Login Names: A look at our origins.


Antediluvian as Feck
Okay everybody, here's an interesting idea.

I was chatting with Katja the other night and she asked about the orgins of the Ozrat moniker. I explained it to her and I forgot to ask the same question back. Anyways, it gave me an idea... Why not start a thread to explain the meanings and orgins of our names here at NMA? There's been several names here that have made me wonder how they came about. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Okay, I'll go first.

Sometime during my sixth or seventh grade I wanted to get one of those cool free e-mails that you could get online. After shopping around at the various sites, I decided to go to Hotmail and get one there. Now before all of you start flaming me for going to such a stupid e-mail server you need to understand that this was a time before the days of copious spam and ad e-mails that you now get there. Heck, this was even before Microsoft owned Hotmail! Yes, there was actually such a time... *sigh* The good old days.

Anyways, so there I was, sitting in front of my computer trying to figure out what would be the coolest and most perfect name to use in front of that @hotmail.com address. Well, I have to say that I was quite stuck for the longest time as for what to use. Before long I started day dreaming and I somehow started to think about what rodents would be like in The Wizard of Oz. I quickly snapped back to reality and Ozrat seemed like a good idea at the time so I typed it in and Ozrat as you know him was created.

The name Ozrat kinda grew onto me over the years like one of those anal warts: it's just something that you can't get rid of and soon learn to live with. When I came to NMA I decided to do a little searching around to find an appropiate avatar for Ozrat. Since I immensely enjoy Jim Henson and his works of art, I decided to get a muppet for a temporary avatar. I found Rizzo the Rat and realized that he was perfect for the position. He stays even to this day. I also have another image of Rizzo in case I ever get bored with this one.

I believe that Ratty once came up with the theory that Ozrat spawns from the fact that I like Frank Oz, a person who worked with Jim Henson on many projects, and Rizzo the Rat. Very close and logical guess, but not quite right. Now you know the true story behind Ozrat.
I`ll explain the story from my nick, but before someone has to find what it means, a sort of a contest, with no prizes though :wink:
And people call me an attention whore :P

Um, you like to get freaky with Briosa?

Honestly people I want some *real* posts here!
Well, I searched for the mysterious origin of the vault reporter's nickname, and found two issues.
Either someone really likes mailboxes http://www.alubox.it/database/schedauk/gruppiuk.asp?gruppo='01'&serie='37' :wink:
or someone's a soccer (or other obscure teamplay sport which name is "briosa" in portuguese) addict.

Ok, now that I've either made a Wonderous Discovery or made a Total Ass out of myself, I'll tell the story behind my nick/avatar/name/whadjacallit.
As some may have noticed, I originally ripped it off FO2 when I was like 15, and has followed me ever since. I had a previous nick before, as I mentioned on the "hello" thread ("flameboy"), but after realizing the utter stupidity of such a name, I changed it to somethig closer to my personality. There were two factors that made me choose "wooz", one was the fact i liked the letters, the other that I like to drink something with more punch than milk.
(The "I liked the letters" may seem pretty stupid to you, but in my case it matters, since I like to write them down in many ways in my city's walls, and the way they fit each other matters.uh, yea, ihave a pic in the fanart section)

Along these four years, a lot of people found other "logical" or casual resemblances, one being "łobóz" a polish word for "punk" or "brat", won't post the rest of them since half of you guys is sleeping already to this point in my post :P
Close to the bizarre mailbox perversion or the (i think) Italian soccer club?
I've had only two nicks online, one I chose as I first joined NMA the odd 4 to 6 years ago (Techno Freak, 'cause...I liked da plasma rifle!), which I dropped as I was banned from the UV, to be replaced by Kharn the Betrayer, later just Kharn (as I got tired of people (especially Shadowman) asking me who I'd betrayed), never spelled properly as Khârn.

