Life after death thread

A difference in opinion is one thing, disqualifying others, specially when they talk about topics of discussion and arguments vallid enough for an university classroom, is different.
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That's an argument from authority. It also indicates nothing about who takes them seriously or why. You didn't listen to the criticism and still won't accept them as feedback. You don't even really look for it on your own or dispute what others claim.

Because I can something like, "Free will is bullshit." Then you'd link to the Stanford Encyclopedia article, that in so many words, says that free will is bullshit. And you'll just tell me, that it's serious academia with an article and everything! So how can I say that?

The difference between living 80 years and dying before all of your friendships, relationships and passions grow stale, and living forever in an unending cycle of growing bored of stuff, is significant. It's the same difference between a literary series that ends on a high note and one that tries to keep going for too long and ends on a flat note. I don't understand people who see immortality as a positive thing for this reason. Quantity of life does not translate into quality of life and the former might very easily have a negative impact on the latter.

What I'm saying is that I don't accept permanent boredom to be an inevitability.
And to go further than that, you'll at least have the luxury of being bored. Something that being dead doesn't really afford you.
I'm usually in a perpetual state of boredom, so that doesn't really seem all that horrible to me. It's annoying, not fatal.
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What I'm saying is that I don't accept "growing bored" to be an inevitability.
Well, that's as false a notion to me as not accepting dying to be an inevitability. It's impossible to prove either way as people don't live forever, but I see no reason to assume the human mind's capacity for retaining interest in stuff is the one thing in the universe that's eternal.

And to go further than that, you'll at least have the luxury of being bored. Something that being dead doesn't really afford you.
I don't want the luxury of being bored. I want my life to end before I get tired of all of the people and things I'm passionate about. That's what I'm saying.

If you're bored of everything all the time, why do you even care whether you live forever? I can't imagine giving a damn either way if nothing in life interested me. Even the biological impetus to multiply would become pretty meaningless; you yourself would be eternal anyway, so it would cease to matter whether or not you made more people.
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It tells us that these things are arguable and open to discussion, because, contrary to you, I'm not trying to "win the argument", trying to turn this into a pissing contest. We are discussing questions that troubled humanity for centuries, great thinkers elaborated entire theories in base of these questions, and all you want is to have a winning argument saying you are rigth and I am wrong, like it's that easy, like we are going to solve it here and now, not even realizing what you are arguing against is not even me, but the work of others before me. I'm sorry but the pointlessness of this discussion has now gone beyond the barriers of ridiculous. Are you seriously trying to solve the great mysteries of humanity just to win an argument against some guy in an internet forum. I mean, I'm baffled, I literally have no words.
It really is that easy. I'm not trying to win the discussion, I'm trying to get you to think critically about this and bring up something more salient than, "This problem has troubled humanity for centuries."

"Why is there something rather than nothing?" isn't a question.

If I ask how is there something rather than nothing, that isn't really known and assumes that there was absolutely nothing. Which is effectively unprovable or simply insensible. Technically, there was no time at the Big Bang because when everything is one ball of undifferentiated sameness, there is no point of reference to judge it by. It's abstract by its very nature. And by our nature, it's impossible to see past "before" that.

I don't even have a point of comparison. Is there a universe with nothing at all in it? If so, how can you call that a universe? How would you even know when you have no direct experience of other universes? Is there another timeline? If so, how do you know? It's not like you've experienced that either.

If you ask why there is something, implying that there is some sort of humancentric purpose for the universe, you get into problems of teleology. You're assuming that there is a purpose. And I don't honestly know what other kind of answer you'd expect from an existentialist.

As I said already, the question comes loaded with a vicious assumption that doesn't work.

Heck, I'm even skimming the article and it's more or less confirming what I've said. Most of the article concerns itself with just defining the problem and trying to rejigger it in a way that makes it a useful question.

Well, that's as false a notion to me as not accepting dying to be an inevitability. It's impossible to prove either way as people don't live forever, but I see no reason to assume the human mind's capacity for retaining interest in stuff is the one thing in the universe that's eternal.

