On the subject of Fallout 3, how do you feel about Bethesda getting the license, and what direction do you see them taking the series?
To be perfectly honest, I was extremely disappointed that we did not get the chance to make the next Fallout game. This has nothing to do with Bethesda, it’s just that we’ve always felt that Fallout was ours and it was just a technicality that Interplay happened to own it. It sort of felt as if our child had been sold to the highest bidder, and we had to just sit by and watch. As far as where they will take it, you’d have to ask them that. Since I have absolutely no idea what their plans are, I can’t comment on whether I think they’re going in the right direction with it or not.
Darn money making/loving no good Bethesda.
This whole thing of Beth taking F3 away reminds me of an imaginary situation.
Now imagine:
There is a near to bankrupt stage movie company which happen to own the license on Indiana Jones 4 movie. They have already talked to Stephen Spielberg(Troyka), who's willing not only to direct the 4th incarnation of IJ, but also has the cash(no doubt he has) to be able to take over as a producer thus bying the license of IJ4. Also, Harrison Ford(TB, Special,mature, etc) has stated to be ready for participation and promised to get rid of unnecessary weight

. It seems that all goes perfect, fans are looking forward to upcoming sequel about aging adventurer archeologist. Just some contracts to sign, some deals to make. Formalities only.
But then suddenly...
In comes some prominent and wealthy, yet completely ignorant third party. Lets's say it's movie company XX. It has a big sack of money and it tries and buys the still unsealed licence of IJ4 from the bankrupting company, because of that particular sack of money that was just a little heavyer then Mr. Spielberg was able to offer.
So, the new owner of IJ$..oh sorry, mistyped, IJ4 license states that they always wanted to make IJ movie, because they were huge fans of the series and are looking forward now to make a great sequel of the previous masterpices and bla bla bla...
Well, the fanbase of IJ movies is a bit shocked. Awaken from from the knockdown they try to ask all possible questions to company XX about what they're planning to do and what's the aproximate perspective of IJ4 movie.
And the XX responds:
Well, we are really excited about this new challenge we have now and bla bla bla...and don't espect us to make an action based adventure movie about an avanturist archeologist riding tombs in exotic parts of the world, it's just not what we do well. As for H. Ford in the title role, we haven't decided yet. We have some brilliant actors we are already employing in other projects so we might use one of them. I'm sure it will not dissapoint you if we'll do that, they're marvellous, really.
One last question. Why did you bought the IJ4 license, honestly?
Company XX: ...