Hotel California
Mildly Dipped
Crowley said:Mr.Wolna said:I don't now what you have i like this stuff very much.
I just meant that particular animation reminds me more of the dodging animation that the characters in Fallout have. The hit animation is more of an uncontrolled jerk backwards than a sidestep like this.
That is very true Crowley: it is the miss animation I'm afraid.
However the only pistol animations for HMMAXX are
HA - Idle
HB - Walk
HC - Draw
HD - Spin
HE - This hit or miss malarky!
HH - Raise
HI - Lower
HJ - Shoot
Then it goes onto to SMGs ....
I believe the actual hit animation is AO which is one of the default for all gear. So I'm not sure how I'll deal with this. I'll probably make the correct animation once the week is out and I have some proper time to get on with things!