Yeah, but I want functional agelessness. Not invincibility. (Though that'd be nice too up to a limit.)
I can only say that it's my experience that it's our own damn fault that we're bored. Most people never achieve their dreams in a single lifetime and can't sit still without texting somebody. How the hell can you say you're bored?

I don't want the luxury of being bored. I want my life to end before I get tired of all of the people and things I'm passionate about. That's what I'm saying.

If you're bored of everything all the time, why do you even care whether you live forever? I can't imagine giving a damn either way if nothing in life interested me. Even the biological impetus to multiply would become pretty meaningless; you yourself would be eternal anyway, so it would cease to matter whether or not you made more people.

Is a little bit of suffering really enough to render life meaningless to you? It's like saying stubbing my toe makes life too painful to endure. It's a given that you will stub your toe.

Being bored means that there are things that can catch my interest, and I have time to maybe change my lifestyle or find other things that interest me in time, even if it means a cycle of interest-boredom. You don't really think I spend all this time arguing because I find it pointless, do you?

If I have more time, then I might have the opportunity to learn more about physics than Feymann or Steven Hawkings. People into music will get to follow musical trends. Or learn a language. Or explore new forms of artistic expression. Or hell, see a time when video games fully mature into an artform. I've done about zero percent of these things and would be lucky to even just check off a couple items on the list.
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I can only say that it's my experience that it's our own damn fault that we're bored. Most people never achieve their dreams in a single lifetime and can't sit still without texting somebody. How the hell can you say you're bored?
You tell me, you're the one saying you live life in a state of perpetual boredom. I'm virtually never bored. But I have a lot of things in my life that I'm passionate about. If I lived to grow bored of all of them and my existence became one of having to constantly find new things to occupy my time, then I would lose the ability to experience whole-hearted devotion as I do now, which would be awful for me.

Is a little bit of suffering really enough to render life meaningless to you?
It has nothing to do with suffering occasional loss - the comparison with pain isn't an accurate one. It has to do with gradual erosion of the things I value most in life. I wouldn't want to live a life in which the transience of my dedication to any given person or thing became a foregone conclusion and my passion for those people or things suffered for it. It's as simple as that. It would be a muted existence to me. Losing the ability to feel as strongly about something as I do now would be a permanent and irreversible loss that would reduce the quality of my life by a great deal.
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@DVL - I think the problem comes from the fact I'm asking philosophical questions and you are trying to give them esctictly positivistic answers and the two won't agree, like this good man explains. Now if you can't see the difference between the two then it's not my fault. But you can't dismiss an entire field of study only because you can't get out of your positivistic box.
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@DVL - I think the problem comes from the fact I'm asking philosophical questions and you are trying to give them esctictly positivistic answers and the two won't agree, like this good man explains. Now if you can't see the difference between the two then it's not my fault. But you can't dismiss an entire field of study only because you can't get out of your positivistic box.

Eh listened to the video. Wasn't impressed. I wouldn't be making philosophical arguments if I thought science was all it took to come to a truth or that it had no value at all.

And no, there's about zero chance you're going to convince me that faith is a valid philosophical approach.
So you insist in that you are aguing philosophically and not scientifically, you do it after you deny one of the most fundamental questions of philosophy, and when I try to cite what philosophers made the question famous in order to defend my position you argue that they "probably didn't made the question at all" without even bothering to actually find out, assuming that I'm bullshiting you or something (I mean do I have to keep citing sources to prove to you that I'm not), rather than just saying you come from a purely scientific positivistic approach. If you denied Heideger in favor of those, that I could understand, but no, you try to disqualify me like I made it up. Either you have serious issues or you are trying to piss me off on purpose.

You just lost all credibility to me and I feel I wasted a lot of time going in circles getting nowhere. If you would just have said you disagree with a given line of thougth instead of "trying to win the argument" and disqualifying me we wouldn't had wasted time going in circles like this. And even when I try to set things clear, that we disagrre because we see things differently and come from different lines of thought, you go and say that you don't and try to win the argument again.

