Lill's abandoned corner

No, she left us without even sending a postcard. I guess it's not easy to bear so much testosterone. Anyway, that's a shame given that she represented one of the last vulva of this forum.

Just checking back :) noticed that the Restoration project is soon comeing with its next version soon. :)

Here is something new for ya:

I got a waccom (drawing) tablet, wich caused me to draw more :D its fun:


You need to work on perspective and then apply shading rules to your drawings. This is probably what Wooz meant about art classes. The kind of art you're going for follows series of rules about perspective and shadows. It's just a few basics, but once you've mastered them you can build on it to draw great stuff.

The Wacom drawings are much better, though.
I am no expert - I can only give feedback on what I like and don't like.

I like this. Alot.

That werewolf sent me back in time instantly to the days when my friends and I were playing Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse.

Please keep up the good work, and please keep posting here.
thanks guys :) imma gonna see if i get to post more later. And,
Overseer, thanks for the contructive criticism, im gonna try to get better.

(I'm actually gonna see if ill get in the 3 year school system we got here in Norway. Its a State/Country paid (free) art school, so thats quite nice. Too bad its hard to get in.
Over 400 people apply and only 25 or so get in each year. And its quite much stuff in the application assigment you gotta do too.
You are very talented, that is really awesome work on the last two. Wow... I would pay to have the werewolf picture on my wall, in my living room. Keep up the great work!!!
thanks :) Finesse. thats very kind. just give me a holler if you want it in a bigger size.

I'm working on a gift :D i talked to a photo-print company, and you can make a puzzle game from a pic. So i wanna make a december calendar from that puzzle.

This is what i've done so far:
Please comment on the sketch, if there is something i can place better (composition, lights, etc). Ah, and ye, theres 2 main light sources. staff and toach

(Geh.. i gotta try fix the proportions on the bodies tho, theire no good there)

Eh and tha cat in the corner(eyes and text is just for fun now. Supposed to be my cat... he actually makes quite strange sounds :roll:

Tho, appreciate any opinions
I gotta get it done before december, but it shouldn't be a problem

Sketch's not bad, but work on your drawings' direction lines. Swooshylines:


Thanks! :D im gonna start sketching more on the posture. I love the dynamic you got on your sketch there.

*excited* :D ill start right away. (to bad the gift dude soon comes back from work. i might not be able to post back today.)

Thanks again for the help, its appreciated
(im gonna test out what you said about painter (in your thread) too sometime)
Wohoo, hes gonna work overtime :D

Here is how it looks now, Wooz (or anyone), if you got any correction, its cool :D


The neck/back muscles on the dude need more fleshing out, but it's a huge improvement on the last one.
thanks :D
Imma gonna see if i can sneak in more tomorrow. They gonna run the other way tho like in the old pic, so gonna flip horisontal. But, can you elaborate on the neck and back muscles, Wooz?

I dont wanna overdo the muscles too much, since, Kenny (the guy im gonna give it to) is mucular, yea, but not over-muscular).

If there are any more stuff, please feel free to correct/comment. :)

Thanks for the comment and help so far.
I mean the way the neck 'fits' into the torso, it looks a tad off.
I'll try fix it in later progress, or maybe the darkness will hide it :P hehe

this is how it looks now:

Better, better.

One thing, tho': You'll have to 'clear out' the background around the place where the two characters are holding hands, as of now it's a bit unclear on what's happening.

You could try lowering them a centimeter or two, turning the guy's grip into the focal point of your work.

Also. get rid of the... frog on the left, mebbe? :D