Lonesome Road trailer released


But best title ever!
We already brought you news that it was gonna be released today, so without further ado, here is the trailer for the last major DLC for Fallout: New Vegas, Lonesome Road, in which we'll find out why Ulysses didn't take the job that got our own Courier into the mess that is the title's plot.

<center><object width="560" height="345"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/KICszQNDUOA?version=3&amp;hl=it_IT&amp;rel=0"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/KICszQNDUOA?version=3&amp;hl=en_EN&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="345" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object></center>
Thanks, Generic Dude 2.0 (duh) and Briosafreak.
My impressions:

-The Divide disaster is Courier's fault.

-Old World remains in the Divide, ED-E upgrades included, may spare us the dreaded Enclave return, as nothing predicts that will happen.

-Speaking of dreaded, Lonesome Road's gimmick seems to be as morbid and nihilistic as Dead Money, and that sure counts for something.

-People will go cuckoo over those boom-boom weapons.

-They sure love Ranger Combat Armor.

-Eagle Flag Pole? :o
Why are they bothg wearing the same thing?

Because if they don't get it sooner, the majority of players will want to skip all the Ulysses' dialogue and murdalize him solely for his coat :D

BTW, I thought I will see a scripted twister in a 0:27 way. Oh well.
GeeZee said:
Why are they bothg wearing the same thing?

Because if they don't get it sooner, the majority of players will want to skip all the Ulysses' dialogue and murdalize him solely for his coat :D

BTW, I thought I will see a scripted twister in a 0:27 way. Oh well.

Nah, I think all we will get is that 'wind' effect. Hopefully flashes of lightning.
I gotta say, except for the silly-looking combat scenes which seems to be par for the course for all Bethesda trailers, this trailer was pretty bad-ass. I dig the whole "everything is destroyed" vibe, the sorta western-ish set up with the Courier against Ulysses and the "mystary!1!!" aspect of it all.

Hope the DLC will live up to it.

Hot damn!
This looks awesome.

I can not wait to play it and start my review for NMA of it.

Definitely like how each of the DLCs gave us a different environment to play in, and how the last DLC will give us a city in ruins. (opposite to New Vegas which was already re inhabited, and Sierra Madre villa which was a toxic hellhole)

-Old World remains in the Divide, ED-E upgrades included, may spare us the dreaded Enclave return, as nothing predicts that will happen

Doesn't seem the Enclave is in this for which I am glad.
Its time to move away from the Enclave.
0:31 NCR Red Skull? well this trailer looks good, I have yet to play Old World Blues so this one is gonna have to wait a little longer.
This looks promising.
The Divide looks pretty damn desolate, I like that. Reminds me of the area around the Glow on the Fallout 1 worldmap.
Something for everyone, it seems. Ulysses for those who love story, original weapons for those who care for gameplay as well/J.E.Sawyer, U.S.A gimmick for Fallout-iness and, uhm, kaboom for average FO3 fan.

See the Divide, bi***.
Damn this looks good, the sky scrapers leaning at a odd angles and the desolation to me is what I pictured a city to be like in Fallout.

I am really really looking forward to this, it's gave me knotty pine for sure.
Looks like we get the Vault 21 jumpsuit after all. Just too bad I lost all interest after I got my beloved Vault 13 Jumpsuit. This has to be one of the best trailers I've seen yet. Can't wait for the final confrontation. I really want to hear the dialouge if you take the non violent route. Can't wait to see the ED-E upgrades.
I don't get it why all the hatred for Ulysses...

Other than that, the setting is pretty good, desolation and dystopian at is finest.
Shame they don't updated those nuclear explosions, FO3 default effect seems more like firecrackers than an A-Bomb. :?