Seriously internet forums are worthless to discussing anything, people always turn things into a pissing contest rather than accept differences and kindly disagreeing.
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Do you read your sources?
Your Source said:
Many philosophers have expressed a feeling of awe when they come to address what Martin Heidegger has called the fundamental question of metaphysics: "why is there something instead of nothing?".1 Some have attempted to answer the question, and in finding an answer, their feeling could be diminished, or otherwise transformed into a kind of religious awe. Others have dismissed the question as meaningless or at least unanswerable2 and hence feel nothing special when they address it. Ludwig Wittgenstein's response is a complex one, for he both rejects the verbal expression of awe as a piece of nonsense, but insists that the feeling itself has an absolute significance.3 He connects it with the nonsense of ethics, which he says " a document of a tendency in the human mind which I personally cannot help respecting and would not for my life ridicule it".4

Emphasis mine.

Here's another bit.
It is arguable that if the fundamental question has no meaning, then it can invoke no feelings. Thus one way of denying that a feeling of awe is appropriate is to deny that the question of why the world exists makes sense. Senseless questions should provoke no response, beyond an expression of incomprehension. The intelligibility of the fundamental question has been denied by some philosophers. Paul Edwards, for example, argues that there is a logical grammar to the word "why" which has been violated in this case, rendering the question meaningless.9 He claims that when we ask of anything x why it happened or why it is what it is, we presuppose that there are antecedent conditions other than x which can explain x. This is partly what is meant by using the word "why", and if there are no such conditions, then it loses its normal meaning. In the case of the question of why there is something rather than nothing, there can be no antecedent conditions of this kind, because they too must be included in the "something" which must be explained.10

This is within a couple of paragraphs of your link. That sounds a lot like something I might say.
I won't claim to have done a deep reading of this, but come on. If I can take a half-minute to skim the introduction, so can you.

You haven't told me what you think of the question at all, or done anything to rebut my position. You just keep trying to tell me that the question is important for some reason, but done nothing to persuade as to why you think it is, except that some philosophers think it is. (Even though a few would dispute it.)
Because you keep telling me the question is important because it is important.
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@DVL: Could you please edit your posts or answer several posts in one? Don't wanna have to merge all those double posts :D
I'll add a couple of questions for the plenum:
Let's assume, just for the sake of argument, that there's something as soul, essence, whatever; capable to exist without our mortal body after death. I'd like to know how you'd explain bad brain injuries, when a large part of someone's brain dies. You know, people drowning or suffocating for a couple of minutes can survive, with great amount of their brain cells and neuron synapses irreversibly damaged due to lack of oxygen. They've lost their memories and higher cognitive functions, all what their brain is capable of are the most basic functions as breathing, excreting, or keeping heartbeat kicking. They don't recognize their family members anymore, don't remember anything, can't reason, can't think. What baffles me is how do you explain that? Do you think their immortal soul has been damaged along with their brain? If not, do you think their soul has left their body already, floating intact somewhere around? If its broken, does the almighty creator have any means for reformatting such soul, or it is supposed to float around with other happy souls in its broken and uncomplete state forever?
(format soul:\Dick Richardson /q)
Souls could be ethereal entities, not your memories, personality or higher brain functions (which are made depending on how you're raised and your genetics), souls could be compared to blank slates I suppose, not exactly you but in a sense, it's you or, at least, what will be you.
Or you're reincarnated, or souls don't exist, or the soul is really just your conscious and it can in-fact be rendered retarded.
@DVL Why would I rebute anything you say? Why are you trying to rebute me?

Again, pissing contest. There is nothing to rebute, it is you who started trying to rebute me, when you weren't even rebuting me, just a phylosophical enunciate, that of all things you tried to atribute to me, and when I try to tell you it's not mine you just go ahead and assume it is wrong because reasons, while having absolutely no clue about what you are talking about. If you base your knowledge in asumptions then what rigth have you to criticize anyone?

