Leonard interview@DAC

Macaco said:
Not really, It's probably gonna be real time with pause for commercial reasons. And seeing the way troika handled a hybrid system in arcanum... well, we can only hope they learned.
It's not quite the same thing. Arcanum had TWO combat systems that had to be balanced alongside the rest of the game. A hypothetical RT with pause game from Troika would have only one. It wouldn't be as good as TB, that's for sure, but it would be better. I don't think calling it a hybrid is correct.
Claw said:
sunny jim said:
i guess troika didn't want it bad enough... they or obsidian were meant to make it, and i can't believe the licence, which should be priceless in their eyes, was THAT expensive... so they would spend a couple of extra bucks.. big deal... they would get their "baby" this way. bah.
"I can't believe it's not a troll"

If I was an admin I'd ban you without warning. :evil:

Hmm, odd.

Odin said:
Banned fucker, next time try to actually READ...
How come he's still posting, Odin? :eyebrow:

uhh... what the hell do you want from me? :?: it's good that you're not an admin then isn't it? get a life.

anyway, fallout is fallout, and it's not "just" a pa rpg... it's unique, with all it represents... call me pessimistic, but i'm positive that their rpg won't even come near to the level of fallout... and i didn't really like the idea of that halberd the guy was holding in the screenshot of the PA rpg... :shock:
Leon answered a few more questions after I posted the interview - there are a few new questions in there, about hybrid combat, ToEE's sales figures, the Chris Glenn concept art and talking about party based RPGs and mature rated games.
sunny jim said:
and i didn't really like the idea of that halberd the guy was holding in the screenshot of the PA rpg... :shock:

That's from a different game they were working on, they just stuck it in there because the art was available.

And good work Teatime, keep it up.
Bradylama said:
we were given relatively free reign on Arcanum, and Sierra actually gave us a lot of extra time on it as well. Not enough, as it turns out, but a big part of that was that we made such a huge, complex game with only ten people.

Ten people? Color me impressed.

After seeing Chris Glenn's past work, I crave new concept art like a crack addict craves rocks. So, you know, show some fucking love you soulless publishers.

lord... I could never imagine arcanum being done by only ten people. That's some impressive work if you ask me
sunny jim said:
i didn't really like the idea of that halberd the guy was holding in the screenshot of the PA rpg... :shock:
Thank god it wasn't a halberd at all, but a rifle with a BIG bayonet. I thought it was cool enough and wouldn't mind if the design was included in the game if it fits.
On the subject of Fallout 3, how do you feel about Bethesda getting the license, and what direction do you see them taking the series?

To be perfectly honest, I was extremely disappointed that we did not get the chance to make the next Fallout game. This has nothing to do with Bethesda, it’s just that we’ve always felt that Fallout was ours and it was just a technicality that Interplay happened to own it. It sort of felt as if our child had been sold to the highest bidder, and we had to just sit by and watch. As far as where they will take it, you’d have to ask them that. Since I have absolutely no idea what their plans are, I can’t comment on whether I think they’re going in the right direction with it or not.

Darn money making/loving no good Bethesda. :evil:

This whole thing of Beth taking F3 away reminds me of an imaginary situation.

Now imagine:

There is a near to bankrupt stage movie company which happen to own the license on Indiana Jones 4 movie. They have already talked to Stephen Spielberg(Troyka), who's willing not only to direct the 4th incarnation of IJ, but also has the cash(no doubt he has) to be able to take over as a producer thus bying the license of IJ4. Also, Harrison Ford(TB, Special,mature, etc) has stated to be ready for participation and promised to get rid of unnecessary weight :). It seems that all goes perfect, fans are looking forward to upcoming sequel about aging adventurer archeologist. Just some contracts to sign, some deals to make. Formalities only.
But then suddenly...
In comes some prominent and wealthy, yet completely ignorant third party. Lets's say it's movie company XX. It has a big sack of money and it tries and buys the still unsealed licence of IJ4 from the bankrupting company, because of that particular sack of money that was just a little heavyer then Mr. Spielberg was able to offer.
So, the new owner of IJ$..oh sorry, mistyped, IJ4 license states that they always wanted to make IJ movie, because they were huge fans of the series and are looking forward now to make a great sequel of the previous masterpices and bla bla bla...
Well, the fanbase of IJ movies is a bit shocked. Awaken from from the knockdown they try to ask all possible questions to company XX about what they're planning to do and what's the aproximate perspective of IJ4 movie.
And the XX responds:
Well, we are really excited about this new challenge we have now and bla bla bla...and don't espect us to make an action based adventure movie about an avanturist archeologist riding tombs in exotic parts of the world, it's just not what we do well. As for H. Ford in the title role, we haven't decided yet. We have some brilliant actors we are already employing in other projects so we might use one of them. I'm sure it will not dissapoint you if we'll do that, they're marvellous, really.

One last question. Why did you bought the IJ4 license, honestly?

Company XX: ...
That almost made me cry. Not really, but it's pretty damn good.

How can Bethesda make a game as good as the original creators?

I hope they go bankrupt sinking money into FO3 when they try to target people that have no clue what Fallout is and it fails fails FAILS.

Then we will all join hands and sing the "GG BETHESDA" song over and over again.
Torpedo said:
You can throw all the money in the world at a bad game, it will still suck. Go ask John Romero, he learned that the hard way.

That's not what i meant, what i was trying to say is that if they put supposedly so much money into the license, it would be very likely they would put good money/time into game development, instead of trying to make a quick buck on it, like fopos.

