Lord British Presents: Shroud of the Avatar

Although he is very infamous for betray NC, his vision of this game is quite interesting. Graphics are bad but I don't care about graphic. Problem is, that there would ve nobody playing with this near around me since they will play MMO or game that has looking great grapic lol.
TheWesDude said:
it is not a MMO. you did not pay attention

it is a single player game with an online social component. if you link your social accounts like twitter/facebook/whatever their stuff will show up in your game, and if you are playing at the same time, can join each others game.
I did pay attention. The MMO component is a crucial part of the pitch. A lot of this stuff makes no sense if it isn't online. Buying houses which are limited in a single player game? Paying taxes on your property in an offline game unless you pitch in $500+ (yeah that'll be difficult to mod out in a single-player game)? PVP as a crucial part of the pitch? It is more than just a social component.

This is an MMO pitch with the added option of maybe playing offline, which would seem to break a lot of the pitched ideas.
The enjoyment I got out of Ultima Online in it's early days shall never be matched or surpassed by any other MMORPG for all time - there, I said it. It shall be interesting to see what this develops into mind you. I shall keep a watch on this.
You should try EVE then. It's the only MMO that has as many amusing stories and shit as UO. UO stories are /great/
remember ImaNewbie?






New Update: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects...-forsaken-virtues-0/posts/425574?ref=activity

Some important information:

First, the game can be played offline, no connection required. The character used for the offline version of the game will not be useable in the online version of the game for obvious exploit/hacking reasons. We are going to investigate ways to export your online character to the single player version of the game but the offline character will not be importable into the online version.

Second, the offline single player version of the game for those who purchase it through KickStarter will not use any form of DRM. We had been holding off on committing to that because we don’t know what our final distribution system (Steam, GOG, etc) is going to be and some of them use DRM. We may have DRM of some sort on post-KS sales but we’ll commit to keeping KS versions DRM and “phone home” free for the single player version once launched.

Third, the offline single player of the game will not have any microtransactions. We know this is kind of a no-brainer since it is offline but we wanted to be perfectly clear on that since there was some vagueness in a few statements in one of our video chats.

This fills my heart with song. If I had more money, I'd throw it all at this project. ^_^

Unfortunately, I don't. Oh well. :(

Also amazing is that they seem to think it's rather simple to do something both EA and Blizzard can't fucking do. LMAO
So, they have finally released an update that explains in some detail how the online play actually works. Maybe they had before, I don't know, but I wasn't going to watch hour long chats just to see if they answered the one questions I wanted to know.

In short, it sounds like an MMO light. My impression is that they're essentially trying to create an MMO style experience without having to build all of the MMO server infrastructure. I am no longer interested in this project at all.
Is it wrong that the thing that interests me the most is the interview Richard Garriot will do with Noah "what's a paladin?" Antwiller as part of the 1.5 million tier reward? :lol:
Yes, because the thing that should interest people the most should be that this is a new game by the guy who created the best game of all time; Ultima IV. :p
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/wckfc-0WyPs?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Just watched video and I'm super happy I backed this. Looks like a good time. :)

Surf Solar said:
SimpleMinded said:
That inventory management looks really tedious.

You've never played the old Ultimas I take it?

Yeah, exactly like the old Ultimas like VII and on.
I bought the complete Ultima bundle in the GoG summer sale so I'm quite certain I will have absolutely no time for this new game. The last one I played in the old days was 4. Now I have 1-9 plus Underworld 1-2. No rent or PvP necessary.