Right, but how has people died because of the trap stereotype because of that?
Like, someone who's trans or crossdressing is fooling a guy into something and then when the guy finds out he snaps and kills them.
Got it.
How is the "trap stereotype" responsible for that though?
If anything I'd say that trans panic defense is actual transphobia. Not "traps".
Any trans person or crossdresser is at risk of this if they're not honest about themselves to whoever they're pursuing.
"Trap" really has nothing to do with it. Insane transphobia and deceiving trans/cross people are at fault. (the former far faaaar more than the latter, but you can't poke a bear and cry when it rips your arm off that you're not to blame for your own harm)
The only way I could think of a "trap" being harmed for trapping around is if they post some pictures on the net, some guy sees them and goes like "yeah boi!" and then the crossdresser/transperson reveals the cock and the guy makes it a mission to find and murder the one who "turned him gay" because of actual toxic masculinity.
And how often does that really happen?
I'm sure it has happened.
I've seen someone shit diarreah in a plastic bag and pull it over their head in the tub.
Everything has happened.
But is using the term trap somehow increasing the risk of trans/cross people getting laid six feet under? Doubt it.
I can understand if someone finds it insensitive as it is based on the idea of actual entrapment.
But to me it's just a bodytype for cross/trans people. Just like a strongman or someone who's THICC.
But insensitivity is not phobia.