White Knight
Water Chip? Been There, Done That

Walpknut said:And thee caravans that ally themselves with the Legion basicaly have a safe trip whenever they go. This guy probably didn't even read any dialogue.
I don't remember the BoS making heavy sue of Stealth boys or tactics at all, thye are less and less eevry year, they are trapped in a Bunker, The legion can easily just sabotage their ventilation systems and fill the palce with all sorts of shit, like with Searchlight, having only one way out of your base si also a terrible startegic position, just rig the entrance with mines, and try and not miss the hulking guys in shinny armor when snipping from the mountains that surround Hidden Valley.
Its in Van Buren, but the Paladins who sued the stealth boys then became paranoid from repeated use and formed the circle of steel. And they do use tactics, the teachers in Hidden Valley teaches the iniates squad based tactics.