot of people just seem to jump on this and exactly repeat a lot of the things that the media is presenting them on a tablet without even trying to eventualy get on the root of the things. It is always the same thing. It repeates it self. Today Islam. A few years back either the communistic Russians, South Vietnamese or Koreans.
Just a qustion here. In which way is that different to Christians that believe in the "standart" form of the Bible? Taking it literaly. Did you ever heard from Orthodox Jews? Radical and fundamentalistic ideas can be present in many forms, its not a invention by the Islam.Spoonfeed said:The dogma they follow and act upon; All nonbelievers are WORSE than insects.
Even a well mannered muslim will think that, if they believe in the "standard" form of the qu'ran
If there's muslims that don't, they either stopped practicing, or I have not met or heard of them yet.
What you do is apply a "double standart" cause it seems to fitt your idea of the raidcal Islam. Since when has it ever worked to lump all communities togehter? Did you ever heard about that there is more to the Islam then just "killing in the Name of Alah". The martyr is already known for christians and jews a long time before the Islam ever existed. Actualy quite a few "holy" people are described as Martyrs. It has a reason why a lot of medival art are called "Martyrdom of the Holy Sebastian/Ursual etc".
Before the 1970s "suicide" was not usual for a Muslim in no way as it is according to their Quaran a Sin just like it is for Christians. The martyrdom was only reserved to those that died with the hands of the enemy (which counts somewhat as well for christians and loosely for jews) In the Afghan war during the 80s suicide was not reported by Soviet soldiers as attack by the Mujahedin and came only later with the Taliban (which actualy are a relatively new and rather small sect even among the Islam). It only started to become popular cause some Imam explained it that even the suicide is part of martyr when you do it in a holy war. Its a very spongy definition of the situation and myrtyrdom. And quite a lot of Muslim communities disagree with this. Quite some Islamic communities are very moderate and life peacefully together with either Christians or Jews. But obvously the "standart" Muslim has to be a agressive religioous fanatic while the "standart" christian is a moderate intelligent sane person. Obvously. Dont apply your "moral" on people only cause they did not grown up with fluently warm water.
So that is the rason why a priest condemened for child abuse just gets a different job in a other community where he just commits the same crime again without even a punishment and the knowledge of the Bishop? Double Moral ... yet again.Spoonfeed said:...
You might say the same about christians, but they at least CONDEMNED the abuse from priests, rather than just attack the person asking about these atrocities.
There are as well "educated" christians around as "educated" muslims that will tell you for example that you have to respect Homesexuals, but that you have as well to condemn them for their "sinnfull life". Quite a few here have as well mentioned the Mormons as rather "fanatic" christian community. And that is only one. A few definitions also count the Jehovah's Witnesses as christian as well.
If the situation around it is similar like in Germany then you dont hear about it cause its not popular enough and cause it doesnt "sell". Newscast are a buisness, were most informations are presented by reporters and photographer that work as freelancers. A country even the dutch one are big locations with thousands of people and situations. Not every incident gets reported, not every news posted or written down simply cause either A ) its not "exciting" enough or B ) no one was there to report it. Child abuse for example will ALWAYS score a critical hit. People are shocked. But a drug addicted mug a shop or a child dieing somewhere on drug use ... not so much. In Berlin certainly evey year a lot of children under the age of 12 die on heroin. But do you hear about it here in the news? No. Why? It are not news that cause your gazette to sell something. But news about a father who raped his child on the other hand. Or Madon again walking drunk out of a party. Now that are news! I am sure even in your Dutch nation somewhere children die on drug use. Why dont you start to make topics about that and try to REALY force your gouvernement (like everyone should do) to start something against it.Spoonfeed said:And I have not read alot of reports(count none) about Native dutch kids roaming towns in groups looking for stuff to steal, people to rape, or just to generally intimidate the population.
What is interesting to see right now with this "financial crisis" that suddenly literaly over night the gouvernement can throw out MILLIONS! of dollars/Euros for poor companies that caused this crisis in the first place but when it comes to improve schools, support programms for drug addicted or against pauperism with children/parents ... then all you hear is that there is no money.
The issue is just that quite a lot right now apply a double standart cause it just "fitts" at the moment. Today the worst people on the world are "fanatic" muslims. 30 years back in the past it were "communistic" Russians. Its like the one concept of the enemy has been replaces with another one. You know its fun that 20 years back training in the German army involved a russian speaking person as "enemy" today its a person with turban.Ravager69 said:Law > Religion, enough said on the topic.
Who the fuck cares what religion do you believe in if you are breaking the law everyone else HAS TO adhere to? Either uphold the law and live with others on equal foot or break it and feel the consequence. If you don't like it, move to a country that is ruled by your religion.
Sterotypes and the media. It sells. And it works. A few people holer something to the world and get a voice in one or another way and suddenly everything is bad and no one even tries to understand the roots. But just as how communism has proven later not to be the big demon in the 90s when it fell appart things are always more complicated then just with those simple "those are evil - we are good" thinking. Has anyone actualy even tried in the 50s or 60s to take his time and study russian history? To see eventualy why communism had a chance to grow in russia? Obviously not. Such things only started to become popular after the Sovietunion dissapeared and many of the academic former Soviets could immigrate without issues to the west and share their ideas. But for more then 40 years for a big part of the western world this nation was not more then a "big red siberian Bear" that like a real bear will attack anything in its range. And quite a lot of military personal thought that way for a long time. Thx god most of the time time it was not their responsibility to decide a war. But already the Cuba crisis shows to what kind of danger such stereotypical thinking can lead.
So what? A Bishop here in Germany denied "officialy" the existance of the Holocaust and cause a lot of issues with the Jewish community here almost to a point where the relation took some heavy damage from his claim. And you think the Pope excommunicate him? Sadly not.Spoonfeed said:...
The above link demonstrates what even the most "moderate" muslims are capable of when they are threatened by something that does not compute with their 12th century way of thinking.
The guy is a part of the house of lords for fucks' sake.