So why would I want to keep arguing with you? It's like theargument clinic skit in Monty Python, just a pointless wate of time. You just took a couple of paragraphs of my link, completely out of context, and tired to again use it for some sot of "win" while admitting you havent read the article in depth, and if you did you would realize what the author is trying to do:

In this paper I will argue that a feeling of awe at the existence of something rather than nothing is appropriate and desirable. By this I mean psychologically appropriate and desirable, given our normal understanding of the meaning of the "why" question.

So, you want someone to rebute what you just quoted? Perhaps you should read the entire thing, I mean since the author included those paragraphs to do precisely that.

And in regards of what I originally wrote, you didn't rebuted a thing, so it does not even need a defense. All I ever argued is that "we know nothing", using as an example an unaswerable question of philosophy. If you were trying to say that it only matters the how and not the why, then all you had to say was that you support positivism/science, and think philosophy is a waste of time. Instead you kept trying to attribute the enunciate to me, like it was an oppinion of mine.

Yes, I do ask myself "why", because that is what philosophy is about, it's the whole point. That's what philosophy does, question things infinitely rather than leave things for granted. It's more about the question than about the answer. I ask that question because I dare to ask it, I ask the big questions, I dare to question everything ad infinitum rather than just accept what little is empirically demonstrable inside a test tube. And your denying of the question "why" does not invalidates it, just like science and materialism and empirical positivism does not deny philosophy, they just deal with other questions, more material applicable ones.

But you know what, it's useless, it's useless to try to explain any of this to you because you just won't get it. You are going to try to win an argument agains a straw man.

I wish you could speak Spanish, this is an excellent class on Heidegger.
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Okay dude, you need to calm down.
You cannot keep linking out to other people and say that they represent your views. That guy has an editorial bias. If I wanted that other guy's opinion I'd have read it by now. I want your opinion, not his. (And frankly, Mr. Witherall isn't talking about what I think about the question, he's saying I should feel awe at it. Which just sounds like a really suspicious appeal to emotion.)

The opening article you linked to was a Telegraph article about OOB, which was trying to put a spin on OOB research as being some sort of controversy when it wasn't. It was click-bait. You did not pick up on this until it was pointed out to you because you could not be bothered to spend five-minutes fact checking. You have a worrying trend of dropping sources without establishing their relevance.

And stop accusing me of trying to win. If you don't like it when people give you answers you don't personally like, then don't go around trying to solicit a discussion.

All I ever argued is that "we know nothing", using as an example an unaswerable question of philosophy.

Christ, am I going to have to go around digging up and cherrypicking authorities to prove that people take epistemology very seriously?

If you're just going to say the question is unanswerable and/or unknowable, why the heck are you making such a big fuss about my dismissing the question as unproductive garbage?

If you were trying to say that it only matters the how and not the why, then all you had to say was that you support positivism/science, and think philosophy is a waste of time. Instead you kept trying to attribute the enunciate to me, like it was an oppinion of mine.

Okay, when you say stuff like this, it leads me to believe that you have not read anything about the subject or even thought about it. It looks like you just Google random links in order to "win" the argument.

What I actually said, was that I don't know what the question is asking because the question is inarticulate.
It also presumes that "nothing" is a forgone alternative to "something." So it's also a LOADED QUESTION.
If, for the sake of the argument, the universe is eternal, then there there was never not something. So the question is meaningless.
Furthermore, you have to resolve all the paradoxes around the "nothing" part of the question, otherwise we have no fucking clue what we mean by it.
That's logic and linguistics, not just "DURRR positivism and science answers all questions."
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Need to calm down? I calm down whenever I damn please. And don't dude me, dude.

Ok, the long answer.

Deep down nothing has meaning, in the most basic concept we are born to die, we are in death row from the day we are born. Solve me that one and we can start talking.

