My perception of the value of games has changed and the only thing I'd be willing to spend 40€ on would be something I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on. Something that gets me as giddy as I'd get in my early teens. And like, the last game like that was probably... Wasteland 2? And while I enjoyed it greatly it failed to live up to my expectation so yeah, 40€? Way too much of an investment for me. I'd be willing to pay 20€ for Nier Automata and only if I have a lot of money to burn. Otherwise I'd only pay 15€.
If it never goes down in price I'll pirate it and testdrive it for a few hours then remove it and ask myself if what I experienced is worth the asking price.
I grew up with demo's, just cause they're too insecure about their product to just give away a demo for free (because god forbid it deters someone from having to pay for the full game just to find out they don't like it) doesn't mean I shouldn't get to test it before I buy it.
But it will have to wait as I have other games to play and a mountain of 2B porn to tide me over.
Anyway, I don't know if shipping is gonna count but I really dig Lara + Sam: