lil Jesus "Golden Eagle" Mod

I tested it with the files from MIB88's Megamod. As far as I can see, there are three problems:

First, if you are to near, the new critter "overlaps" the player. Don't know, how to fix this... but it could be prevented by placing blocking hexfields. Isn't a good solution, but would work. It seems also not possible, to fight melee against him.

Second, if the critter dies, the hole image jumps backwards. But only the image. The critter stays on the placed position. This could possibly be fixed in the frm itself.

Third, if the critter is dead, the player can walk over it. This could be solved with placing the real scenery over the critter, when he dies. But for this, the critter has to be a 1:1 copy (in position) from the original scenery objects.

Headless in Reno, the new Crime TV show on CBS:

Everything works fine:

It's the jumping dead:

Standing - heroic - on the table.
Gizmo_Iz_Slug said:
By any chance does that scenery have its "Flat" flag turned on?

That Modino art is not scenery. It is ALL part of the critter.
Lexx said:
Hmm isn't it possible to cut the image a little bit? Like this as example:


The marked red would be the critter max width and hight.

The rest of the table should be done via scenery objects.
Or simply cut left corner and made the table smaller.

By the way, can I split large, animated scenery into two pieces? Does anyone tried that?
Continuum said:
By the way, can I split large, animated scenery into two pieces? Does anyone tried that?
Many of the original art pieces are split into many pieces(because the engine doesn't handle large objects and whatnot) so it would not be a problem doing that. The only problem would be to get them aligned just right.
I have a question - I've noticed that for many of the blown to bits animations the orignial frame of the FRM is the normal size of the critter whilst the frames where chunks are blown a couple of feet away are bigger.

If I redo the files in that way will it still work? I'm going to have to take some time to get PS fixed and sort animator.
Gizmo_Iz_Slug said:
Many of the original art pieces are split into many pieces(because the engine doesn't handle large objects and whatnot) so it would not be a problem doing that.
Yes, I know about that. But this art is animated and there's no such large, animated art splitted into pieces in original game (as far as I remember). Engine has a lot of troubles with large animated scenery art.

The largest values for Width and Height are:
- geckflr1.frm has 432x213
- encdoc01.frm has 171x328

So, theoretically the "safe" size should be something around 432x328. I tested my art with 341x241 and engine has still some little troubles with it. And I need to have at least ~ 430x400.

Gizmo_Iz_Slug said:
The only problem would be to get them aligned just right.
This isn't a problem at all ;)
So HC'S frm are unusefull? :( I hope not, because this was al lot of work!

Whats about to make a ritter(lil jesus? an the scenery seperat?
No worries folks. A copy of CS3 has arrived after CS2 decided the completely legit copy that I had just wouldn't verify itself on Vista. Thanks adobe you ****s!

That being said I'll try and find the orginal PSDs and leave out the table and such which hopefully will make it work slightly better.

Expect something interesting to happen in a few weeks.