Looking for a worldmap to use on your mod?

i got plenty of time

Corpse i have plenty of time to wait.If you ever manage to start work on Europe it would be great.
I am currently creating the setting for the game we want to make (it is not a fallout mod but it is fallout inspired) so it will be months till i actually need the map.
Anyways if you ever manage to do it i will add a BIG thanks to you on our credits ( like that really matters hehe ).
I really don't have the time to work on it myself and besides i hate getting into graphics all i know is programming.
No worries then, I am currently downloading the eastern half of the map but it may take me a while to finish the download.
BTW: the eastern half is only 400.8Mb and not 730 as I previously reported it.
Great Corpse it would be great to have a map of a post apocalyptical europe.
The project i am working on is a text based rpg coded in c++ with 2d graphics and it is based on the fallout pnp S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system.Just in case you were wondering.
Got one more update to the US map, I got rid of the green areas and changed them to the same colours used in the F2 map.

Here is a low-res sample.


EDIT 13-11-04 Image updated.

For a full-sized low-res sample check out the link below.

If it fails to open save the image to your hard drive and open it with any image viewer / editor.
Thank you guys, glad you like it.

It still needs a few rough edges smoothed out but it's almost there.
Ok, the long awaited Europe map has been finally downloaded; took me several nights on 56k to get the 400Mb image but it was worth it.

This is a very low-res sample of a scaled down version of just the European mainland; the full scaled version will be ready in a few weeks time.


Image edited using fallout 2 tones

Merged from 2 different source images to add the ocean layer.
I am impressed! It's a pity that no one's willing to do an Australian Fallout, since people would just cry Mad Max.
Well, I have the map of Australia which I cut from the same image I got the Europe map from.

What I don't have at the moment is the time or patience to take on such a massive project.

Maybe when Fanout is finished, I may give it a go but I don't see that happening for quite a long while.