London flashback: eDome

it's sad how you judge people on a personal level, as if you knew everything about their private life and how they are as people.

yes, Todd is odd and Pete can't do his job properly. but respect them as people ffs.
aenemic said:
but respect them as people ffs.
As soon as they start respecting the RPG genre instead of dumbing down, handholding and pandering RPGs down for the sake of sales.
To do all that, and then follow it up with their predicatbly disingenuous approach to PR is insulting to anyone who knows better.
We've seen where Todd goes, we've seen where he took the Elder Scrolls, and now we're watching him shoe-horn Fallout into his McRPG with training wheels formula.

He does for RPGs what Taco Bell does for Mexican food. That I can't respect.
aenemic's point stands, tho'. Rag on their design decisions all you want, there's simply no need to get personal. It's childish and stupid.