Lovecraft-esque blob found in North Carolina sewer

Your testicles look like semi-amorphous blobs with sprawling sticky tentacles?

TwinkieTardino said:
s'what yr dad said when you were born.

Huh, maybe I can convince Blizzard to give me swimming-pools full of money for inventing Zergs some 14 years before Starcraft's release.
Our Bacteria Planet

Our Bacteria Planet

Condensate catch pans and drain lines offer a dark, damp environment for bacteria and fungi.

There is a point when a jelly like slime can take over.

The first sign is the backed up water, stained ceiling tile, carpet, the paper ... any paper ....maybe the stink as some poor S.O.B. has to clean out the snot like mess.

Bacteria, fungi; animal, vegetable, or mineral; don't care gotta clear it out and kill it.

Chlorine is your friend.

Any air conditioning condensate system can become home for The Blob!

(*403 error, originally cited commercial site@

It's the mid to large central systems, like in commercial buildings, particularly when the air flow is reduced by dirty filters ... but I'm sure your maintenance budget can afford that obsolete commodity, "manual labor" to do the simple seasonal maintenance, rather than risk calling in the big buck hvac mechanics ... for a mere dirty filter and a plugged drain line...

But, ..., one doesn't know these days because planet earth is one big happy *church of capitalism*.
'Labor' is bad.
Benefits to managers is-z 'good', is-z godly and righteous, particularly when the smart money types pump up the paper profits, cooing and grooming the investors with unsubstantiated pyramidal condo dreams, visions of Shangri-La!

So what side of the risk line are you on?

Sick building syndrome is a lot more then 'bad' air ... think what's living/breeding in that air ...

What's natural in this 21st Century irrationally exuberant economic riven ecotopia?

What does your facility manger drive?

Might be the clue ... where the bucks have stopped .... pleasant dreams.

(*403 error, originally cited commercial site@, First 'AD'-mendment - or bandwidth protections, Freedom Ain't Free! :revolution: )

(*403 error: Thanks Wooz, Wiki "" ... is your only friend, until the end, until the end, until the end. "" :cool:)

To quote the youtube comment "Dude it's not even a sewer it's an endoscopy inside a person. idiots . . ."

The camera movement is mechanical. You think they sent a robot into the sewer to film this?
TyloniusFunk said:
To quote the youtube comment "Dude it's not even a sewer it's an endoscopy inside a person. idiots . . ."

The camera movement is mechanical. You think they sent a robot into the sewer to film this?
No, but they regularly send in robots into sewers to clean and inspect them.
dudes. i live 45 minutes away from this thing.

1) yes it's a sewer.

2) yes it's a sac of worms.

3) yes this is very much a non-issue and boring.
The Channels Of Discovery!

The Channels Of Discovery!

In the 1990's the technology was available for your older urban municipalities to lease or own "sewer cam's".

My locality was a newly enfranchised sleeper community when there was only one color of Ford and the street car was THE inner urban transport.
The original farm houses had poop pits, cisterns, and hand dug wells that may or may not have been filled or 'capped' by concrete.
The new city laid out the streets, but a good part of the infrastructure was 'pay as you go'.
Decades of code changes mutated as the city/county sprawled *above and beyond*, and the post modern water treatment doctrine tightened up.
This ol' town was still sorting out the septic sewers from the storm runs in the '90's.

2009, it's a stark line item on the water/sewer bill that requests the reporting of any 'floaters' , if storm water floods your basement.

Property values do not rise with the biblically ordained tides of real estate dynasties, if your neighbors' sh-t percolates into your subterranean square footage.

Last time I rented a serious drain snake, 100' half inch cable, saw that I could rent a sewer cam too!


But no, no thrill for me, seen Roto Rooter videos of various explorations, on NEW buildings because construction inspection standards can be that bad,
(or good for those that took the money, and/or the pay off, and ran ... nand/nor it's all just another 'oversight', a management f-ck up, ... but --> profit is profit, amen).

Now one just institutionalizes the deficiencies by budgeting yearly the thousands of dollars it requires to keep the waste water flowing, congenital pipe blockage,
all just a part of creative accounting, YOU AND I PAY for this... for forever !!!1!

What a concept, stealth socialism by the business/capitalist elite, have the community and customer base PAY for the f-ck-ups! Got to laugh or I'd cry ...

Any way, any one of you snarky web crawlers can rent a sewer cam and virtually spelunker your 'hood!

Perhaps do some reality stalking by peeking up your 'hawt' neighbor's drain grates! Finance your kinks with exposes of septic in the storm system!

Win-win! (Just, stand down wind, please.)

If big-buck journalists can hire private dicks to wire tap 'celebrities', why can't the entrepreneurial private consumer explore the lowest, labyrinthian, Channels Of Discovery!

As an inter web blogging, 21st Century hero of the First Amendment, the gods of investigative snooping can anoint your knobs!
Years of c-RPG mazes, you all could vector in your mind's eye, a B grade bee line to, the nearest-dearest,
bikini bottomed laundry rooms and topless ping pong bunkers!

It's not a sewer, any more, it's your golden, glory hole to U-toob fame and fortune!

It may be sh-t, but it be teh new sh-t! ;)

TwinkieStabllis said:
dudes. i live 45 minutes away from this thing.

1) yes it's a sewer.

2) yes it's a sac of worms.

3) yes this is very much a non-issue and boring.

It won't be the day they arise from the sewer in the night to devour the populace. Since you said that I now look forward to the day it happens.

Could you also leave your webcam on at night so that way when you get eaten survivors that discover your body will put the video up on youtube?
I hate it when these things get explained by science.
It would be so much cooler if it had been some new species, accidentally manmade or something, a toxic waste critter that feeds on back-alley abortions that are a-floating down the sewers.
Or aliens. Why can't it never be goddamn aliens?
JetGirl said:
Because the aliens have cloaking devices.

Mad out of shit as it seems. But I guess that's the best possible camouflage they could think of in such environment. At least we know they're not fastidious :p