Biography of Khârn the Betrayer:

<blockquote>Kharn has dedicated his millennia-long existence to unleashing bloody carnage upon anyone and anything within reach. He is drawn by the scent of war as a hungering hound is drawn by fresh meat and it has become impossible to tally his slaying. Even in the Great Crusade when he fought in the assault companies of the Worldeaters Legion he was known to be a brilliant but unstable warrior. Indeed, the whole Worldeaters legion was viewed as excessively bloodthirsty and dangerously over-zealous in the suppression of planets that had not even defied the Emperor's will. When the Heresy came Kharn gladly led his warriors against his brother Marines, most notoriously in the drop site massacres on Istvaan V.

In the siege of the Imperial palace he was at the forefront of every assault. When Horus was defeated Kharn already lay dead and horribly mangled upon a mound of corpses at the walls of the inner palace. His fellow Worldeaters carries his corpse away with them as they fought their way back to their ships. Once on board they discovered that by some dark miracle Kharn still lived. Whether Khorne himself breathed life into the Berzerker's body or whether the relentless clamor of war revived his indomitable spirit remains a mystery, but since the Heresy Kharn has survived the bloodiest battles of his age and never come so close to death again.

He is called the Betrayer because he will slay those that follow him almost as readily as those that oppose him. The Worldeaters legionaries learned that bitter lesson shortly after they reached the Eye of Terror as they fought against the Legion of the Emperor's Children for possession of a demon world called Skalathrax.

On Skalathrax howling winds carved an endless landscape of black rock and white ice. Stark black cities of twisting towers clutched at the leaden skies like winter-struck trees. The Legions fought and the Worldeaters drove the Emperor's Children back from city after city with their bloody assaults. At the last and greatest city the Worldeaters sensed victory was near; they needed to inflict just one more defeat on the Emperor's Children to claim the planet as their own. The battle had to be won now, before Skalathrax's long, dark night drew in and froze victor and vanquished alike if they were not in shelter.

Flames lashed the skies and blood ran in the streets as the Worldeaters hurled themselves at the foe. Every arched door and slitted window seemed to spit fire at the berzerk warriors but they stormed onward, chain-axes biting into armor and flesh as they overran their foes. Sonic blasters swept streets clear again and again but the chosen of Khorne fought on with the strength of madmen until only a few pockets of resistance survived. There the attack was halted as darkness fell.

Kharn cursed his fellow warriors for seeking shelter while their enemies still lived. Seizing a flamer, he span around torched the nearest buildings in a gesture of contempt. When his brother Marines tried to stop him he cut them down like corn and disappeared into the gloom, the serpent's tongue of his flamer bursts licking out again and again to consume the city. The howling winds spread the fires quickly and soon pure anarchy prevailed as the Legionaries fought each other and the fires for what shelter remained. Through the mayhem strode Kharn, slaughtering any that he found, friend or foe, the bright flames flickering from his blood-splattered armor as he wielded his shrieking chain-axe in an arc of whirling death.

After that night of madness the Worldeaters were scattered into separate companies fighting all across the Eye of Terror. Many still bear a burning hatred of Kharn for his actions but others admire his single-minded devotion to slaughter. Kharn has led warbands of Khorne Berzerkers and other forces in uncounted battles, victory is always his but his followers seldom survive to see it. Now only the most dedicated, or insane, warriors will follow him, but this is of no consequence to the Betrayer who live only to slay in Khorne's name.

Kharne is a blood-soaked ravager, favored by Khorne the lord of battles as one of his most insane and deadly Berzerkers, and exalted champion of butchery and mayhem.</blockquote>


PS: I've never played Warhammer 40,000, whencefrom Khârn stems, so I have no real affinity with his W40k figurine or "special powers", rather I really liked his character as portrayed in several fanfics and images, the only one to match wit with him is Spawn, who I now consider to be a lot cooler than Khârn, but I didn't back then.
Yes! Kharn was one of the specific names that I had always wondered about!

C'mon you guys, I know there's more fo you out there...
I (a long time ago when google didn't exist and yahoo was text based) used to be known as HavokK, then the internet wave caught on and was not able to use that name so much because it got taken alot.

Being a Wasteland Freak, i was reborn Ugly John (or Jane depending where).
It's not a common handle, because nobody seems to want to be known as an Ugly Something (except for that guy that sells boats).

