Looking for a worldmap to use on your mod?

Thanks guys!

Unfortunately I lost nearly 7Gb of data due to a crash last night, I recovered my modding folder but I have no idea if the map templates are ok, to make matters worse scandisk changed all long filenames to dos 8-character format so none of my games, modding tools, or other programs that were in this hard-drive work.

I am going to have to put all modding projects on hold until I sort through my recovered data.
Sorry to hear about that Corpse. It a mighty big paint if that happens... (Time to back up my MR data again)
Of course you will have to remember to add in some craters here and there (Like LA in Fallout 1, heck, that had me staring at the map for a while) :wink:
Wild_qwerty said:
Sorry to hear about that Corpse. It a mighty big paint if that happens... (Time to back up my MR data again)

Totally agree with you dude.

Brutulf said:
Of course you will have to remember to add in some craters here and there (Like LA in Fallout 1, heck, that had me staring at the map for a while)

Definitely, I got a few crater templates but they need a little work before I add them to the map.

BTW, I checked the map templates and they seem to be ok; as soon as I finish sorting through the rest of my data I should resume work.
Corpse said:
Ok, I finished the basic US mainland map; all it needs is the hydrological and grid layer to be complete.

Ah! Understand your maps now. What I think DarkUnderlord was trying to say was "Why does your map look like a nuclear war occured there? I mean, the terrain is all devastated and all the cities look dead..." :wink:
What area of the USA are you basing your mod? north, east, central, west etc...

Just wondering :)
We plan on stretching from Colorado to Nevada, and possibly to California. The main plot of the game will all be east of previous Fallout titles, but we may include one or two cities from previous Fallout titles to revisit.
Sorry I have no idea where you are talking about, I may have to look that up on a map :)
Area you going to be east of FO1 or East of FO2? As FO1 was north of FO2
EnderWiggin said:

Do you still have the high-res version of the map, or did you lose that as well?

I lost the Jpeg versions but I still have the photoshop templates.
Sorry about the gravedigging and double posting, but I got an update to the worldmap project and editing the last message would have left this topic down in page 3.

So far I have only done the section below which we will use for the fanout project, but I have a high-quality image from the NASA site which covers the whole American continent.


You can find a full-scale low res and high res version through the links below, if the image fails to open copy the shortcut and paste it in the address bar of a new browser window.

http://www.freewebs.com/herrleiche/wmtmpx100_lowres.jpg approx 1.5Mb

http://www.freewebs.com/herrleiche/wmtmpx100_high.jpg approx 5.2Mb

These images are large (8853x3789 pixels) so they may not be displayed properly in some browsers.
Wild_qwerty said:
Sorry I have no idea where you are talking about, I may have to look that up on a map :)
Area you going to be east of FO1 or East of FO2? As FO1 was north of FO2

Other way around Wild_qwerty, remember the Vault and Shady Sands is on the top of the map in Fallout 1, and in Fallout 2 they are alll the way at the bottom. :wink: Great work, I'm glad you dug this back up otherwise I would have completely missed it for a long time.
Here are the links to the original files from NASA for anyone interested.

Covers entire American continent, approximately 230Mb.

ftp://veftp.gsfc.nasa.gov/bluemarble/land_shallow_topo_east.tifCovers Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania; approximately 720Mb

Here are their terms of use.

For all non-private uses, the terms of use are as follows:
1) The imagery is free of licensing fees
2) NASA requires that they be provided a credit as the owners of the

Beyond that, there are two requests by the Visible Earth team:
A) We request that you provide a credit for the Visible Earth,
as the location where you obtained the imagery, with a URL
if possible (http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/)
B) We further request that you provide a credit to the Earth
Observatory team that developed the imagery, again with
a URL if permitting (http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/)

Again, (A) and (B) are completely optional.
all as you need are the GPS location for jhe major cities included... Then build your homeamde cruise missile....
Europe anyone ?

Who do i have to dip in order to get a map of europe resembling the one 4 posts higher ?
Corpse said:
I spent a lot of time on the net looking for suitable relief maps to use in fallout 2 and managed to find a few.

Corpse said:
Ok, I finished the basic US mainland map; all it needs is the hydrological and grid layer to be complete.

Here is a scaled down low-res version with the city layer visible.


Every time I try to find a good source map for a Fallout world map I come up nil. I have to save all those to my hard drive when I get home!

Thank you! :)

EDIT: *Gives Corpse the biggest damn cookie you've ever seen*
slaytanic said:
Europe anyone ?

Who do i have to dip in order to get a map of europe resembling the one 4 posts higher ?

Just PM Corpse for the map. By any chance do you need a map of Yurop :roll:
@Slaytanic: I haven't worked on any Europe maps yet but may do so whenever I manage to get the file. If you want to work on it yourself however, you can find the original image through the link below.

720Mb, covers entire euroasian landmass.

@Calculon: Glad you like the maps, so far I have only worked on the area shown on the post above; but as soon as I get some free time, I may expand it to include the whole US. If you are impatient though I suggest you download the original image from the nasa link I provided below, the image covers the entire american continent and the detail is spectacular.


Oh btw, the file is only 240Mb.