London flashback: eDome

I'm getting this feeling these guys are using the terms "laughs" and "humor" interchangeably ...
I'm getting it because it's post-apoch and has more play time than the 12-15 hours of many modern games. Personally I give a rats ass what name they put on it...
Drakehash said:
Dourvas said:
heh i guess i cant convice you...
who knows maybe if the dear modders make it good enough make a lot of die hard fallout fans will play it
the truth is that i also excpeced another sequel and i was a little dissapointed from this at start...but ...its fallout man...

Fobos was fallout, not for that i buy it.

I am not going to buy something because the label say "fallout" The original creators of the game are not working on this, so this is not a fallout for me.

I will put a label on a piece of shit that say fallout and i guess you are going to buy it because like you say is "fallout" pff

dude does this look like BOS to you?
no it doesnt...
thats why i will buy it...stop the frickin nonesence about how much it will such do didnt even play it long its not BOS its gonna be must understand THATS the revolution of gaming sadly..lets prey its better than we expect and just shut up
PS:i am not saying i am gonna love it..i loved ALL final fantasies.FF X is my favrite Console rpg along with persona 3..but even if i bought FF 12 it doesnt mean i loved fact every time i go to the toilet to take a shit its laying in the dumper....
Fallout 3 looks worse than Nightwish sounds without Tarja Turunen.

Edit: it's not BoS because it's named "Fallout 3"? ^^

check out the movie in my signature dude
Dourvas said:
dude does this look like BOS to you?
no it doesnt...
thats why i will buy it...

Some pretty low standards you have there. Most people around here acknowledge it might be fun or even a good game (not me, though; Oblivion jaded me too much for that), it's just not Fallout in gameplay and mostly not on setting as well.

Public said:
Fallout 3 looks worse than Nightwish sounds without Tarja Turunen.

Well, Amaranth was a good track, and I don't think it would have sounded the same with Tarja. The same can't be said of anything they changed in Fallout 3.
i dont have low stadars man...but people are acting and talking like this is gonna be a fallout BOS 2
I can totally understand why people are upset. they've changed the game so much that from what we've seen so far it's hardly recognizable as a Fallout game anymore. but it is. and after all this time, all the whining won't make a difference. I would've loved Fallout 3 to be Van Buren or something more along those lines, but this is what we're getting. and personally I think it looks like a fun quality game, definitely worth more attention than 90% of the other crap produced these days.

the sad part is that a lot of people are simply not even going to try it and judge it by the game itself instead of judging it by it's title. and seeing as how everyone here loves the post-apocalypse theme they all may very well miss out on a great game.

or it might suck. but at least find out for yourself.
ArmorB said:
Pope Viper said:
There have been way too many compromises for this game in order to make money.

Have to LOL at this. Maybe if you added at the end "from true Fallout fans" it might be true, but as it stands that is a pretty ignorant statement. FO3 will make money no matter how many FO1/2 fans don't like it. Bethesda is rolling it out the same way as Oblivion and there are many who had the same issues of ES3 vs ES4, and Oblivion did just fine in spite of it.

Perhaps, how many of the sales are going to be made as a result of the various gaming sites/mags glowing reviews, disregarding any flaws, so they don't lose their advertising dollars?

I think catering to the general masses indicates a desire to get sales.

Granted, I understand the need make a profit, but come on, why do such a radical change other than being able to reuse an engineed/assests.

The quoted post was based upon me misreading what you wrote. Yes I agree it is about the Almighty Dollar. Beth did what many have done and many will do, take a feranchise and milk it for every dollar. sometimes a good product is put out that is in the spirit of the orginals and often that is not the case.

And then we have FO3 which may not be truely in the spirit of the FO franchise but may actually be a good game in and of itself. Then what?
No problem, just caught your edited post.

I'll be honest, it does look like a decent PA game, but again, there's just too much hokey/non-amusing stuff.

Teddy bears? Fatman? <shakes>
Pope Viper said:
No, no one is going to convince me, unless they totally change the game, which I don't see happening.

Sorry, this isn't a Fallout in my mind.

To each his own. I'm personally very pumped about it. I loved the fallout setting and many of the locales (some... not so good). The fallout gameplay was something I had to suffer through to get it.

My only question right now is PC vs. PS3. One has modding potential, and the other has a 42" Plasma TV and a sofa. I'm leaning towards the big TV right now.

check out the movie in my signature dude
Phancypants said:
check out the movie in my signature dude

That's what I thought when I viewed it. You could easily take Fallout 1 or 2 and make them look exactly the same.

Actually you could take any game with any kind of fighting in it, and make it look like an action fest. This is basically what they did with the demos for the press. It appeals more to some people.

You could also make a game like Half-Life 2 look incredibly stupid by taking a video of a player moving side to side the whole time they are playing, while hitting random objects with the crowbar.
Dourvas said:
i dont have low stadars man...but people are acting and talking like this is gonna be a fallout BOS 2

FOBOS 2.... hmmmmmm

you're pretty close to the truth there :)
thanks.... got tired of calling it S**tlivion with guns
Well at least it's the first FP post apoc RPG that I know of.

Edit: Although I wish it would be as interactive as, say, Ultima Underworld. Oblivion was pretty lacking, considering so many of the RPG elements took a step back in favor of more action-based elements.
There's nothing like, "Oh, I wish we could do this but it's not right for Fallout

Nuclear exploding cars, Nuclear catapult, Ghouls shooting shockwaves of radiation.

I think these particular ones radiate "Oh, I wish we could do this but it's not right for Fallout" mentality
I know it's a bad excuse for the game, but hopefully a few mods can make the cars not explode, remove the nuclear catapult from the game (or make it a unique weapon with only one shot), and give the ghouls a rifle instead of radiation blasts.
Sergei Quaid said:
Also, the writer hails BioShock as one of the best _RPG's_ ever.
Just FYI.
Yeah, the writer isn't really an RPG aficionado. He considers Mass Effect and Bioshock the best RPG's in ages, and thinks that isometric, turn-based gameplay is outdated.