Lionhead: Pre-owned worse than PC piracy
Fable III developer Lionhead has told Eurogamer that second-hand (pre-owned) sales on Xbox 360 are today a bigger problem than piracy on PC.
Fortunately, Lionhead has already managed to cover development costs with first-hand Xbox 360 sales, which are "in their millions".
I don't want to insult people. But are some of them dense ? Sure lot of talking about "piracy" which is probably more or less expected. Developers/publishers have every right to protect their products. No issue with that - in which way they should do that though is a different question but I do not even want to discuss that.
But second-hand games worse then "piracy" ? Well It is nice to see game developing studios and publishers finding ways to fix it in the name of "fighting piracy!" with accounts, registrations and authentications. And the gamers don't even realize how much they get bossed around.
"For us it's probably a no-lose even with piracy as it is," shrugged West. "But, as I say, second-hand sales cost us more in the long-run than piracy these days."
So second-hand games are killing PC gaming in the long run ? Yeah I guess in the same way as second-hand cars destroy the car industry. I mean hey they are complaining for DECADES that they are a dieing business aren't they! Or wait wait. Real property. What is whit those people which buy a house instead of building a new one! They kill the whole construction industry! How can they!
It is MY right to buy games cheap as second-hand products from other people when I do NOT see to pay a full prize on a mediocre product. Maybe. If they would get games out which have a plot that goes longer then 5 hours I would consider to pay 60$ on it. Or games with some quality inside. Not just cheap DLCs which do actually ad nothing to the game (see Mass Effect and their last ME2 DLC).
I really don't want to look like I just rant. But I am somewhat frustrated by the current policy of some of the publishers. Particularly when you can see that it CAN be done in different ways. Where some companies manage to throw out good games and they do not complain about second-hand copies changing their owner. Cant say how disgusted I am from this "forced" registration/account stuff in recent games. Particularly as I was runing in quite a lot of issues lately. Server down times. Failed registrations ... it is awesome to have a game you bought sitting on your desktop runing PERFECTLY without that crap. But you cant play it because they dont let you.
Fable III developer Lionhead has told Eurogamer that second-hand (pre-owned) sales on Xbox 360 are today a bigger problem than piracy on PC.
Fortunately, Lionhead has already managed to cover development costs with first-hand Xbox 360 sales, which are "in their millions".
I don't want to insult people. But are some of them dense ? Sure lot of talking about "piracy" which is probably more or less expected. Developers/publishers have every right to protect their products. No issue with that - in which way they should do that though is a different question but I do not even want to discuss that.
But second-hand games worse then "piracy" ? Well It is nice to see game developing studios and publishers finding ways to fix it in the name of "fighting piracy!" with accounts, registrations and authentications. And the gamers don't even realize how much they get bossed around.
"For us it's probably a no-lose even with piracy as it is," shrugged West. "But, as I say, second-hand sales cost us more in the long-run than piracy these days."
So second-hand games are killing PC gaming in the long run ? Yeah I guess in the same way as second-hand cars destroy the car industry. I mean hey they are complaining for DECADES that they are a dieing business aren't they! Or wait wait. Real property. What is whit those people which buy a house instead of building a new one! They kill the whole construction industry! How can they!
It is MY right to buy games cheap as second-hand products from other people when I do NOT see to pay a full prize on a mediocre product. Maybe. If they would get games out which have a plot that goes longer then 5 hours I would consider to pay 60$ on it. Or games with some quality inside. Not just cheap DLCs which do actually ad nothing to the game (see Mass Effect and their last ME2 DLC).
I really don't want to look like I just rant. But I am somewhat frustrated by the current policy of some of the publishers. Particularly when you can see that it CAN be done in different ways. Where some companies manage to throw out good games and they do not complain about second-hand copies changing their owner. Cant say how disgusted I am from this "forced" registration/account stuff in recent games. Particularly as I was runing in quite a lot of issues lately. Server down times. Failed registrations ... it is awesome to have a game you bought sitting on your desktop runing PERFECTLY without that crap. But you cant play it because they dont let you.