Longest Surviving Headless Chicken

Yeah, I used to have chickens and when one of them lost some feathers and ripped some skin the others practically ate it, until it escaped and hid in a rubbish bin. Also, here in Blighty, a chicken killed someone on a bicycle by flying into them.
Mikey said:
Yeah, I used to have chickens and when one of them lost some feathers and ripped some skin the others practically ate it, until it escaped and hid in a rubbish bin. Also, here in Blighty, a chicken killed someone on a bicycle by flying into them.

CANNIBALS! Those barbaric monsters! Im gonna relish devouring the next plate of chicken I eat...

:twisted: ,
The Vault Dweller
I think I'll never enter a chicken ranch without a shotgun. These monsters are getting way too scary.
While chickens are intelligent, agressive and far more clever then most give them credit for, not all of them are evil. My Uncle had a guard chicken who made it virtually impossible for anyone to approach the southern most area of town (where our house was situated) at night. Anyone who did (from the outside) was attacked in a loud and alerting manner. Several times this warned us of people with ill intent attempting to enter from that direction.

Another time when I was 13, during a small fire fight the same chicken flew repeatedly into a man who had been preparing to fire at me and my cousin (who were hiding behind a small stone fence) The distraction from the chicken allowed my brother to overpower the would be Lauren Killer.

As you can see, chickens are brave, intelligent, and capable of the same heroic loyalty often associated with other animals. They also taste very good when prepared in a variety of wonderful ways.
Commissar Lauren said:
As you can see, chickens are brave, intelligent, and capable of the same heroic loyalty often associated with other animals. They also taste very good when prepared in a variety of wonderful ways.

Kick ass! I bet it would've made excellent fried breasts...

I believe you...now maybe if more people had them as pets their neurology would be better understood. I mean it could be one of the only pets you could not grieve over as it lays dead...you'd be eating it!

The Vault Dweller
Commissar Lauren said:
Another time when I was 13, during a small fire fight the same chicken flew repeatedly into a man who had been preparing to fire at me and my cousin (who were hiding behind a small stone fence) The distraction from the chicken allowed my brother to overpower the would be Lauren Killer.
I presume this DIDN'T happen in USA...?