And it's true he hadn't mentioned intention of making a hybrid system, but on the newly posted questions he does, this way avoiding me looking bad (well, looking even worse), thanks leonard, here's the quote:

Supposing a publisher asks you for real time combat but allows you to include a turn based option. What have you learned from Arcanum that would help them improve this new title's combat, in the case of a hybrid system? Or would you choose to go with one combat mode and design the game to work seamlessly with that?

I would kill myself right then and there, because we’re actually stubborn enough to try to do it again. It’s funny that you bring this up, actually, because I was just talking to Jason this morning about how I thought it was a bad idea to ever combine the two (though, contrary to what some have speculated, it was our bad idea and not the publishers) and he said he thinks he knows of a way to implement it successfully. He is insane, though.
It would be good example Gnidrologist ..... but didn't others posted that Troyka don't have such funds alone ?
It would be good example Gnidrologist ..... but didn't others posted that Troyka don't have such funds alone ?
Yes, that's right, Troyka had exactly the amount they had( hmm..genious conclusion, isn't it), but the point is, if Bethesda hadn't interfere, Troyka would own F3 licence now, because Interplay would've sell it anyway if there hadn't been a higher bidder. And we would be much happier now, wouldn't we? Beth spoiled it totaly and I don't think they were so naive to not predict it. I don't think any other company would pop up offering a huge sack of $, because F3 just isn't such a huge candy for publishers/devs to reach for so desperately. I saw F3 in the caring hands of Troyka (or Obsidian less, likely though) for quite a time and didn't have a significant doubt about it. That is why Beths unnecessary interference was like total knockdown for me. WHY?!?!
I've read a whole lot of news, statements and lurk around different forums including Beth's, but I still haven't figured out decent rational explanation for Beth to take over F3 developing. It's somewhat surreal that they did. A game style that is completely out of their turf and also a game that hasn't been a huge bestseller anyway. So what's the point. Does it make sense?
I dunno, maybe it was an idea of some moronic ignorant yet influetial money sack that happened to be Beth's sponsor or something like that, but I thought that they're kind of independent, both finacially and creatively. It's just that from all the interwiews and ''dancing'' they performed untill now, it seems that they might be a little confused themselves and don't have a clue what to do next, which is the reason their official statements ar so unconvicing and evasive as they get.
I think we should all just relax and give Bethesda a chance. I am nervous about whether the game will be good or not but you never know, it could turn out to be a REALLY good game. :)

Do not judge a book by its cover, open the book, read it, and then say whether it is good or not.

EDIT: Admins.... I have not been here for a while so I am not sure on the signature rules, if any, so if my sig is too big please let me know so I can change it. I was looking at other people's signatures thinking about why they were so small, incase you were wondering why I am asking about it. Thanks and have a great day.
*oozing sarcasm*

Dixie_Rebel said:
I think we should all just relax and give Bethesda a chance. I am nervous about whether the game will be good or not but you never know, it could turn out to be a REALLY good game. :)
I'm sorry to break it to you, but it has been scientifically proven that it could not. It'd be like moving faster than light. I'm truly sorry. :(

Do not judge a book by its cover, open the book, read it, and then say whether it is good or not.
How can you say that? I even change a book's contents by the cover on new releases! When I saw that I, Robot is now sold with Will Smith on the cover, I burned my old copy immediately!
I'm sorry to break it to you, but it has been scientifically proven that it could not.

I wouldn't say that. They certainly have the creativity to pull it off.

How can you say that? I even change a book's contents by the cover on new releases! When I saw that I, Robot is now sold with Will Smith on the cover, I burned my old copy immediately!

Converse. Vintage 2004.
Re: *oozing sarcasm*

Claw said:
It'd be like moving faster than light. I'm truly sorry.

Just little correction ... there are theories that assume it is possible. While they state that speeding up from sub-light speed to speed faster than light is imposible they also state that there might be certain form of matter that allways exist in such speed ( it's created and it die while still in speed faster than light ) :D :D :D
Seeing this maybe we realy should wait and see what Bethesda will bring us :)
Re: *oozing sarcasm*

Frog said:
Claw said:
It'd be like moving faster than light. I'm truly sorry.

Just little correction ... there are theories that assume it is possible. While they state that speeding up from sub-light speed to speed faster than light is imposible they also state that there might be certain form of matter that allways exist in such speed ( it's created and it die while still in speed faster than light ) :D :D :D
Seeing this maybe we realy should wait and see what Bethesda will bring us :)


Nice post. I think we should be encouraging Bethesda to good instead of saying they are doomed to failure. Come on guys, if you want something done right you have to do it yourself, right? I think if we are nice and positive about it they just might take our suggestions. Please do not let this be another P.O.S. Lets MAKE it not another P.O.S.

Note: P.O.S. meaning that THING made for the XBOX.
I think we should be encouraging Bethesda to good instead of saying they are doomed to failure.
I can't get over the fact that they tried and bought the license in first place. It was so unnecessary. No one gets any benefit from this, nor Beth, nor Troyka, nor us, nor even uncle Bob. Noone.
I think if we are nice and positive about it they just might take our suggestions
Why should they? If they would've been so respondent, they would never even try to steel away F3 from under the nose of Troyka, being well aware that Bethesda isn't the most appriciated company to develop F3, but Troyka is. Well, actually Bethesda was never even mentioned as potential F3 developer in any case, because it would've sound as crazy as to say that Eddy Murphy will be starring as Max in Mad Max 4.
So much for listening to community.