I'm basicaly the man your mama warned you about. :P

btw i'm holding Mayor Pedro's wife in hostage
Syphon is actually a cool story.

....I got high on marjiuna and I started playing Syphon Filter, and I started hallucinating. thats it....What?
I'm a closet Stephen King fan. Some of his material isn't really original ( just some rehash with strange twists) but I like his vernacular writing style. However, I more interested in his body of fiction rather than his horror. And the apex of King's work, the Jupiter of his Literary Universe, in which nearly all of his books carry a reference to is the Dark Tower series. The first in the series is "The Gunslinger". I think the fact that King used such an obscure and enigmatc writing style made it seem such a good read for me.

Anyway, after reading that, I got into the Western scene. I started wearing pegged jeans and belts with brass star buckles. I watched "The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly" each day (over the summer). I bought a cap gun and holster and practiced drawing from the hip as fast as I could.

Needless to say, that fad in me faded quickly, but I've still got the pegged jeans in my closest, Sergio Leone's film in my video collection, and the cap gun in a chest.

Plus, I got this cheesy screen name to remind me of it all.
Gunslinger said:
I'm a closet Stephen King fan. Some of his material isn't really original ( just some rehash with strange twists) but I like his vernacular writing style. However, I more interested in his body of fiction rather than his horror. And the apex of King's work, the Jupiter of his Literary Universe, in which nearly all of his books carry a reference to is the Dark Tower series. The first in the series is "The Gunslinger". I think the fact that King used such an obscure and enigmatc writing style made it seem such a good read for me.

Anyway, after reading that, I got into the Western scene. I started wearing pegged jeans and belts with brass star buckles. I watched "The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly" each day (over the summer). I bought a cap gun and holster and practiced drawing from the hip as fast as I could.

Needless to say, that fad in me faded quickly, but I've still got the pegged jeans in my closest, Sergio Leone's film in my video collection, and the cap gun in a chest.

Plus, I got this cheesy screen name to remind me of it all.

I had my feeling it invovled Stephen King....:wink:
Mine comes from the early Counter-Strike days. Me and my friends decided to make our own team. I came up with [PCE] wich stands for Pork Chop Express (reference to John Carpenter's 'Big Trouble in Little China') and i combined it from with my usual gaming name 'el Presidente`'. I can't remember why i picked it, i think it just sounded cool to me.
My name mostly originated from a book which i read some years ago now. It was a present which i received for christmas of my book loving aunty and was really the first book i read and really enjoyed.
I'm not sure if i would have ever read it if it wasn't for the fact that there had been a storm just after christmas and all power was out for nearly two days. I remember having to read it with candle light.

Anyway, the book was called Hex by Rhiannon Lassiter. Some of you may have read it.


Anyway, Hex's in this book are tearaways or also know as a rogue Hex. Thus my name on NMA.

The book is a trilogy with Hex shadows and Hex Ghosts following the first.

Slight info about the book if your interested....

In the late twenty first century a gene was created that enabled human beings to connect directly with computers, to access information in systems all over the world. Now, three hundred years later, the Hexes are being hunted down by the government and systematically exterminated. Raven is one such Hex. Together with her brother Wraith, she has come to London to seek her sister Rachel, who may or may not be a Hex herself. Along with street kid Kez and Ali, a spoilt, rich Hex, Wraith and Raven hunt for clues to Rachel's whereabouts - a search that will lead them to a CPS laboratory, built for the purpose of research into the Hex gene and for testing and exterminating the Hexes themselves.

My name, is easy. It's my name.

But, before that< i used the silly name "shadowcore". Why? I have no clue. I thought it sounded cool(It used to be shadow, but you can't actually use that name anywhere, because SOMEONE already has it).
Oh! as for guessing for Brio's nick.

You love Brio, that disgusting caramel flavor crap.
You work at Brio software?
You have a tatoo of the briosa tema on your (insert bodypart here)or you used to play for Briosa.
Your wife's name is Briosa.
You named your *thing* Briosa?

How's that?