Anything else we do, a career, have kids, sex, it's all a distraction. "Yeah but you are in death row since the day you are born but in the middle you do a lot of things", that's ignoring the issue. Let's say you live 80 years? What is 80 years in cosmic time? Comparing it to a blink would be sayig it's longer than it actually is.

Science and technology overwhelm reality objectifying it, making of everything a thing, giving it an order created by us, based in a language created by us. You talk about logic and linguistics, but that's a man made classification for ordering things artificially.

A chemist will say that chemistry was not created by men, but discovered, that it was in nature and was discovered by men. What would chemist today thingk about greek chemistry, that the elements water, fire, earth, wind, were all inside every object and could be released from inside them? Nonsense! That was 3.000 years ago, what will chemist say about pur current chemistry in the future? Scientific theories are currently changing paradigm in a 8 years basis.

So the language you use to invalidate an existencial question, the why, is an artificial creation that is accepted today, but there are things deeper than the artificial order that we give to things.

We live in a time of profound scientific conscience, a time of positivism, a theory that says that the only valid knowledge is the one given to us by experimental science, and that everything, even philosophy, has to be interpreted trough that method. So questioning if nothing is nothing or if it is something is not a serious knowledge fot positivism. For positivism Nietzsche and Heidegger are irrational, and positivism separates things between rational and irrational. It takes a scalpel and starts cutting and demarcating what is correct and what is not, it judges what sort of philosophy enters within a certain cannon and what should be left outside.

But philosophy exists because when the material world fails to give a satisfactory answer we can always ask ourselves, what the hell else is out there that we don't know about? Philosophy is the question about what else is out there, not the answer. It does try to find an answer, but as soon as it gets one another question takes it's place. Because what impuses us to find more knowledge is the question, not the answer. The world already has a lot of certainties, rigth at hand "after you die you cease to exist and you rot". But philosophy gives me the hability to take everything that surounds me, every bit of certain and contrasted knowledge and destroy it, make it tumble, with one word: "why".

Why don't we go for everything and bring down everything we are certain about? Because we are scared. Mind it doesn't mean that being scared is wrong, we need some certainties for stability. It's a balance, of living in an ordered world where everyting has an answer, and daring to challenge it and realizing that deep down nothing has meaning. Why is there a universe? It has no meaning, no logic, for something to "be". Deep down nothing has logic nor sense nor meaning.
Deep down nothing has meaning, in the most basic concept we are born to die, we are in death row from the day we are born. Solve me that one and we can start talking.

Anything else we do, a career, have kids, sex, it's all a distraction. "Yeah but you are in death row since the day you are born but in the middle you do a lot of things", that's ignoring the issue. Let's say you live 80 years? What is 80 years in cosmic time? Comparing it to a blink would be sayig it's longer than it actually is.

That's just talking about teleological stuff. About consequences to your life you happen to find acceptable or desirable. And I think that's just distracting from the subject anyway.

I'm talking about linguistic meaning. Like, "Am I actually communicating an idea to you that informs behavior?"

Science and technology overwhelm reality objectifying it, making of everything a thing, giving it an order created by us, based in a language created by us. You talk about logic and linguistics, but that's a man made classification for ordering things artificially.

First off, you don't get to make logical arguments and try to appeal to logic in order to solve philosophical problems or communicate ideas to other people and then talk about positivism like it's this wholly antagonistic thing to philosophy. Theologians have always irritated me for this reason. Because they need you to take propositions on faith but still have to appeal to logic in order to persuade people about stuff or work backwards from the article of their faith to its practical implications.

Cut that shit out. You don't get to have a rational discussion using logic then complain about how positivism is ruining things.

Also the latter stuff has exactly been my point. They're man-made. But just because they're man-made doesn't mean they don't have to be useful.

A chemist will say that chemistry was not created by men, but discovered, that it was in nature and was discovered by men. What would chemist today thingk about greek chemistry, that the elements water, fire, earth, wind, were all inside every object and could be released from inside them? Nonsense! That was 3.000 years ago, what will chemist say about pur current chemistry in the future? Scientific theories are currently changing paradigm in a 8 years basis.

