There is always a why, a scientific why or otherwise, if we didn't care about why things happened we would have no science, no philosophy, nothing, we would just be happy animals fucking and eating and seleeping. Which would be ideal, to be supid and happy, ovblivious to what's not immediate.
So basically what you are saying is: ignore the whole issue so you don't have to deal with it and get on with your life. Excuse me but I can get on with my life and ask myself these questions at the same time, if other people can't and need not to think about these things to live it's their problem.
And I'm not demanding answers from you either, like you could just get asnwers from such questions by asking them in an internet forum of all places, when philosophers around the ages couldn't answer them. But I'm willing to discuss them with those who want to, perhaps someone has something new to think about.
So, maybe the questions don't have answers, at least yet, but that doesn'tmean I have to stop asking them, or formulating theories, and if you think that has no practical aplicable use, then what other iddle conversation in this forum does. I can afford to sit and write and theorize, and having someone try and be condescendent to me doesn't help. You are either trying to explain the unexplainable or tring to find a way to avoid it instead of gazing at what it means in awe.
Imagine Heiddeger, Leibniz and Schelling among others took your attempt at invalidating the question "why is there something instead of nothing" as an actual solution, where would we be now? Imagine if Descartes wouldn't had tried to "prove" there was an external reality.
The fact that we are trapped in ignorance and there is so much more out there than our little minds can take is actually encouraging to me, so I don't need to live in a world where we have already answered what needs to be answered and we need no further search of knowledge. I like to know and come to the realization that there are unsolved questions and that the answers are out there somewhere, even if we don't have them and can't hope to have them in our lifetime, rather than say "there is no why, there is no meaning, shit just happens, eat, drink and be merry!".
Quibble all you like about whether or not it's all in your mind or not, that mind of yours is still bound by laws that are not your own.
You saying that means you missed the entire point of what I was aiming at with that. I was trying to say that symbolical immortality is as meaningless as fooling yourself into thinking there is heaven or some other sort of immortality precisely because when your mind dies, your own personal universe, (conscoiusly) controlled by you or not, since that's not the issue, dies with it. So your legacy, society, things that outlive oneself, die with your mind as well.
But you bring another issue, and that is not being able to control, or that the mind is bound to laws that are not your own.
By definition, if it happens inside your mind, then those "laws" are most definitely your own. People who have near death experiences could argue the same, they saw a light, and relatives, and God, and they had no control over them, they bared withnesses to what happened until they returned to their body. So as you can see, things apparently not under our control can easely be created by our mind, and if only our mind exists, they most definetely are controlled by it, and those "laws" can easely be changed at will by a subconscious part of your mind, it can even change those laws as often as it wants and then make you believe they were always the same by altering your past memories.
That being said and if that were to be the case, I could say that I always existed and will always exist, and that death is an illusion created by my mind, and that I have been living this very moment forever, past memories being created by my mind to make me believe I had a childhood (a past) and give me the illusion of time passing, but I am living in a neverending present.
Another interesting article. You will notice my posts will grow in length as I like to avoid double posts.
Do We Live in the Matrix?
Tests could reveal whether we are part of a giant computer simulation — but the real question is if we want to know...