Yeah, I don't want to rehash all the solipsism stuff again. The point is that there is stuff that is not subject to my will. Objective things still exist because even your own mind doesn't revolve around your ego. A lot of shit that's experienced by your mind isn't yours to control or of your own willful volition.

You can very well pretend that grabbing the tits of some other guy's girlfriend is just an illusion. And when he punches your teeth out, the distinction is hard to appreciate.

Also, claiming that water, fire, earth and wind was considered legitimate science is dishonest. Science didn't exist then as we understand it today. That whole classical elements thing caught on because of a philosopher named Ptolemy. Nobody tested or questioned his claim. They just took his word for it. At best, you might charitably call that "natural philosophy." At worst, it's just baseless drivel.

Paradigms don't actually shift that much. The biggest one might be the transition from Newtonian physics to relativity and quantum mechanics. But that didn't render the Newtonian stuff useless. They just concerned themselves within a different scope and with a wider variety of working assumptions. (Mostly things that go really very fast or are really very small.)
We still teach Newtonian physics to people.

We live in a time of profound scientific conscience, a time of positivism, a theory that says that the only valid knowledge is the one given to us by experimental science, and that everything, even philosophy, has to be interpreted trough that method. So questioning if nothing is nothing or if it is something is not a serious knowledge fot positivism.

Who says?
You don't think scientists aren't interested in art or meditating?
Sam Harris is practically known for the meditation stuff, despite his great degree of secularism.

It's like a lot of people complaining about democracy because democracy isn't a perfect ideal government ruled by philosopher kings or infallible gods or something. That was never the point. It's a defensively engineered government.

Science produces useful and actionable information. It's a practical application of methodological naturalism, empiricism and rationalism.

For positivism Nietzsche and Heidegger are irrational, and positivism separates things between rational and irrational. It takes a scalpel and starts cutting and demarcating what is correct and what is not, it judges what sort of philosophy enters within a certain cannon and what should be left outside.

As much as I like Nietzsche, he had rather odd ideas about how evolution work and a lot of people since then have injected or modified science as a result of his thinking. If anything, a lot of the way people think about science owes a lot to him because he's running around with the idea of smashing mental idols and to stop falsely projecting emotional biases on things without any of the proper recognition that you are doing exactly that.

But philosophy exists because when the material world fails to give a satisfactory answer we can always ask ourselves, what the hell else is out there that we don't know about?

I deleted this comment earlier since I thought it was obvious to you.
But you're presenting a false dichotomy between science/positivism and philosophy.
Philosophy was always concerned with stuff like the study of logic and the nature of knowledge and blah de blah. Science is one of the few effective products to come out of that discourse.

Theology? Not so much. They've already got a fan theory, and when I was recently thinking about the paradoxes of omnipotence/omniscience, it gave me a headache and made me realize why so many Enlightenment thinkers became theists. (Because the pet idea of a God by conventional Christianity is really fucking annoying to think about and just seems to be the product of unimaginative hyperbole)

Also, think about what you mean by "matter" and "material." Because if you're just thinking in Euclidean and Newtonian terms and just calling everything else "supernatural" or "immaterial" simply because that makes it an easy contrast, then you're hardly thinking. Invisibility doesn't make something specially different from anything else. Neither does other-worldliness, awe or unfamiliarity.

You know, for a guy who is telling me that everything we experience about matter is just ghost shadows of the mind, you really have got that weird comparison-contrast thing bouncing around your head.

Philosophy is the question about what else is out there, not the answer. It does try to find an answer, but as soon as it gets one another question takes it's place. Because what impuses us to find more knowledge is the question, not the answer.

I'm criticizing a badly asked question in the first place!

The world already has a lot of certainties, rigth at hand "after you die you cease to exist and you rot". But philosophy gives me the hability to take everything that surounds me, every bit of certain and contrasted knowledge and destroy it, make it tumble, with one word: "why".

Okay, stop there. Science doesn't deal in certainties. That's not what it is. Don't take this the wrong way, but I have very good reason to question your scientific literacy after this thread. Having pragmatic models in order to predict stuff for everyday life is different from the idea of "perfect" certainty. (Whatever the hell that is.)

In summary, the scientific method is a repeating cycle of observation, hypothesis, testing and falsification, conclusion and revision. It's an iterative and pragmatic process. There's also a little art involved in logic and critical thinking.

Most people have an unrealistic and naive idea about knowledge. I already gave you a brief definition of what I think counts as knowledge and I'm not about to repeat myself. Although there is another useful definition: "True belief."

And yes, "You die and you rot" is a perfectly valid philosophical interpretation of existing evidence. Because you know, those things are demonstrated happening. Anything additional qualifications you want to add to that has to be demonstrated, if only for practical purposes because then I can just say anything and have it be valid. (You go to a place where unicorns crap ice cream into your mouth after you die.)

I'm not going to waste energy on baseless claims because this isn't really just a game. The idea that there is a soul is ultimately misinformation because it implies things we ought to be doing in our everyday lives on account of that belief. The same goes for religion. Despite arguments to the contrary, the cost of acting on these beliefs is not nothing.

For somebody who likes to claim that he knows nothing and that we should ask questions about stuff, you don't really spend a lot of time questioning your basic assumptions. (About the credibility of random internet journalists. Whether your idea of science is actually correct. Whether the question you're asking is even valid.)

That's why I said the ,"I know nothing" comment comes across as sophomoric. A lot of people just say it to seem edgy and wise, when they're nothing of the sort.
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You seem extremely fixated with theology or theologians, because this is Heidegger and he and Nietszche are anything but theologic. To be honest, you sound like the typical raging atheist who thinks the sligthest hint of metaphisics should be rid of this earth, because, Dawkins forbid, could be used to justify an argument by a theist.

You also seem under the impression, that I deny or dispute the usefulness of hard science, when in fact I think they are very useful and vallid, and indeed very important. I just don't think they are the answer to everything, and that there are questions that can only be answered by "less hard"(?) lines of thougth.

I already said I don't claim authorship for any of this, so when you say things like "talk about positivism like it's this wholly antagonistic thing to philosophy", well it's not me who said it, but Heidegger himself, he was the one saying science was objectifying everything and a separation was needed. Yet you keep talking to me like these things are all my invention, but it's all stuff from the forementioned philosophers and my philosophy teachers, I didn't made any of this up, so stop describing me as this or that, if anything you are describing all of us, Heidegger included.

This is why I linked you to stuff, because you keep atributing qualities to me personally based on what I say, yet I only repeat what wiser people before me has passed on to me. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried, I'm not that smart, I'm just blown away with what this people said, and just relaying it to you in an attempt to explain why I said what I said earlier in my previous posts.

I think you started your criticism of my posts in an attempt to "educate me", not without a dose of patronization, on how I got it all wrong, but then hit a wall when you discovered that I'm willing to wonder more methaphisical lines of thougth and that I wasn't willing to discard them just because you waved some logical syntax at me.
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Fair enough, I don't claim familiarity with Heidegger. And I'm sorry if I mistakenly confused your position with Heidegger.
In my defense, I think you're trying to get me to take the question seriously just because Heidegger or Arthur Witherall or so on did, on your assurances that they did and because somebody taught a class about it somewhere.

It'd have been easier if you had just made that clear at the outset.
When you say things like "I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried, I'm not that smart, I'm just blown away with what this people said, and just relaying it to you in an attempt to explain why I said what I said earlier in my previous posts," it sounds like a tacit endorsement.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

A lot of what you're saying sounds like, "The world is being overrun by scientism" which is just a hugely annoying smear word. Much like calling somebody a nihlist to imply that they are inhuman monsters or something. And it usually translates into, "I really don't like the thing that you are saying."

I can only say, for the moment that logical positivism and science are not identical things.
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